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Recommendations for parents on the selection of toys for children. Tips for parents on choosing the right toy for their child. Rules for choosing children's toys

We bring to your attention tips on choosing toys for children, which will help you figure out which toys are the best and safest for kids. Tips are short, but relevant and informative.

1. Safety is the first thing parents should pay attention to when buying a toy. That is, first you evaluate the toy in terms of its safety and only then think about other issues. The toy should not have too small elements and parts that do not hold well, as children can tear off such things and put them in their mouths, which is fraught with unpleasant consequences. In addition, toys should not have sharp corners, poorly processed edges and other flaws in production. In other words, the edges of any toy should be smooth and not harm the skin.

2. Purchase only certified goods.

3. Pay attention to the manufacturer. Well, if you have already met the manufacturer of this toy in different stores, and for more than one year. It makes sense to get acquainted with the names of the leading brands of toys.

4. Be mindful of age-specific features (for example, children under three years old should not buy toys containing small parts).

6. Pay attention to what the soft toy is stuffed with. The ideal option is a synthetic winterizer (foam rubber can begin to release harmful substances in six months). If there are small balls in the toy, evaluate the strength of the material from which the toy is sewn. Pay attention to how tightly the eyes and nose are sewn on.

7. Smell plastic and rubber toys (don't be afraid to make others laugh), you can even try them by mouth (if you are allowed, of course). The smell and taste are alarming - it is better to refuse to purchase them, they may turn out to be toxic.

8. All toys that have been certified in Russia are affixed with the Rostest badge and instructions in Russian are attached. Get in the habit of reading labels!

Educators are often asked questions about buying children's toys. Let's consider some of them:

My mother reproaches me for spoiling children with toys too often. She believes that they should be given only on holidays. And what is the opinion of experts on this matter?

Mom isn't quite right. If you have such an opportunity, you need to give the child joy not only for New Year and birthday, but also simply for the reason that you have a need to please the baby. Of course, to reasonable limits. And most importantly, do not manipulate the child's behavior by buying a toy. You don’t need to set a condition for the baby: “If you do ... then I ...” It is better to reward the child unexpectedly for him, with the words: “I love you so much! You were such a great guy today! Hold on!

My son doesn't go to bed without a teddy bear. He flatly refuses to drive without him in the car. Is it worth it to indulge his whims? I also had favorite toys as a child, but for me to behave like him ...

The situation should not make you nervous. It's even good that your child has a toy with which he feels safe. Psychologists believe that the presence of a toy "pet" helps the baby overcome the fear of loneliness, fall asleep. He can entrust him with his innermost thoughts. Experts even advise to acquire such a toy, especially if the child has increased anxiety and impressionability. By the way, such “friends-girlfriends” most often come in the form of soft bears, bunnies, dogs - reflections of animate creatures. Animated, but not able to speak like a person. So most of the time they are not dolls. And, of course, it is rare when they become transformer robots and the like.

Do not forget that aggressive games should not be left to chance, you need to monitor their content and safety for children. Direct children's aggression against the "world evil".

What is the best way to deal with old, broken toys and those from which the child has already “grown up”?

When getting rid of unnecessary toys, you need to follow two rules. First, never force your child to throw away toys, even if they are broken. With each of them, the baby is associated with positive emotions and experiences. These toys were his friends, playmates. This approach can hurt the child. If there is still a need for joint disposal, it’s better to cheat, tell them that you will collect them, take them first to the master who will repair them, and then give them to children who have no toys at all. So they will be given a "second life" - everyone will be happy. Secondly, do not throw toys away at your own discretion. Accidentally, you can deprive the child of his favorite toy. You might not even guess that it is exactly like that - it can look plain and even broken.

My friend scolded me for buying my daughter (4 years old) a purple elephant. But what's wrong with that? After all, children love everything bright, don't they?

So that the child’s perception of the world is not distorted, try not to buy crimson mice and green bears for the baby, and even more so “strange” characters; Think about how understandable this toy will be for your baby. Children prefer those that reflect the reality they know. And no matter how exciting the Fashionista Doll set, which includes replica show business accessories, your four-year-old daughter will be more willing to play baby doll with a bath. Thanks to our tips for parents on choosing toys for children, you can understand and learn a lot.

My child puts on a "concert" at the toy store every time. It asks so much that it is rarely possible to get out of there without a purchase. Refusing is simply unrealistic, but on the other hand, I'm afraid to spoil him.

The fears are correct. In the tantrums that some children throw in stores, the parents are primarily to blame. Not all kids are able to control their desires and emotions the way adults do, especially very little ones. And you don't have to try this ability. Buying a toy every time, you will not only spoil the child, but also fix the wrong behavior model in him. And if every time you take him out of the store without a toy, then you can also injure the psyche. The best way- try not to take the child to where there are so many temptations. Only when you yourself are ready to buy a gift for your child, take him to the store and give him a holiday.

My two-year-old daughter flatly refuses to share her toys with other children. How to teach her this?

At two years old, the time to share has not yet come. Children's egocentrism up to three years is quite a common thing. The kid has the right not to give away his toy until he has played enough himself. This, by the way, will help to understand why other children do not give him their toys. The baby perceives his things as part of himself. For the baby, he and his toys are one whole. A grown child will simply know that the things he owns will not cease to be his if someone picks them up. But after three years, the child begins to develop such personal qualities as kindness, the desire to please a person, and your task is to encourage this in him. At the age of 3-4, children begin to have a desire not only to share, but also to make gifts. And it makes sense to talk with the child about which toys can be given and which ones are not. After all, you are unlikely to be happy if your daughter gives her scooter to a friend on the playground.

How not to make a mistake in choosing a toy for your baby, because the range is so large? It is difficult to imagine what criteria should be guided in the first place.

Think about the development of what this toy will contribute to: sensory perception, outlook, thinking, emotional development, communication skills, creative component, personal qualities, self-control skills ... Having managed to answer this question, remember what toys are already in the baby's arsenal?

Perhaps, for the development of this or that quality, the crumbs already have enough games, and this time it is better to purchase a toy with a different purpose.

Remember what kind of toy the child dreamed of, what he drew your attention to in the store, what he wrote to Grandfather Frost.

Remember what toys he remembers from the children of your friends and acquaintances.

Be sure to ask yourself, would you like to receive such a toy at the appropriate age? If the child is still too small, think about what exactly she might like him.

No child's childhood is complete without toys. Someone had so many of them that they did not fit in one room, someone had only one doll or car, which for a long time remained the most expensive thing that was in childhood.

The choice of toys today allows you to satisfy the demand with any financial possibilities, because modern children's supermarkets sometimes occupy a separate multi-storey building. But are all toys good, can all help a child develop, learn about the world around him and bring up the best qualities in himself? Consider, from the point of view of psychologists, the main types of toys and how they can affect the behavior and development of the child.

First of all, we note that any child must have his own toy friend. It can be a doll, a soldier, a soft toy or something else. If other games that are not tied to the subject, for example, hiding behind the curtains for the bedroom or under the bedspread, roll your stroller serve to interact with parents and entertain the child's leisure time, then the friend toy performs other functions.

A toy friend is, first of all, something that helps a child in a life full of unknowns. Thanks to such a friend, the child will get used to being in the dark, taking medicine in case of illness. Toys will also help the child arrange his world in terms of psychology. Children can be offended by their toys, punish them, or vice versa, take care of them, decorate, play with them.

All this is extremely important for the proper development of your child. It is important to remember that in no case should he be forced to throw out old broken toys on his own. A child has a lot to do with his toy, and such actions can cause him a strong emotional wound.

All toys for children can be conditionally divided into three groups: toys symbolizing real life; toys that help to cope with aggression; educational toys.

The first group can include various sets of doll families, toy houses with furniture and rooms, children's houses, as well as household items and everyday life.

Toys that help the child to direct the inevitably recurring aggression somewhere include soldiers, military toys, and sports equipment. With their help, the child, playing, imperceptibly for himself, will become calm and complaisant.

Developing toys include various constructors, coloring books, plasticine, board games, cubes, pyramids and much more that will develop a child's logic, motor skills and other skills.

And remember, the main thing is not to forget to please the child and give him toys!

Age up to 1 year.

The birth of a child is the greatest miracle possible. The pace of development of this tiny creature is even more impressive. In the first year of life alone, several age periods can be distinguished when various educational toys come in handy.

First 3 months after birth, the child perceives only the contour of objects and their movement. Contrasts, a broken contour, a centric shape - that's what attracts the baby's eye. An ideal educational toy during this period would be a mobile suspended over a cradle, an arc with toys over a stroller or car seat.

From 4 months there are grasping movements from the hands to the object. The best toys will be, roly-poly, various balls.

At 5-6 months grasping reflex develops. And this means that in the coming weeks the baby will begin to grab, throw, pick up, bite objects. The first building skills appear - the destruction of pyramids from cubes. Note that the child is more interested in the possibility of destroying the tower than building it.

After 7 months“corresponding” actions appear: the child puts small objects into large ones, opens and closes the lids. Particularly interesting and useful during this period will be a variety of sorters, cups.

After 10 months the baby has the first functional actions. The child learns the properties of objects and their purpose. Together with adults, he masters ways of interacting with them. The child repeats the actions of adults. Ideal at this age will be strollers with dolls, household utensils, etc. Note that such a game is completely based on what the child sees around him. As a parent prepares food, takes care of the child himself.

In addition to object-manipulative actions in the game, the first creative impulses appear - drawing and modeling. It is more convenient to draw with wax crayons, wax stones or small thick pencils. Finger paints are popular. Something conscious in the picture will not appear for the next couple of years, but the kid will get full pleasure from the color and the kalyak-malyak.

Age 1-2 years.

The time that children can spend playing on their own is from 3 to 15 minutes. The child actively develops speech, a passive vocabulary is formed. It is interesting and useful to play the simplest puppet shows with the heroes of fairy tales. help with this. At first, only an adult plays the stories, over time, the child will begin to take part in these fairy tales, playing the role of some characters. Glove puppets are especially popular. The child continues to reproduce the actions of adults in the game with household utensils. A toy kitchen with dishes, a bed, a stroller - everything will come in handy in the baby's game.

Sorters are still in use - with their help you can study colors, size. For the development of fine motor skills, various lacing is good.

Age 2-4 years.

The main occupation of the child is the game and it develops, it becomes more difficult. The kid is able to play for some time on his own, talking for the heroes of the presentation. Many children love to carry one or more small toys with them. There is interest in their various variations. It is better to start with puzzles consisting of two or three parts.

You can try the first ones: memories, simple walkers, mosaics.
Games can be designed both for one participant and for two. If there are more players, the child may quickly lose interest in the game. Remember that children are very hard to bear losses.

Among the variety of children's toys it is easy to get lost. At the same time, a children's toy should not only please the child and be interesting to him, but also suit his age, be safe, and meet many regulations and standards.

The eve of the holidays is a time for choosing and buying gifts. Children's toys should be treated with special passion, since when choosing a gift for a child, you need to take into account many points at once.

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What to buy?

You do not know what exactly to buy as a gift, but the child has no obvious hobbies yet? Focus on age. So, children under one year old usually buy rattles, small plush toys, medium-sized cubes and pyramids of rings. For children from one to three years old, you can choose toy dishes, plasticine, mosaics or washable paints.

For children over three years old, drawing tools are suitable, such as a board and crayons, paints and felt-tip pens, and you can also buy various development kits. An almost win-win option is dolls with accessories, soldiers and cars, as well as toys in the form of animals or cartoon characters. Older children, already after the age of six, will be interested in radio-controlled car models, complex small designers, dolls and realistic accessories, board games, puzzles, machine guns, pistols, military figures, noise musical instruments.

Rules for choosing children's toys

When choosing a toy, look at it and examine it, read everything that is written on the package. It is important to pay attention to:

Material. The toy must be made of safe materials. Do not buy toys made from natural fur and tree bark, and leather toys are not recommended for children under 3 years of age. When choosing soft toys, it is worth remembering that they must have a dense and well-stitched pile, as they can shed. Bacteria also accumulate in soft toys, and they can become a source of infections, so this is not the best option for the smallest children and those who are prone to allergic reactions.

form. The toy must be free of sharp protruding parts, burrs and sharp corners that the child can get hurt on.

Color which should be as natural as possible. Firstly, this does not violate the child's understanding of the real world, and secondly, toys of "poisonous flowers" can scare children and contain "toxic" dyes. It is also worth avoiding black and bright red toys, they can be poorly perceived by the child.

When choosing, it should be borne in mind that up to 4 months, children see yellow best, then orange and red, and by 6 months they distinguish almost all colors of the rainbow.

Smell. Feel free to sniff the toy right in the store. It should not have a persistent unpleasant odor, and if it does, then it is made of "toxic" materials.

instruction, which is worth studying in advance, even before buying. Instructions for the correct use of the toy may be on the toy itself, on the packaging and on the label, or in the form of an insert. The instructions should include the following information:

  • about the need to assemble and install the toy by an adult (for toys that should not be assembled by a child);
  • by the presence of parts that potentially pose a danger to the child in case of improper installation of the toy (for a slide with a sliding board, hanging swings, rings, trapezoids, ropes, etc.);
  • toy operation and safety precautions;
  • warning about the possibility of accidents if safety precautions are not observed;
  • an indication of the storage of the toy in places not accessible to children under the age of 3 years;
  • about the need for regular checks of the main elements of toys (suspension devices, fasteners, braces);
  • instructions for using the toy with care to avoid falls or collisions that cause injury;
  • recommendations for the use of protective equipment: helmets, gloves, elbow pads, knee pads (for toys - roller skates and skateboards).

Warning labels. Pay attention to the rules for the safe use of toys. For example:

  • “Not recommended for children under 3 years old” - on toys that are dangerous for children under 3 years old;
  • "Attention! Use only under the direct supervision of adults" - on functional toys that are dangerous for children;
  • "Carefully! To avoid the possibility of entangling the child, remove the toy when the child begins to rise on his hands and knees!” - on toys used in a cradle, baby bed or stroller.

Topics. Buy toys that will not harm the psyche of the child. Psychologists do not recommend buying children different monsters, mutants, etc.

realism. Rospotrebnadzor experts recommend choosing toys that look like real animals or people so that the child can draw an analogy.

Sound- it should not irritate the ear and scare the child. If the toy has musical accompaniment, listen to all the tunes before buying and make sure that the baby is not scared. In addition, pay attention to the volume of the sound or the possibility of adjusting it.

By the way, when buying musical wind toys, pay attention to the places for contact with the lips of children - they should be made of easily disinfected materials that do not absorb moisture.

Details. Non-removable parts of toys made of hard materials, such as metals, wood or plastic, must be installed so that the child cannot grasp them with his teeth. If the parts are separated from the toy, then they should not have sharp edges and ends.

Child's age. When choosing a toy, be sure to pay attention to the age for which the toy is intended. In accordance with clause 3.4 of SanPiN, information on the age of children must be indicated on the consumer packaging or insert, for which a particular game or toy is intended, in particular:

  • up to a year (early);
  • from one to 3 years (nursery);
  • from 3 years to 6 years (preschool);
  • from 6 years to 10 years (junior school);
  • from 10 years to 14 years (secondary school).

Where do you buy toys?. Buy toys in specialized stores, do not buy toys "by hand" in places of unauthorized trade.

For the little ones

Rattles for infants have special requirements. In particular, they must not be painted or painted and must not weigh more than 100 grams. Choose dense and durable rattles - this is especially important if there is liquid inside the toy. Parts intended to come into contact with the lips of children should be made of materials that are easily disinfected and do not absorb moisture.

Consumer Rights

The buyer has the right to exchange a non-food product of good quality for a similar product from the seller from whom this product was purchased if the product did not fit in shape, size, style, color, size or configuration. This requirement also applies to children's toys, in accordance with Art. 25 of the Law of the Russian Federation "On Protection of Consumer Rights". You can change the non-food type of goods of good quality within 14 days, not counting the day of its purchase.

But it is worth remembering that the exceptions are electronic toys and non-periodical publications for children, such as books, brochures, albums, cartographic and musical publications, sheet art publications, calendars, booklets, publications reproduced on technical media of appropriate quality. These items cannot be returned or exchanged.

If, after the purchase, you have found shortcomings in the toy you have chosen, then you, as a consumer, have the right:

  • demand to replace the toy with a similar one (of the same model or article);
  • demand a replacement for the same product of a different brand (model, article) with a corresponding recalculation of the purchase price;
  • demand a commensurate reduction in the price (cost of the toy);
  • demand immediate and free of charge elimination of defects in the goods or reimbursement of expenses for their correction by the consumer or a third party;
  • refuse to fulfill the contract of sale and demand the return of the amount paid for the goods, that is, at the request of the seller and at his expense, the consumer must return the goods with defects, and the consumer has the right to demand full compensation for losses.

It's no secret that Small child learns the world around and learns to interact with it through the game. Parents often face a very difficult question: how to choose a toy?
Many mothers and fathers opt for unusual bright toys, or, paying tribute to advertising, buy intricate educational designs that are full of children's magazines or Internet pages. Probably, with this approach to the problem of choice, they compensate for the lack of such toys in their childhood. However, we will not advise you to seek advice from specialists, but we will outline the main criteria for preferences when choosing a particular toy among a huge variety.

What toys to choose for children correctly

What kind of toys are not there now - and whole fairy-tale houses for dolls and radio-controlled cars and flying planes and even miracle dolls, you really get lost in such a variety, you don’t know how to choose a toy so that it is really useful and interesting to the child. And in conditions of limited funds, in addition, I want to choose both beautiful and useful toy. In order not to buy one-day toys, you must follow some rules, the main of which is that the toy must correspond to the age of the child.

How to choose a toy for the development of fine motor skills in children of two to three years?

Matryoshka dolls will help your child learn colors and sizes.

How to choose a toy for preschoolers?

by the most the best gift there will be professional kits - "Children's Doctor", "Cook", "Driver". Children's stores have a large selection of such sets, they contain everything necessary for the reincarnation of a child and will help him better understand a particular profession.

How to choose a toy for a girl?

The choice of a doll (traditionally, dolls are intended specifically for girls) for a girl is an important and responsible event, because it is playing with a doll that develops a child’s imagination, makes him invent interesting stories about her. That's why you shouldn't buy a "ready-to-use" doll, dolls with loads of clothes and utensils, or robot dolls. The simpler the doll, the less outfits and accessories she has, the better. Let the kid himself come up with her name, profession or occupation, let him compose some funny story related to her or tell what she can do.

Now most of the toys are on sale already with a ready-made set of all kinds of decorations, pieces of furniture and a bunch of clothes, but it’s much better when a girl and her mother make more and more new items for her pet. Dolls, for which everything is already there from the moment of purchase, get bored very quickly and do not allow the child's creative nature to manifest itself. Of great importance when choosing a doll is the expression of her face. Toys become almost the best friends for little children, they try to imitate them and often mimic the behavior of their dolls. You should not buy a doll with a whiny or aggressive face, but often, after watching fashionable cartoons, children definitely want to buy some kind of cartoon monster. It is better to think carefully and weigh everything carefully before buying such a toy.

How to choose a toy for a boy?

For boys, instead of such a monster, it is better to buy a developing designer. It develops both logic and imaginative thinking. If the child does not like to mess with the designer, you can offer him to build a dollhouse out of it or a garage for his favorite car. In addition, there are more than enough varieties of designers now: multi-colored plastic, and magnetic, and soft.

As for how to choose mechanical toys, they again do not give any free rein to children's imagination. The child presses the buttons, already knowing in advance what will happen, what is there to think about and fantasize about? It's better to get him interested in modeling airplanes or cars than after playing with a robot for two or three days, he will throw it to hell and demand new fun for himself.

  • small parts and parts “on snot” that a child can tear off, bite off, which can cause suffocation if they get into the airways;
  • sharp corners, raw edges and other manufacturing imperfections. The edges should be smooth so as not to scratch the skin;
  • visible defects, whether it is a “curve” color, uneven assembly, asymmetry of parts, etc. All this speaks of the low quality of the technological process;
  • rubber toys (however, like the rest) should not have a strong smell.

I also prefer that there are no paper stickers on the toys. This is because the child will definitely pull it into his mouth and easily eat this paper, which is not very good for his gastrointestinal tract.

Rate the packaging

High-quality toys will not be packed randomly. This is more of an axiom than a rule. Polyethylene with vague pictures, incomprehensible blurry text - indicators by which you should refuse to buy, you should also not take toys without any hints of packaging. No packaging? Look for a tag. A paper sticker on a toy is again a reason to think.

Pay attention to the place of production, indication of materials, certification and safety, age restrictions. Imported toys must have a translation sticker. If in doubt - ask the seller for documents on toys.

Of course, the vast majority of toys are Chinese. However, toys are different and even among the Chinese you can find quite decent ones.

Even if the packaging is completely in Russian, the toy can be made in China. This has long been the norm for any country, you should not be afraid of this, but do not forget to inspect the toy more carefully.

Check the completeness and operation of the mechanisms

This rule applies to mechanical and musical toys. The seller is obliged to show and tell how the toy works, even if the toy does not include batteries.

I remember how at the checkout I even checked the top, as it turned out, not all of them spin equally well and quickly.

Agree, it will be extremely unpleasant if the toy breaks or refuses to work right in the hands of the child, and if you bought it far from home, then such a purchase can not only upset. There is not always a desire to go and return the toy to the store.

Choose toys for your child, not for yourself

This point is perhaps the most difficult. When we go to the store, it's so hard not to buy something for your child that you didn't have as a child. I think that many will agree with me on this. A toy not bought by age is the reason that the child will not be able to play with it correctly, and will probably break it or simply abandon it.

However, I note that indicating the age for a toy is still a relative concept. If you are attentive to the child, you will notice what he gravitates towards. Stacks objects one on top of the other - a reason to buy cubes, a designer, a pyramid. He tries to connect objects or vice versa - a Lego-type constructor for the smallest will come in handy. I like to roll objects on the floor - make a car park for your kid and roll animals, dolls or cubes. We noticed that the kid playing in the kitchen tries on lids for pots or hides his treasures in a frying pan - a great idea to get acquainted with insert toys, sorters or a logical cube.

Despite the age, we already have many toys that are designed for older kids. Toddlers who respond well to music will really like musical toys, and if the child is a fan of pushing buttons, then better than a gift just can't be found.

Criteria for selecting children's toys according to the age of the child

In psychology, two groups of children's activities are distinguished, which develop different areas of the child's psyche.. The first includes those in which the development of the meanings and norms of relations between people takes place. On this basis, the social and personal sphere of the child develops.

The second group consists of activities in which the assimilation of methods of action with objects takes place. On this basis, the intellectual and cognitive abilities of children, their motor and technical capabilities are formed.

At each age there is a main line of development, which corresponds to the leading activity. Priority types of toys at each stage of age development are determined, first of all, by this leading activity and are associated with its provision.

This does not mean at all that a child at 2 or 4 years old should have only the same type of toys. It is obvious that both social and personal, and mental and physical development baby occurs at all ages. Therefore, the child always needs different types of toys. In addition, there are certain toys that open up endless possibilities of play and that are needed at all ages (for example, balls, inserts, mosaics, etc.). And yet, for each age there are their own special toys that involve a certain mode of action and are most closely related to age characteristics and development objectives of this period.

Simplicity and accessibility

Sometimes it seems to adults that the more different properties and qualities a toy contains, the better. For example, a plastic elephant on wheels, which is both a train and a telephone. It would seem that such a universal toy opens up a wide variety of opportunities for a child's activities. But - such a "diversity" only disorients the baby. He does not know what to do - carry the elephant, feed him or talk on the phone. Moreover, it is impossible to fully perform all these actions. In this regard, it would be much more useful to “separate” the functions and offer the child three objects that are different and understandable in their purpose and mode of action.

Stimulation of active actions

The “usefulness” of a toy is far from being the only evaluation criterion. In it, as it were, the interests and tasks of an adult and a child intersect. It must bring joy and pleasure to the baby. Compliance with the interests of the child himself is the most important requirement for a toy, which, in fact, makes it a toy. But the interests and preferences of children and adults often do not coincide. Adults are attracted by external beauty, complexity, richness of details, or the developmental value described in the annotation. Children have slightly different "priorities". They may prefer a particular toy because they have seen a similar one from their friends, or because it looks like a familiar fairy tale or television character.

However, the main attraction for the child is the opportunity to do something with it.

In addition, the developing role of a toy lies in its ability to be not only attractive, but also open to a variety of forms of child activity. Objects that involve, albeit useful, but stereotyped, monotonous actions, can become material for exercises, training, but not for play. The game is a sphere of images, conventions, hidden possibilities. This is, first of all, a test of your abilities and finding out the properties of the object with which you play. Therefore, it must contain an element of novelty to maintain the curiosity and own activity of the child.

The toy should be as open as possible for transformations. Such universal and popular at all times toys as balls, cubes, inserts, dolls, due to their simplicity, are extremely plastic, allow endless complications, thousands of new combinations and cannot bore a child. Thus, openness to a variety of activities, flexibility and simplicity are important requirements for a good toy.

Encouragement of independence

The play activities of the child must be independent. The toy can be seen as a special item that allows him to feel confident in his abilities. It should be a support for independent actions of children, it should help to feel their competence and autonomy. Toys should contribute to the independent formulation and resolution of increasingly complex problems. The presence of not only a “mystery”, but also clues, will arouse interest and a desire to act. The subject of the game is chosen correctly if it contains guidelines for the child's independent activity that are clear to the child.

Ethics, aesthetics, culture

The social features of the toy include, first of all, the ethical aspect, which is most closely related to its educational function. The toy should, if possible, evoke kind, humane feelings. The presence in it of qualities that stimulate antisocial actions and feelings is unacceptable: violence, cruelty, aggressiveness, indifference, objectivity to the living, are unacceptable.

When choosing toys, you should always take into account the artistic, aesthetic aspect.
An important point in evaluating a toy is its connection with the surrounding social life. It is significant that the toys of each generation of children differ significantly (especially dolls, household utensils, vehicles). Obviously, using them, children master various social models. Through the game, preschoolers get used to tools, household items, furniture, clothes, cars, adopted in modern society for them. Therefore, the “modernity” of a toy, its ability to embody and convey to children the “spirit of its time”, should be taken into account in the assessment.

In addition, an important advantage of the toy is its connection with the cultural traditions of its people. The "traditionality" of toys has not only ethnographic or historical and cultural significance, but is also an indispensable means of educating and developing children. The domestic tradition is especially rich in this respect (Dymkovo, Gzhel, Sergiev Posad wooden toy). And, of course, it is important to evaluate the technical qualities of the toy. Strength and safety come to the fore here.

These are the most common requirements that must be considered when choosing a toy for a child.

For children of the first half of life, toys must have sensory brightness (visual, tactile, auditory appeal). In simple terms, the baby should be pleased to touch such toys, look at them, listen. The eyesight of newborns is weak, he is able to see small objects up close, therefore, it is not recommended to play with children under two months of age, tilting their head low over them. Toys should also not exceed the size of the child's head. Also, it is extremely undesirable for infant eyes that objects too large sizes. You should also choose toys in bright warm colors.

By 4-6 months, it is worth accustoming the baby and to other colors of the rainbow, due to the fact that children begin to distinguish colors sequentially. First yellow, then orange and red, blue and green, cold colors appear later, purple appears last. For the little ones, choose toys with even, smooth edges, no protruding sharp corners and easily detachable small parts. The voltage in electric toys must not exceed 12 V. The coloring must be resistant to saliva, sweat, wet processing. In the third month, the child begins to follow the toys that are used by adults. The kid follows the “movements” of the toy, hears its sound. It is necessary that the baby follow the movements of the toy to the left and right, turn the head, learn to look and see. Approximate listening develops the child's perception and gives the baby great pleasure, so it's best if the toy will sound. For example, a mobile, thanks to which cheerful and colorful characters move over the crib to a calm melody.

2-3 months - 1 year. With the help of an adult, the child learns to manipulate objects, which is the leading activity for this age period.

First of all, this requires that the mother and family members treat the baby as if he should be included in the game. Adults draw the child into communication with the help of a toy, the baby, reacting to the sound, turns his head at him and finds the toy with his eyes. A favorite toy can appear in a child even at three months. In order for the child to actively develop when he is awake, there should always be a toy next to him. Having reached three months, the child begins to look at hanging toys, grab and reach for them, which forms coordination, entertains the baby, forms coordination. The main thing is that at this age the baby should have light multi-colored plastic sounding rattles that need to be washed constantly. Try to offer paper with a soft edge, it rustles, changes shape.

Books - toys will appeal to the baby at 4-5 months, you can lay out and fold, look at, look at drawings together with an adult, show colorful pictures with your finger. The kid can also taste the book - in this case, switch his attention to something else. In addition to rattles, soft and metal toys are often given to a baby, which are worth the wait, because a metal toy can cause injury to a child, and soft toy must be kept hygienic at all times. It is recommended to give soft toys by the year and teach them to be gentle with them; a soft bear must be stroked, hugged, and put to bed together with the child. However, the case does not end with plastic rattles. The child will also like different rubber squeaky toys, these can be different animals, dolls. With such toys, you can arrange simple games, such as hide and seek. The adult asks the baby where this or that toy is located, and the child looks for an object with his eyes, finds it, stretches, or can just look. For children from six months, it is also necessary to develop motor interaction with a toy, the ability to perform an action and get a result. At this time, he is most interested in the so-called developmental centers, parts of which can be twisted, fiddled, while extracting various tempting sounds.

At 1.5 - 3 years old, the child needs new toys, at this time the subject activity becomes the leading one. The child begins to master correlative actions, that is, he gives objects a spatial position, for example, the child will be happy to collect pyramids and build houses from cubes, close boxes with lids, play with toys that are disassembled and assembled. At the same time, such actions also require the baby to take into account the properties of objects. For example, in order to build a pyramid correctly, a child must take into account the size of the pyramid rings, and sometimes their color. Children really like such operations with objects, but at the first stages your child will need your help, because he still cannot put together a complex object from its parts. First, the child needs to be shown how to assemble a pyramid, how to build a house out of cubes. Such operations also develop fine motor skills, and the child, in turn, can perform movements that require developed coordination of finger movements. In this regard, games with plastic Lego blocks or mosaics are very useful.

For the development of the baby, any of the listed games, insert games, pyramids, cubes and designers with large details are very important. From about the age of two, the child begins to be interested. At this stage, favorite things that mean to the child, favorite toys appear, which help to overcome difficult moments for the child, for example, separation from mother or admission to kindergarten. At this stage, teach your child to rock the doll, carry it in the stroller, lay it down and feed it. All these processes teach the child patronage, care, empathy. Since such a toy can become best friend for a child for many years, it is simply necessary that it be made of good material, be beautiful and durable. At the same age, the child masters tool items, such as:

  • spoons
  • cups
  • scoops
  • shoulder blades
  • pencils.

To master such actions, a child needs a radical restructuring of hand movements, which is of great importance for mental development. In this case, the result is not so important as the assimilation of the principle of using some object. For example, if a child scooped up sand with a scoop, then it does not matter that only a small part got into the bucket, it is important that the baby has learned the technique of using a new tool. IN early age the child collects and stores various natural materials: cones, seeds, sticks, pebbles, etc. These materials can be endowed with various meanings, except for aesthetic ones. At this age, the child likes to work with different materials, smooth, rough, shaggy. For this, books are used that have pages that are different to the touch. From the same age, children begin to be interested in the material, water, sand, cereals, snow, plasticine, beans, buttons. Indeed, it is at this time that the child realizes that he can create creations with pencils, crayons, paints. The so-called educational games and toys, such as constructors, various laces, and puzzles, are of great importance and widespread. Such toys are made specifically to develop various mental functions: memory, attention, perception, motor skills. Children love such toys, however, it is imperative to offer your help in case of difficulties, otherwise the child will lose interest when faced with the same difficulties. And such educational toys should not replace dolls and cars for story games.

At 3-4 years old, the baby begins to play role-playing games. in which he will need animals and dolls, this applies to both boys and girls. Insert games are suitable as toys when you need to put figures that fit along the contours into a plank with contours. Children will also like balls, rings thrown on a pin, simple designers. It is better to avoid "Lego" and similar designers, where the parts are firmly fastened together until your child has learned to build from simple cubes, first wooden, and then plastic. The use of wooden cubes in the construction requires motor skills and planning, because otherwise, the intended structure will fall apart. Starting immediately with Lego, the child will not acquire the skills of the ratio of parts and maintaining balance.

At the age of 4 - 5 years is the time for a variety of designers, mosaics, which provide an opportunity for the development of the imagination and creativity of the child. He is still interested in playing with little animals and little men, therefore, it is important that there are many such toys, the child will play with them at school, the zoo, the city. In this case, the child needs sets for story games (a barnyard, a repair shop, and you can buy something, and do something with your own hands from improvised materials). Try to choose toys that are versatile (it is difficult to play with a horse frozen in the run - such toys have their own scenario and limit the possibilities of play).

After 6 years, toys and games become very realistic.. The child is interested in the similarity of the model and the original, the functionality of the toy. Children really like complex small designers, especially those using batteries and electricity. Girls strive to accurately model adult relationships with dolls and accessories. Choosing a toy When choosing a doll or soft toy, pay attention to the material from which it is made. Soft, fluffy materials evoke positive emotions in children, while rough, cold materials cause a feeling of rejection in many. The ratio of the size of the head and body of the toy is also important. The shortened oval of the face of a doll or the muzzle of an animal, chubby cheeks, a small nose and large eyes evoke a patronizing attitude in a child. It is desirable that the doll can bend so that it can be undressed, it should not be too luxurious and expensive. Dolls will also require dishes, furniture, etc.

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