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Congratulations on Victory Day. Victory Day (May 9). A holiday with tears in our eyes: beautiful congratulations to veterans on Victory Day Thanks to grandfather for the Victory

This day is permeated with celebration,
Joy is in the air...
Veterans have a lump in their throat,
And there is sweetness on the lips of victory.
Congratulations on Victory Day!
It’s not in vain that in that difficult hour
Our great-grandparents
They died for us.
Therefore I repeat:
Happy Victory Day! Peace to you!

Our grandparents fought
Until the last, until complete victory.
We didn’t feel sorry for ourselves one bit,
May we sleep peacefully and eat our fill.

We carefully preserve their merits,
We thank you for everything every time.
We celebrate Victory Day with trepidation,
To whom we owe, we never forget.

On Victory Day let fireworks
They bloom in a peaceful sky,
Peace, happiness and goodness
I wish it to the people of the whole Earth.

May your childhood be happy
Loud laughter rings everywhere,
And brotherly, neighborly
Let all nations live.

Let the war be a lesson
To everyone living on the planet,
On Victory Day I wish
Keep peace for our children.

Happy great Victory Day to you,
Today we will shout to the world,
All people on earth should
Once again the grandfathers remember the feat of strength!

So let no blood be shed,
Will not stain human destinies,
May everyone have a great day today
This one will be glorified together.

Let the price of this difficult victory
They will never forget
May the memory remain forever
In the soul and in the heart to the end!

It is impossible to forget this day,
In our souls he rejoices forever,
It flows subcutaneously in our veins,
Awakens feelings of glory and pride.

Congratulations on Victory Day
And from the bottom of my heart I wish -
May there always be only peaceful skies
It was shining above your head.

Congratulations on Victory Day
And I wish that you
Troubles were unknown
In only joyful fate.

So that there are no sorrows, no resentments
And wars ring the most alarm bells.
Let the dove of peace soar in the sky
With a sprig of olive green.

Thanks to all relatives and strangers,
To those who fell under the millstone of war,
Forged victory at the front and at home
And he did not live to see the victorious spring.

Thanks to all the female soldiers and soldiers,
Who came out alive from terrible troubles.
And if there were gates of hell in the world,
Then they were destroyed by the one who took the Reichstag.

Thank you, dear veterans.
Clear skies above everyone,
Let the wars of past wounds heal
And there will always be peace in our native country.

Congratulations on Victory Day,
And although the years have already flown by,
We must remember like our great-grandfathers
They fought for freedom for us!

Thank them for our lives,
For all the brave battles,
The troops destroyed all the enemy
Until complete destruction!

Let there be blue skies
It's always over our heads,
After all, fighting now is absurd,
All people just need is peace!

Even with tears in my eyes
This holiday always passes
Let the dove of peace in the skies
The planet will be enveloped in goodness!

The most important day in our country,
It is celebrated throughout the world,
Let the fireworks never stop today,
In the best moments in the world!

To everyone who defended us with their breasts,
To everyone who defended the country to the end,
Glory and honor forever and ever!
Our great-grandfathers, grandfathers and fathers!

Clear sunshine for those who are alive,
Peaceful sky above your head!
Strength, strength and health to the grandfathers!
And our memory will never grow old!

The war is long over
But the whole country still remembers
How our grandfathers fought,
Motherland was protected.

We congratulate our heroes,
We will tell everyone about their exploits.
After all, they were able to give us peace
And let us live under a peaceful sky!

I gladly congratulate you on Victory Day! For many decades now, on this spring day, our entire country has been rejoicing in freedom, independence and peace, which our people were able to defend at the cost of incredible efforts! I wish that no generation in the future will have to experience the hardships of war!

Our dear veterans, with a feeling of deep gratitude we congratulate you on Victory Day today! Our sincere gratitude and deep bow to you for the peaceful sky, the happy smiles of children, for our Motherland. Your heroism, determination and unwavering dedication will be remembered forever. Health and long life to you. We are proud of you!

Many years ago there was a war,
She was a terrible disaster.
But victory came as a reward,
Happy military parade marches!

And the whole country rejoices, sings,
The people are having fun and celebrating!
Every spring at the beginning of May,
We are sad, remembering the dead...

And those who remained alive after the war,
Old veterans and gray-haired ones,
We sincerely congratulate you on the Victory,
We wish them happiness, joy and health!

Let the words of eternal gratitude fly to the whole world, louder than fireworks, to millions of people - to those who preserved this clear, blue sky, green fields and sparkling rivers for us, for Russia! We wish you to see this respect in the eyes of others. Health to you and your loved ones. Happy Victory Day!

Let it never be forgotten what an ordinary person did during the war. Soldier, peasant, youth and boy. They believed so strongly in luck, in the country, in themselves, and they knew for sure that they would not give Russia up to anyone. Let the fireworks fly up on this day, let the songs of those distant years be sung today. Happy Victory Day!

Today is Happy Victory Day,
Congratulations to everyone,
Peace and goodness to you,
We always wish
Our grandfathers and fathers,
They won theirs,
Didn't sleep, didn't eat,
And still they didn’t give in
The fascists were boldly kicked out,
From my native land,
And may the years be stormy,
It's long gone
We are still proud
And we thank you with joy.

Today we congratulate everyone,
Happy Victory Day,
May there be peace and laughter in life,
And let the troubles go away forever.

We give this congratulations to everyone,
So that happiness in the world does not end,
Let these couple of sweet lines
Read to all veterans.

On the great day of remembrance, Victory Day, I would like to congratulate everyone and especially the main heroes of the occasion - the veterans. Tell them thank you for their exploits, for the lives given in the name of saving the country. Wish you health, prosperity, material well-being, long years. Peaceful skies above everyone!

For the victory of our grandfathers
I'll read a couple of lines
Happy holiday
Congratulations to everyone today!
For courage, a bright feat
We owe everything to you!
Let's have a drink, brothers, without hesitation
We are front-line one hundred grams!
And then without relaxing
We will fill the glasses urgently,
And then one more time,
So as not to see the war for sure!

We remember, love, honor and know
That the blood was not shed in vain
Sprinkled drops on the banner,
She is for peace and goodness.

And even though sometimes life is merciless
Scourges you even without war:
You are strong in spirit, you have mercy
Don't ask, sons of war.

We, as descendants, on Victory Day
We will pay you respectful tribute,
For eternal memory legends
We will tell our sons about you.

This year marks the 74th anniversary of the great Victory over the Nazi army of Germany. This tearful holiday every year evokes great joy, sad memories and pride in ancestors for those who, fortunately, did not have to experience the consequences of the war. on this day they sound special. Therefore, the editors WANT to prepare something beautiful for all the children of war who came into contact with this human misfortune.


We previously published, but now we want to congratulate everyone on May 9th with beautiful congratulations in verse. Let us note that on May 9, in all countries of the former USSR, people will honor the winners, give flowers to veterans, talk about important things, watch war films and mentally ask that war “never again” come. On this day, of which there are already so few left, this is a way to express your gratitude.

Therefore, we have collected congratulations on May 9, official, beautiful in verse and prose, so that we can congratulate you on the great holiday. Write down a beautiful greeting in verse. These short congratulations on May 9 can be written in postcards and given to veterans.

Congratulations on Victory Day -
Happy legendary, bright day.
We wish peace in the house,
In society, in my native country.

We wish that in the world
Nowhere and never again
Didn't happen, didn't open up
No more war.

We want people
Protected, looked after
The world that our grandfathers
They brought it to their grandchildren.

The war has long since died down,
The blue sky is above us again.
Only the memory of the past is alive,
We will not forget this pain over the years.

Don't forget those young guys
That victory was getting closer for us.
With no way back
They only ran forward under fire.

Happy Victory Day! Let the birds sing
Let the planet be full of flowers.
The sky will be decorated with fireworks
In honor of the heroes who are no longer with us!

Victory Day is memorable and bitter.
Victory Day is a holiday for centuries!
Let's bow to the veterans together.
The country says “thank you” to you.

We survived. Saved. Forever in memory
To everyone who did not reach and did not live,
To those who are next to us today,
Wishing you all the warmth of your family and a lot of strength!

I wish you clear skies
And peace without war,
And the radiant sun,
Over the entire land of the country.

Relatives, loved ones - happy holiday!
Love, health, strength!
May every day make you happy
And it brought happiness.

Let the sounds be silent on this day,
Let time slow down,
Let the grandchildren remember the feat of their grandfathers,
They will honor their memory with silence.

May their unfading glory
Leave the fear of war in the past,
Let there be a peaceful state,
Let the children sleep and dream.

Let people believe, wait and love
Through villages and cities,
They will not forget your feat,
Thank you, veterans!

Victory Day is special for the country:
We remember the soldiers and the fallen.
Rockets will fly into the air for them
Yes, the sky will be colored with lights.
I guarantee there are no people who don’t appreciate it
An army feat of those who protected children.
I believe the blows of war are behind us,
There was only light and joy ahead.
Good health and warmth!
The birth of healthy, happy children,
The grandfathers who recognized them are a great example!

Congratulations on Victory Day in prose

In prose, formal is intended to help you express words of gratitude beautifully if you have to speak in front of an audience. in prose will be a real find for those who, in their own words, want to thank veterans for their feat before the Fatherland.

To congratulate you on the holiday in your own words, see the following congratulations on Victory Day in prose.

Happy Victory Day. The most important thing that I would like to wish on this day is what our grandfathers fought for - peace to you! May there always be a clear sky and bright sun above your head. I wish you health, joy and happiness on Victory Day. Let victory accompany you everywhere and always, let only kind and sincere people be nearby. I wish that the heart does not know pain and melancholy, and that the victorious march always plays in the soul.

Happy Victory Day! May the courage and heroism of this great holiday never be forgotten by anyone. Let the spirit of victory inspire your hearts and lead you forward to new exploits, successes and achievements. And may the whole world always live in peace, and may only this sacred holiday remind us of wars.

Happy Victory Day! This holiday moves away from us every year. But we must never forget about the heroic deeds that our ancestors performed in the name of freedom, honor and a prosperous life. On this holiday, I would like to wish, first of all, peace. After all, nothing is worth more than human lives, the tears of mothers, the broken destinies of a huge number of people. Let this victory inspire only good deeds and love for the Motherland. Let no one ever see war.

May 9 is not only a beautiful spring day, but also an unforgettable, memorable date - Victory Day. There are very few people left who are directly related to this holiday, to whom we personally must now bow at their feet and thank them for the peaceful sky above our heads. Let us wish the veterans health and longevity and promise that we will do everything so that our children never know what war is. And we will make every effort to preserve the memory of those who walked long miles towards this victory. Happy holiday!

We love Victory Day since childhood -
Parade, flowers, military march.
Keep the memory in your heart
About those who gave their lives for us.

I wish you to live under a peaceful sky
And hear the sonorous laughter of children.
So that the fear of war is unknown to you,
Appreciate your loved ones and friends.

Victory Day is memorable and bitter.
Victory Day is a holiday for centuries!
Let's bow to the veterans together.
The country says “thank you” to you.

We survived. Saved. Forever in memory
To everyone who did not reach and did not live,
To those who are next to us today,
Wishing you all the warmth of your family and a lot of strength!

Happy Victory Day, Happy Brave Day!
Let your hearts burn with faith,
May every day bring
Kindness, love in the eyes.

The sky remains peaceful
And you have to get a sword -
Just to remember our ancestors
And - just for the parade!

Happy Victory Day! Peace and happiness to you
And lilacs of violent boiling,
Let them spin in peaceful skies
Pigeons with snow plumage!

Peaceful days, calm flow
So that no one dares to break,
I wish you happiness, health, inspiration,
Meetings of pleasant, interesting things!

Congratulations on Victory Day,
An important spring holiday!
Only peaceful dawns
Let your dreams disturb you.

On this day I wish you peace,
Not knowing the horrors of war,
Remember what you fought for
Our glorious grandfathers.

Let only fireworks thunder,
Loud laughter is heard,
Only happy moments
They illuminate life with light.

Be quieter today. Light a candle in the house.
On this honorable holiday I want to wish you
Cherish victory in your heart, don’t forget about the price,
Which people paid so that we wouldn’t burn in the fire.

Take care of your family, write “I love you” more often.
Protect those in your ranks from all evil.
Let goodness and joy always rule the house,
Let the sorrows pass by - they have nothing to hold you back.

Happy holiday! Happy Victory Day! WITH new stories you!
Let this victorious hour be remembered forever.
All that the grandfathers achieved - peace, warmth and tranquility -
You guard steadfastly, with your firm hand.

I wish you on Victory Day
Only suns in the clouds
Peace, happiness, faith in tomorrow.
Live with a smile in your eyes.

Let love replace sorrow
The angel protects you the most.
Take care of your loved ones
And may happiness rush to you.

What our grandfathers went through
It's hard to imagine now!
Thanks to them all for the victory,
Because they saved us!

Thank you for the peaceful sky,
For drinking clean water,
Because we have enough bread,
Thanks to them all for freedom!

On Victory Day I wish you
So that there is no war,
So that there is no sadness,
Tears are no longer needed
This day is so beautiful
Gave us freedom
So that again no one in the world
I didn’t feel the pain of war!

On Victory Day I wish you
Long life, full of strength,
So that you are happy
May peace always reign!

May the sun be bright,
And health is like a rock.
From everything that is bad,
Fate saved you!

We celebrate this holiday with bitter memories, with tears in our eyes, and at the same time with the joy of finding a peaceful life. Many lives were laid down by soldiers for the sake of the blue sky above their heads, for the sake of peace and tranquility, for the sake of the future of our children. We are eternally grateful to those brave fighters who, despite a difficult and lengthy battle, snatched victory from the enemy. Every year there are fewer and fewer of our veterans, and this is a sad fact. Let's congratulate these brave people on Victory Day today, and put our souls into the words of wishes. Let the veterans feel that they did not fight in vain, that we remember their exploits, that we are fit to be our grandfathers, that we want to wish them health and longevity. Low bow to you, dear soldiers. May your life be easy and carefree, because in your youth you have experienced more than enough grief.

They rushed to attack more than once during the war,
And not because there was an order from the commander,
And at the call of the heart, it’s a shame for the Motherland,
Even though the end and the edge of death were not in sight!
But we won! Happy Victory Day, friends!
And may every family live happily,
May adversity and illness leave us,
Today we will sing a song about Victory Day!

It was not for nothing that you fought - you won the world,
They vegetated their youth in the trenches,
No sleep, no food, no hope - grief, war,
Your orders say so!
Happy Victory Day! Tears are flowing like hail,
Be healthy, nothing more is needed,
We already have everything else
Happy Victory Day! Glory, praise, honor!

You lost your youth in the trenches,
We fought, we fought, we were in hot spots,
On the front line, without vacations or days off,
And they didn’t know whether they would see their relatives again!
You had to endure horror, pain and fucking,
We will forever cherish Victory Day,
Congratulations, and may there be peace in your heart,
And the country will never forget your feat!

More than one generation honors and glorifies you,
This happens once every hundred years in history,
And the war happened in your lifetime,
And thanks to you, people live in the world!
Happy Victory Day, accept congratulations from the people,
We remember and honor you, veterans, know that
This is impossible to forget after a year,
Thank you for giving us the opportunity to be happy!

Happy Victory Day! And I won't hold back my tears,
Thanks to you, I am alive in the world today,
Thanks to you, a happy tomorrow will come,
Veterans! You are heroes! And it is true!
Let your hearts not be touched by sadness,
Let your children and grandchildren glorify you,
May fate measure out many years of life,
Let the dawn of your happiness not go out!

We would like to congratulate you on Victory Day,
We honor every second of your life,
This war has not been easy for you,
She took many soldiers to the grave with her!
But you didn’t retreat, you didn’t give up your homeland,
You went after victory confidently, you knew
That the enemy will be defeated by the power of the Russian spirit,
The enemy was crushed like an annoying fly!

Congratulations on Victory Day and we can’t hold back our tears,
We want to see you young, as before,
But time, unfortunately, did not even spare you,
And you didn’t take into account that fate beat you hard!
You left your youth in the war,
But they glorified the whole planet with their feat,
Low bow to you, be strong,
The wars of the year are behind us!

Let's not forget your feat! Happy Victory Day!
You took great troubles away from us,
Your wounds still ache
And the conversation about war is still relevant!
And we will never stop respecting you,
And we will always help you in any way we can,
For us you are heroes, eternal flame to you,
And don’t let the past pain bother you!

For the Motherland! Hooray! Happy Victory Day!
Our grandfathers laid down their lives for our freedom,
Eternal memory to them, honor and respect,
They gave us a happy continuation of life!
They will live in our hearts forever,
And our memory will be endless for them,
We pass on the history of the war from generation to generation,
And we remind you: we do not betray our homeland!

So that you and I can be happy,
Our grandfathers trampled the trenches with their boots,
In the cold and in the heat they boldly went on the attack,
Many found their death in the war!
How many tears were shed, how much pain,
But they followed Victory faithfully, with love,
And they didn’t just give up their homeland to the enemy,
Happy Victory Day! Let your medals shine!

Grandfathers! Veterans! Low bow to you!
We remember you! Believe our words!
We honor you, we are proud of you,
Happy Victory Day! We cry and have fun!
Tears of bitterness mixed with great joy,
After all, the sky is blue above our heads,
And above you, only bullets whistled,
But you won! You knew what you wanted!

A day of sadness and joy! Victory Day!
Your souls are touched by deep pain,
You have passed through death, you have known fear,
I want to carry you in my arms for your feat!
I would like to give you another ten years of life,
So that you can live calmly and happily,
And so as not to remember all the horror of war,
But nothing lasts forever on earth. Alas.

Victory Day! Day of National Worship!
Day of our second birth,
The day when tears choke
The day when you want to listen to your grandfathers stories!
Like sitting in a trench in the cold and in the rain,
How they attacked, did not sleep, and did not eat,
Like carrying a comrade for five kilometers,
How many lives were lost during the war!

Victory Day! Tears of grief cannot be held back,
Not every son was waited for by his mother then,
Not every father, husband, friend, brother,
And the war was to blame for this disaster!
But still, Victory was torn out with teeth,
And today we celebrate the holiday with you,
Eternal memory to those who died,
And health to those who have achieved the happiness of being with us!

Spring is beautiful, because today is Victory Day!
Sorrows and troubles are left behind,
We remember, we honor, we are proud, we love, we respect,
And happy Victory Day to veterans today!
Flowers at your feet and the flame of eternal flame,
We know the price of happiness and tomorrow,
The price is your life! This is sad,
But victory was yours from the beginning!

There are already deep wrinkles on your faces,
And twenty years of whiskey in silvery gray hairs,
But your feat is not forgotten by anyone! Happy Victory Day!
May sorrows and troubles bypass you!
You had enough grief in the war,
The damage done to the country was enough
Tears, pain, fear, death and cripples,
A difficult time has befallen you!

Our enemies were defeated in victory,
On May 9th they will pay us all their debts,
Defeat, shame, retreat, devastation,
We have gotten rid of the enemy spirit for centuries!
True, we paid a considerable price,
Many people have shed scarlet blood,
Thousands of soldiers did not return home
This is the price for simple peace!

Happy Victory Day! Tears are rolling down your cheeks,
Veterans! We are forever grateful to you
We owe you a debt, how can we pay it off?
Thank you for allowing us to be born!
Thank you for a peaceful childhood, for a bright future,
You gave us the best happiness,
After all, there is nothing more valuable than peace,
We are proud of you, every single one of you!

Spring! And May brings us Victory!
Everyone cherishes this day in their hearts,
Bitterness and joy, feelings mixed together,
It’s unbearable for you to remember this pain!
And we wish you that your souls will be calm,
Your fate has been befallen by enough grief,
Live a hundred years and never get sick,
And don’t regret anything on Victory Day!

Tears are choking, but joy is on the way,
Victory Day! Purely in a peaceful sky!
A bright future awaits us ahead,
It was not easy for the grandfathers to reach Victory!
Many of them never returned home,
Few were left with an uncrippled fate,
The price of our freedom is very high,
The age of soldiers of that time was terrible!

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