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Manicure for girls 9 years old. Children's manicure for short nails: photos of beautiful designs. Manicure for very young ladies

Children's manicure was invented not so that children would imitate adults, but so that their nails would also be well-groomed and healthy. For parents, there is no question of how to do a children's manicure. WITH early age their child, adults try to adjust the length of small nails. However, this procedure requires extreme caution and proper manipulation. Children's manicure at home can turn into a fun and painless procedure if done correctly.

Why do children need manicures?

  1. Children's manicure should be done so that children wean themselves from such bad habit as onychophagia (nail biting). Little boys and girls often bite the edges of their nails, which can lead to inflammation and loss of the nail plate. Psychologists and pediatricians have noticed that the main way to eliminate the problem is to trim the marigolds yourself. For teenagers, manicure is also useful - neat nails are the key to health.
  2. Children from 10 to 12 years old should already know the rules of hygiene and take care of their appearance independently. If dirt gets on your hands or under your nails, they should be washed and treated.
  3. A child’s body may lack the necessary vitamins and minerals for growth and strengthening of nails. A proper, varied diet is the key to nail growth and health. Short nails don't need large quantities microelements, so children's manicure with this length lasts longer.
  4. It will be interesting for children and teenagers to learn the basics of manicure. This is a creative process that allows you to create beautiful patterns and apply interesting details. Special manicure stickers with interesting prints have been created for girls and teenagers from 10 to 13 years old.
  5. During the summer, children are in constant motion. There is little time for nail care, but it is also necessary. If a child has a beautiful varnish on hand, he will be happy to do it with his own hands.

See how to do a children's unedged manicure.

Children's manicure procedure step by step

Children's manicure can be done for girls aged 10 years and older. At 11-12 years old they enter into adolescence, so at the age of 13-14 they will already be able to make beautiful nail designs on their own. Ideas for children's nail art are varied. The main condition is clean and healthy nails. At the age of 10-13 years, a girl can buy her first manicure set, which will contain several safe varnishes and a nail file.

Before teaching your child how to do a manicure, show him the necessary tools and materials for the job and their purpose. The files should be fine, the nippers should be safe, and the hand cream should not cause allergic reactions. All instruments must be treated with a disinfectant solution.

Children's manicure - step-by-step instructions:

  1. Treat the girl’s clean hands with an antiseptic (1-2 drops).
  2. Give your nails a beautiful shape with a fine-abrasive glass file. If the movements of the file cause discomfort, the nails can be cut off with clippers, leaving 1-2 millimeters from the nail bed. This is necessary so that the nail plate does not shorten in the future. After this, lightly sand the edges of the nails.
  3. In children 10-11 years old, the nails are very thin and soft, they are not fully formed, so their treatment should be careful. Children should not cut their cuticles - it is painful and dangerous. It is also not necessary to move it. If you plan to apply nail polish, push back your cuticles after your hand bath. Use an orange stick to remove cuticles.
  4. Sometimes hangnails appear around the periungual area, and if damaged, bleeding may occur. Use wire cutters to remove them. If wounds appear in the area of ​​hangnails, do not rush to treat them with brilliant green or iodine. There is a special glue BF-6 that stops bleeding and heals the skin.
  5. After treating your nails, you can give your hands a relaxing massage using baby cream. Children like this procedure, it improves blood circulation and tones the skin of the hands.
  6. If a girl is 11-12 years old, her nails can be painted with translucent or colorless varnish. There are also colored varnishes for children, which are used to make interesting designs. High-quality varnishes are absolutely harmless. They can be applied in preparation for the holidays, school events, or during the summer holidays. For school, very bright shades are unacceptable. Now many types of stickers, prints, glitter and rhinestones are sold, which can be safely applied to translucent shades.

Watch a video on how to create a children's manicure using stamping.

Options for children's nail art

A beautiful and simple children's manicure design can be created using colored varnishes, dotter or a brush. Nail art in the form of a cake is a laconic design for girls aged 11 to 13 years. For the procedure you will need: varnishes blue, white, pink, red, purple; nail file; dotter or brush.

  1. Treat your nails with a nail file.
  2. Take a blue polish and paint all your nails with it. When the layer is dry, you can proceed to the next step.
  3. Take a thin brush, pick up the purple polish, and paint vertical stripes from the edge to the middle of the nail.
  4. Using a clean brush, pick up the white varnish and paint a “cream” for the cake over the stripes.
  5. Use a dot to take a dot of red varnish and apply it to the top of the “cream”. You will get an image of a cherry.
  6. Using a dotting tool, take the pink varnish and apply dots to the “cream” area, imitating a confectionery topping. When the nails are dry, you can apply baby cream to your hands. Lightweight design is ready!
  7. A simple dots on colored varnish looks good - it looks cute and unobtrusive. Also suitable for children aged 11-12 years are nail art ideas with patterns of cartoon characters, with images of berries and fruits, geometric shapes and lines.

Many mothers think that getting a baby manicure for their children is not necessary. But they are mistaken. Manicure for children's nails is, first of all, health, and only then aesthetics and beauty. The procedure is performed on girls under 15 years of age. Until this age, active growth and development of the nail plate occurs. At about 15-16 years old, nails take on the same shape as those of an adult girl.

  • Children's nail plates have a thin and soft structure, so they must be handled with extreme caution. None of the procedures should cause discomfort or pain in the child.
  • For children, it is recommended to have an unedged manicure. The risk of injury must be avoided.
  • Some children have a habit of biting their nails, so the free edge is sometimes very uneven.
  • Children have a tendency to contaminate the subungual space, so experts recommend using warm baths more often.

  • Often the cuticle grows, but experts still strictly do not recommend removing it. Treatment of the periungual space should be gentle and safe. Careless actions can lead to deformation of the root zone and disruption of the natural growth processes of the nail plate.
  • Hangnails should be removed only after soaking.
  • Decorative nail design is optional. It is enough to get by with hygienic treatment of the plate and application of transparent varnish. To improve the condition of the nail plate, use varnish with medicinal properties. But for festive occasions, you can use a design with colored varnishes that matches the girl’s age. It should be recalled to use special high-quality products that do not harm the child’s thin nail plates.

Read also: Choosing the right manicure for a green dress

How is manicure beneficial for children?

  • Cleanses the subungual space from dust and dirt.
  • Weanes off the habit of biting nails (onychophagia). I don't want to spoil a beautiful design.
  • This is a source of pride for girls. There is even a special varnish for this with a bitter, unpleasant taste that you don’t want to try.
  • Develops the habit of taking care of oneself from a young age.

Mandatory conditions for performing manicure on children's nails

  • Children's nails and all instruments are treated with an antiseptic.
  • It is not recommended to cut your nail too short. You need to leave 1-2 millimeters of free edge. It is necessary to select scissors with rounded tips to reduce the risk of injury.
  • It is necessary to file thin and soft nail plates in one direction, using a file with an abrasiveness of 240. Experts recommend using glass files, which cause less discomfort.
  • Warm hand baths have a beneficial effect on the condition of the nails and skin of the hands. But it is important to choose mild hypoallergenic products that do not cause irritation. Herbal decoctions of calendula, celandine, and chamomile are perfect. They have an antiseptic effect, soften the skin, and heal small wounds and cuts. The water temperature should be comfortable for the child - 36-37 degrees.
  • Using a hand bath will remove hangnails without damaging the cuticle. To do this, use wire cutters or scissors with rounded ends. At this stage it is necessary to work especially carefully. If damage is accidentally caused, immediately wash the wound with hydrogen peroxide.

Read also: How to properly care for extended nails at home?

  • No need to cut cuticles! You just need to move it away. On sale you can find sticks with a rubber tip. When using such a tool, the risk of injury is reduced to zero.
  • After the procedure, you can soften the skin of your hands with baby cream. It will not cause redness or allergies. Alternatively you can use almond oil. At the end of the procedure, it is recommended to perform a light and pleasant massage of the hands.
  • You can apply a special water-based varnish for children to the records. It contains no harmful substances. Another option is baby nail stickers, which are easy to use and very colorful.

Children's manicure step by step

Are you planning to give your child a manicure at home? This is very responsible, as are many procedures that the mother performs. All stages of the process are not difficult to complete, but you need to do it very carefully! Every mother needs to master the technology of performing children's manicure!

Let's give step by step instructions performing children's manicure.

  • Get everything ready necessary funds and materials. You can find a children's manicure set in beauty stores or online that has everything you need. Although the range of such products is quite scarce, because children's manicure is a relatively new trend in cosmetology.
  • Boil the tools for half an hour and treat them with an antiseptic.
  • Prepare a hand bath with a decoction of herbs.
  • Place all the necessary supplies on the table so that they are easy to take. But don't put them close to the edge. It is better to keep all tools away from the child.
  • Wash your hands and your child’s fingers with baby soap. Wipe your child’s nails and periungual area with an antiseptic.
  • Seat your child comfortably at the table.
  • Use scissors to trim the nails, leaving 1-2 mm of free edge.
  • File down the uneven edges with a nail file.
  • Place the child's hands in a warm bath for 3-4 minutes.
  • Using a spatula, scrape away any remaining dirt and dust under the edge of the nail.
  • Carefully remove any hangnails.
  • Push back the cuticle with an orange stick.
  • Give your child a hand massage using baby cream.
  • If desired, apply a decorative finish or clear coat.

Modern mothers agree that a manicure for girls aged 12 is still necessary. Of course, this does not mean that the young beauty should have sharp, bright claws that will go against her cute image! How to properly give a girl a manicure? Read everything in order!

Watching her mother give herself a manicure, the girl dreams of quickly creating such beauty on her nails. A 12-year-old girl can already be taught to do her own manicure. First she does this under the supervision of her mother, and then on her own. It is necessary to offer the girl a simple design that she can handle without outside help.

A twelve-year-old girl is given a children's manicure. How is he different from an adult? What you need to know about children's manicure?

Three important aspects of manicure


  • Children's manicure experts strictly do not recommend touching the cuticle during manicure for children under 14 years of age. There is no need to move it, much less cut it! Even for adult women, the unedged manicure technology is more attractive and safe! The cuticle in children is still very thin. In addition, there is a risk of damaging the plate formation area, which will lead to nail deformation in the future.

  • If the skin has become a little rough, hangnails have appeared, then you cannot do without treating the periungual space! But it will be quite enough to trim the hangnails with sharp scissors or tweezers. And to soften the skin, you can make a warm bath of medicinal herbs: chamomile or calendula. The miraculous properties of these herbs have been known for a long time.
  • For girls 12 years old, it is recommended to trim their nails, leaving 2-3 mm of free edge. If you cut the nails right down to the base, this may have a bad effect on the processes of proper formation of the plate. Long nails will look too provocative, and on short nails you can also create a beautiful design. In addition, vigorous physical activity and insufficiently developed nail care skills can lead to the accumulation of dirt and dust under the nails. This length – 2 mm – is optimal to make it easy to keep your nails clean and to be able to remove dirt during the usual hand washing procedure.

Read also: Silver manicure: more shine, more solemnity

  • Carrying out a manicure for children requires the use of special tools. They must be safe. It is necessary to minimize the possibility of unpleasant sensations during manicure. It is better to use a file with an abrasiveness of 240, try to reduce its contact with the nails to a minimum. You also need to carefully take care of the safety of all funds.


  • Many girls have the habit of biting their nails. There is even a medical term - onychophagia. And the reason for the development of a harmful activity is psychological. In most cases, by the age of 12, fortunately, girls get rid of this bad habit. But there are cases when a similar problem exists even at this age. Doctors explain that loud screams and “slapping” fingers will not help a child get rid of the habit of biting his nails! You will definitely need the help of a qualified psychologist. But a beautiful manicure, funny figures on nails, painted flowers and hearts can keep a girl from this harmful activity.

  • A beautiful manicure for a girl of this age is a source of incredible pride, an opportunity to show off and stand out among her friends. Self-confidence appears, just like an adult lady who is confident in her impeccable appearance!


  • No matter how much a girl would like to make an adult design, you need to explain to her that there are certain rules that are followed in society. A bright red manicure, decorated with an abundance of shiny stones, looks simply funny on the nails of a twelve-year-old girl! It is necessary to choose a beautiful, discreet design that matches her age.

Read also: How to quickly dry nails at home: folk and professional remedies

  • During the holidays, you can allow a brighter design. It is possible to test colored varnish of not very flashy shades on your nails. But during school time, manicure should be done in calm colors, without flashy designs or flashy elements.

The most popular and easy manicure for girls 12 years old

Mom can allow the girl to play around a little during the holidays. Why not give your daughter a fun, bright manicure. The girl can try to make easy drawings on her own. It’s easier to make a design with your right hand, but it’s more difficult to draw with your left hand... You’ll have to ask your mom for help. But after training, the girl will also skillfully perform drawings with her left hand.

What simple designs should you start with to understand the art of nail art?

  • Happy peas The easiest way to draw is with dots. It's both simple and beautiful. You can place the dots in a checkerboard pattern or diagonally.

  • Pink hearts can be made from two droplets by carefully connecting them with a toothpick in the desired direction.

  • Cute bows- an attribute of childhood - very easy to draw. You can decorate all the records with them or just the ring finger.

  • Small flowers- a more complex option. You need to start with daisies or stylized flowers with five petals.

  • Funny faces will cheer up both the girl and her friends. Only real artists can depict cartoon characters on their nails.

There are plenty more interesting options: butterflies, animal prints, cats, cakes and sweets. Only to create such a design you need an authoritative and skillful older assistant.

Manicure for school at 12 years old

A school manicure should be calm and discreet. No matter how much you would like to paint your nails with bright polish, you don’t need to do this. You will have to listen to a lot of comments from teachers. And as a result, the beautiful coating will still be erased by the next day!

From this material you will learn what advantages a children's manicure has for caring for a child's nails at home, at what age it is appropriate to apply a decorative coating on children's nails, and you will also find photos with examples of design for a girl's nails.

Caring for children's nails at home is a mandatory hygiene procedure that parents perform on the fingers of their child up to 12-14 years of age. It's no secret that many 10-11 year old girls enjoy watching their mother beautifully lay out her tools on the table, do a manicure and carefully apply varnish to her nails, creating a beautiful design.

It also happens that a little girl, having perfected the moment, tries to apply her mother’s nail polish on her children’s nails, smearing the contents of the bottle onto all her fingers. Do not rush to scold your daughter for her desire to decorate her appearance... after all, she is trying to copy her mother in many ways. It is best to help a little fashionista get a children's manicure using the tools and materials from a special set for girls. The children's manicure set includes tools specifically designed for treating a child's still developing nails, as well as varnishes and paints that protect the structure of the nail plate.

By the way, many children under 10-12 years old have the bad habit of biting their nails, which not only can lead to the penetration of pathogenic microorganisms into the body, but also disrupt the natural formation of the nail plates. According to a study by experts, regularly caring for a child’s nails and performing a neat manicure on short children’s nails
instills from an early age a caring attitude towards your nail plates. More than 80% of boys and girls whose parents give children's manicures at home give up the bad habit of biting their nails.

At what age is it appropriate to give a girl a manicure with nail polish? decorative elements from nail art? Despite the fact that a baby already at 5-6 years old can persistently ask her mother to “paint her nails” with varnish from the manicure table, still postpone nail design for your daughter until 10-12 summer age. You can paint your daughter's nails, for example, for school ball or for some other important event for the child. But under the age of 16, it is not advisable to design nails for a girl too often.

When performing a children's manicure at home, it is important to take into account some anatomical and physiological features of the child's still fragile nail plates. Children's nails are characterized by a high moisture content, delicate cuticle and rather large pterygium. To file your child’s nails, use a manicure file of at least 240 grit (preferably glass). Handle your child’s nail plates very carefully so as not to damage the matrix (nail growth area) and to prevent hangnails from appearing. Spots and unsightly stripes may appear on the nails if false leukonychia appears after inflammation of the matrix. In addition, improper care of children's nails at home can lead to the formation of a shortened nail plate. It is advisable that the child always wears a neat manicure on short nails. To correct a child’s still fragile nails, it is best to use the tools from a children’s manicure set.


All accessories for caring for your child’s nails can be purchased separately or you can order a special manicure set.

a glass or “laser” file with an abrasiveness of 240 grit or higher (do not use a metal one!);

small wire cutters (not sharp);

small soft brush;

orange sticks;

Antiseptic (you can take hydrogen peroxide);

Baby cream soothing and moisturizing;

Liquid soap;

Softening oil;

Warm water in a basin;

terry towel;

for girls 10-12 years old. Harmless water-based children's varnishes (they are easily washed off the nails with warm water and soap).

- in the photo: set for children's manicure


It is important to note that the structure of a child’s nail plate is very vulnerable and is in the process of formation. Therefore, it is not advisable to grind or polish the surface of the nails even with a highly abrasive file. Children's cuticles should also be treated very delicately, using the unedged manicure method.

❶ First, fill the basin with clean, warm water to steam the child’s fingers for about 3-5 minutes. You can add 3-4 drops to water essential oil(neroli, sandalwood, tea tree or myrrh);

❷ Dry your baby’s hands thoroughly terry towel, and then apply the softening oil to the cuticle of each nail using rubbing movements. This treatment will prevent the appearance of burrs;

❸ Before treating children's nails with manicure tools, you must wipe the child's hands with an antiseptic (or disinfect them with a spray) and remove dirt from under the free edge of each nail;

❹ We correct the shape and length of the nails using a glass or laser file. Don't shorten nail plate to the base, and make a neat free edge of the nail (about 1-2 millimeters);

❺ Carefully remove all hangnails that appear around the nails with small pliers. Do not remove cuticles with manicure tools. You can push back the cuticle with an orange stick and then use special liquid(with a remover) to make a beautiful line at the base of a child’s nail;

Having improved the aesthetic appearance of your nails with the help of a children's manicure, you can apply a thin base layer and after the “base” has dried, apply moisturizing cream to the child’s hands;

❼ After the procedure, it is useful to apply baby liquid soap to the child’s hands and massage the hands, then wash them and apply a paraffin mask;

❽ If you want to paint a girl’s nails with varnish, make a beautiful nail design the day before children's party or gala event, then you need to clean the nail plates with a degreaser. You can, for example, apply a background layer of varnish in pastel colors and decorate your nails with children's drawings, stickers, and glitter.


Before choosing a nail design, discuss with your daughter her preferences, the theme of the upcoming event (at school, with friends or classmates on her birthday), and what thematic designs to decorate her nails with. Before you apply a design or sticker to your nail, you need to cover the nail plate with a base coat and let it dry. Now you can easily purchase ready-made themed stickers for children's nails. There are adhesive stickers, stickers in the form of patterns, and “translations” on sale. You can make a pattern on the base coat using a dot or a thin brush. After decorating the manicure, a fixative varnish is applied to the nails.

- in the photo: a beautiful design for a children’s manicure on a girl’s nails


Children often copy the behavior of their parents, especially girls. Mothers are happy to show their daughters manicure ideas; there are many options for teenagers. However, many are interested in at what age can little beauties paint their nails so as not to harm the child’s health.

Following their mother’s example, girls have a desire to take care of their appearance. From a very early age, a child will understand how important it is to be attractive and well-groomed. A beautiful manicure will help you get rid of the habit of biting your nails. Well-groomed nails will complement the image of the little beauty.

In addition, doing a manicure at home with your child can have a great time. This process will bring a lot of positive emotions, the girl will be delighted.

When can you get a manicure?

The age from 9 to 14 years is quite reverent; many girls begin to think about their beauty and pay attention to their own attractiveness. A manicure must be carefully selected to match your outfit; it is best to decorate your nails for a matinee or upcoming holiday. This will allow you to stand out from the crowd and feel like a real princess.

Choosing a manicure for a girl short nails, you don’t need to make the same design as mom’s. It is important to remember that the work is being done for the child. Bright shades, interesting and funny designs will be an excellent decoration for your nails; you can use children’s themed stickers.

Manicure for short nails for teenagers 12 years old

Before you start doing a manicure, you need to prepare your child’s nails.

  • First, you should treat your hands with a special product, then wash them with soap;
  • using manicure scissors, trim your nails and use a nail file to give them the required shape;
  • Children cannot cut the cuticle; they can only push it back with a wooden stick;
  • First of all, you should consult with the child and after that you can start working.

The most popular manicure options for teenagers 12 years old are the following:

  1. Animal images. The bunny looks beautiful on children's nails. Doing a manicure at home is very easy. To work you will need white, black and colorless varnish. First of all, the nail plate is covered with colorless varnish, white varnish is applied to the edge, and the ears are drawn. Using a black tint, the eyes and mouth are outlined.
  2. Children's nails are also often decorated with a panda. Drawing at home is also very easy.

Manicure for teenagers 14 years old

At the age of 14, completely different designs should be selected for a teenager; an important role should be given not to the drawing, but to well-groomed hands. Therefore, it is important to monitor the attractiveness of the skin of your hands and not forget about proper care.

It must be remembered that an appropriate design is selected for a school manicure. It is best to give preference to peach, beige, and white shades.

  1. French manicure looks attractive. Classic version which is suitable for any age. You can change it depending on your mood. Instead of white tips, teenagers often choose bright shades. You can also make a design on one nail, which will add individuality to the design.
  2. If you want to stand out from the crowd, you can use geometric shapes as a design.
  3. Teenagers' marigolds are often decorated with butterflies, fruits, and cartoon characters.
  4. The amber design looks attractive.

Manicure for teenagers 16 years old

When it comes to teenage manicures, we must not forget about the school season. Manicure should be light and not distract from the educational process. It is best to give preference to colorless varnishes; you can use sparkles and patterns for decoration.

Beige, pink, peach colors look great on the nails of young beauties.

School manicure for teenagers

  1. French manicure is a favorite option for many. Using your imagination, you can create different designs and delight yourself with amazing ideas.
  2. Classic French. This option Suitable for any occasion, you can use sparkles, rhinestones as decoration, you can combine different shades.
  3. Plain bed. The base is beige and pink shades.
  4. Use drawings to a minimum. It is advisable to give preference to the design on one nail.
  5. Newspaper design. Interesting ideas, which many schoolgirls like. Letters from newspapers make the design incredibly interesting.

Summer manicure for teenagers

If during your studies you should limit yourself in choosing a manicure, then in the summer season you can come up with various ideas and not be afraid of experiments. It is best to choose bright shades; there are no prohibitions. The most important thing is to pay attention to the length of the nails. A manicure for short nails for teenagers with bright designs looks great.

  1. For ideas you can choose animal faces, hearts, butterflies, flowers.
  2. Fruits are very popular. The nail plate is covered with a single-color varnish, and your favorite fruit is applied to the dried surface. It is best to use a template, this will allow you to do the job neatly.
  3. Patterns are often found on the nails of young beauties. You can choose any shades to match your outfits or shoes.
  4. Polka dots are a favorite pattern and go with any look. In the summer of 2017, this print is at the peak of popularity.
  5. Geometric shapes attract special attention, they can be made depending on your own imagination.

You can use beads and rhinestones as decoration, this will allow your manicure to sparkle with new colors.

  1. The nail plate of teenagers is very fragile, so you need to select special tools for the job. It is important to monitor your health, only in this case you will be able to do not only beautiful manicure, but also maintain the attractiveness of your nails.
  2. Before you begin, you should try manicure products on your skin. This is to ensure that no allergic reaction occurs.
  3. In order to maintain the health of your nails, it is better to use an acetone-free nail polish remover.
  4. Before applying polish to the nail plate, you need to degrease your nails. Thanks to this procedure, the manicure will last for a long time. Also, don't forget about the base coat.
  5. The fixer is an important tool that will allow you to preserve your manicure for as long as possible. It not only protects against damage, but also maintains your manicure for a long time. The fixative is applied only after the varnish has dried.
  6. Teenagers aged 12 years cannot cut the cuticle; it is best to push it back with a stick. You can use cuticle oil.
  7. Learn to use a nail file. Thanks to it, you can give your nails perfect shape. Movements should be soft and smooth.
  8. It is not recommended to use nail dryer; many products contain acetone. This will not only ruin the manicure, but also weaken the nail plate. It is best to use an ultraviolet lamp.
  9. Under no circumstances should you remove the nail polish using improvised means; you should use nail polish remover. You need to remove the varnish slowly.
  10. Be careful, hot water can ruin your manicure.
  11. Under 16 years of age it is strictly forbidden to have nails extended. This is due to the fact that they are still weakened and may not withstand the aggressive effects of manicure products. If a 14-year-old teenager wants to grow his nails, he should turn to the gel version. It is the most secure.

Teenage manicure has its own subtleties and should be performed with extreme caution. To be fashionable, it is important to explore the latest trends in 2017. However, everything should be in moderation. If a manicure is performed for a child, then the design should be selected accordingly.

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