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Treatment of hypertension in children. Characteristic signs and symptoms of hypertension in newborns and a selection of effective methods for treating the pathology. Possible consequences if left untreated

Hypertonicity is increased muscle tone of the body, which is expressed in excessive muscle tension. Almost all children are born with this pathology. This is explained by the fact that inside the womb they are constantly in an unnatural and uncomfortable fetal position, when the limbs and chin are closely pressed to the body. However, during the first months of life, hypertonicity in a child goes away with normal development.

Problems begin in cases where it persists for six months, a year, and even at an older age. To resolve them safely, parents must be aware of this pathology and know how to cope with it.

Each age has its own development norms and deviations from them. There are such parameters for muscle tone. They should be monitored by the local pediatrician who monitors the baby.

Sometimes parents themselves may notice that something is wrong with their child’s body. But in order not to guess from the tea leaves, you need to know at what stage hypertonicity is normal, and from what moment it becomes a pathology.

  • 1 month

Hypertonicity is most pronounced in a one-month-old baby, whose body is not yet at all adapted to the new conditions of existence. It can be seen in clenched fists, a thrown back head, and bent legs. The tone of the extensor muscles is much higher than the flexor muscles. When you try to spread the legs (this is only possible by 45°), resistance will be felt.

Norm: if a month-old baby, lying on his back, takes the fetal position - he presses his bent arms to his chest, the skin folds on his legs, spread apart, are symmetrical. When he lies on his stomach, he does not raise his head, but turns it to the sides, and also imitates crawling movements with bent legs.

  • 3 months

If the child’s body and muscles develop without pathologies, hypertonicity disappears in 3-4 months. However, if there are still any deviations, there is no need to panic: give the little organism a little more time.

Norm: the child holds the head, turns it easily in different directions, stretches out his arms, grabs the toy with his palm and holds it.

  • 6 months

Up to six months, the nervous system adapts to the conditions of the surrounding world, which are so different from those in the womb. A child only at 6 months learns to more or less control the movements of his skeleton and muscles. If by this time hypertonicity persists, immediate consultation with a doctor and timely treatment is required.

Norm: when the baby lies on his back, arms and legs are in a semi-bent state, the palm opens completely and actively reaches for the toy. He turns over on his stomach and back, sits down, tries to crawl, leaning on his outstretched arms, while opening his palms.

  • 9 months

It is at this age that hypertension can be treated so well with baths and massage. If your baby is not even trying to crawl yet, and his motor activity leaves much to be desired (provided that he does not suffer from obesity or other serious diseases), be sure to make an appointment with a neurologist.

Norm: The baby has high motor activity, he sits down, crawls, and begins to stand up if there is support.

When hypertension in children persists after a year, treatment procedures continue to be carried out. But if the situation has not improved by 1.5 years, the doctor is obliged to conduct additional laboratory tests and, possibly, prescribe another treatment.

Norm: The baby crawls, stands up independently, takes the first steps with support and independently.

  • 2-3 years

The situation becomes more complicated if hypertension persists for 2-3 years. It can manifest itself in walking on tiptoes (hypertonicity of the legs) and impaired fine motor skills (hypertonicity of the arms). Treatment and constant monitoring by doctors continue. Despite the fact that this prevents the child from fully developing, baths and massage can do their good work and eliminate this pathology.

  • 4-5 years

If a child continues to tiptoe or cannot hold a pencil in his hands at 4-5 years old, literally on the eve of school, this can become a serious problem. He will not be able to master the curriculum with his peers and fully develop. In some cases, they give a disability, someone places the child in a special educational institution. In any case, you cannot do without the help of neurologists.

If hypertension is diagnosed in children under one year of age, there is a chance to correct the situation through therapeutic measures. If no help was provided at this time or the cause of the pathology is a serious problem (genetics, for example), the risk of disability in the future is very high. To prevent this, you need to pay attention to the main symptoms of hypertension, which can persist from the moment of birth for too long.

According to statistics. As practice shows, in 6% of children, hypertonicity never goes away. school age. Despite this, with constant treatment procedures, 4% manage to go to a regular school, keep up with their peers in development, and by puberty (12 years) completely get rid of this disease. The remaining 2%, alas, are deprived of the joy of life, most often becoming disabled and students of specialized schools.


To determine hypertension in a child, parents must be extremely attentive. Eat general symptoms, which indicate the presence of pathology, can be seen with the naked eye. They concern the general condition of the child. If the muscle activity of certain limbs is impaired, the signs of pathology will be associated specifically with them.

General symptoms

  • Poor sleep: restless, short, anxious.
  • In a supine position, the arms and legs are tucked in, the head is thrown back.
  • Try to spread the child’s legs or arms to the sides (only very carefully, without pressing): you will feel strong tension and resistance to your actions; During this procedure, the child begins to cry, and when trying to separate the limbs again, the muscle resistance increases.
  • When crying, the head throws back strongly, the baby arches, and the chin muscles tremble.
  • Anxious, painful reaction to any irritants: sound, light.
  • Frequent regurgitation.
  • Refusal of breast or formula.
  • From birth, the baby manages to “hold” his head only due to constant, excessive tension of the neck muscles.

Hypertonicity of the legs

To see hypertonicity of the leg muscles in a child, place him in an upright position, supporting him by the armpits. He will try to take a step, and at this time you watch how he places his foot. If it’s on the whole foot, there’s nothing to worry about, everything is normal. If it’s on the tips of the toes, on the forefoot, there may be problems. This symptom is recognized only after 4-6 months. Previously, such experiments are not recommended.

If the child does not begin to crawl or walk, perhaps it is all about hypertonicity of the legs, but this is more likely a consequence of the disease, and not its symptom.

Hypertonicity of the arms

It is very easy to recognize hand hypertonicity in a child. Lay him on his back and try to spread his arms in different directions. You will feel resistance and your fists will be clenched tightly.

In addition to these main symptoms of hypertension in a child, a number of reflex tests can be performed. It is better if this happens under the supervision of a doctor, but if necessary, parents themselves can use them at home so that before going to the hospital they can be sure that there are problems with the baby’s muscles.

Medical terminology. Neurologists have such a concept as hemite hypertonicity - this is when the disease affects only one limb, and not the whole body.

Reflex tests

To carry out reflex tests, no special knowledge is required, however, if this does not happen in the presence of a doctor, adults should perform each movement as carefully as possible, without causing pain to the baby.

Still, only a qualified doctor can evaluate the results and draw the right conclusions. With the help of these manipulations, parents can only confirm or dispel their doubts.

  1. Sitting down by hands. The arms cannot be moved away from the chest.
  2. Step reflex. In an upright position, the baby tries, staggering, to take a step on tiptoe. If this is normal before 2 months, after that it is already a symptom of hypertonicity.
  3. Support reflex. When a child stands, he rests only on his fingers. Many people are interested in when hypertonicity of the feet goes away in children: it depends on the individual characteristics of the baby, but by the age of 2 it should no longer be there (normal).
  4. Asymmetric and symmetric reflexes. They are considered symptoms of hypertension if they persist after 3 months. The child should lie on his back. If you start pressing his head with his chin to his chest, his arms will automatically bend and his legs will straighten. Try to turn his head to the left - his left arm will involuntarily stretch forward, his left leg will straighten, and his right leg will bend. If you bend the head to the right, all his actions will be the same, but in a mirror image.
  5. Tonic reflex. Indicates pathology if it still appears even after 3 months. When lying on his back, the child straightens his limbs, while lying on his stomach, he bends them.

Data from reflex tests form the basis for confirming or refuting the diagnosis of hypertonicity in a child. It’s good if it goes away with age, according to the norm. But why do annoying complications happen? Who is to blame for the fact that your baby’s peers have been holding their head level and straight for a long time, while yours still tilts it back? Why does someone start walking at 10 months, while others continue to sit in a stroller at 1.5 years? There are reasons for everything.

About diagnostics. The diagnosis of “hypertonicity” can only be made by a neurologist.


The causes of pathological hypertonicity can be a variety of factors. Here you need to blame ecology, genetics, accidents, doctors and even the parents themselves. This pathology persists in the child for too long a time due to:

  • complications during pregnancy (intoxication, infection of the mother’s body);
  • and prolonged labor;
  • Rhesus conflict;
  • incompatibility of parental blood;
  • residence in a poor ecological area;
  • alcohol, nicotine, drug addiction in a pregnant woman;
  • increased intracranial pressure;
  • increased excitability;

Which of these factors played a decisive role in a particular case - only the parents or doctors themselves can know. In any case, you need to try so that all this does not affect the fetus, from conception to birth. This is the only way the pathology goes away on its own, according to the norms, during the first 6 months of his life. If a miracle does not happen, you need to treat hypertension with all the methods known to modern medicine.

Be careful. Hypertonicity in a child can be a symptom of a serious neurological disease (including cerebral palsy), which is why it is so important to identify it in a timely manner.

Therapeutic measures

When the diagnosis is confirmed after 6 months, the neurologist prescribes treatment for hypertension in children, which can be carried out in several directions at once:

  • relaxing massage;
  • electrophoresis, magnetic therapy;
  • mud therapy;
  • physical therapy, fitball;
  • heat therapy - paraffin baths and applications;
  • swimming;
  • aromatherapy: essential oils lavender, mint, rosemary are used as an additive to bath water or in aroma lamps;
  • drug treatment is assigned last, if all else fails.

Usually, for hypertonicity in children, medications are prescribed to relax muscles, reduce their tone, and diuretics that reduce fluid levels in the brain. Dibazole and/or B vitamins can be prescribed as additional therapy to massage.


It would be better if the massage for hypertonicity of the child’s muscles is performed by a specialist. Although this procedure can be carried out at home. It is recommended from 2 weeks for the prevention of this pathology, and from 6 months - for its treatment. Usually 10 sessions are prescribed, which are repeated after a while.

Therapeutic massage involves 3 types of influence: rubbing, stroking, rocking. Below is one technique for doing it.

  1. Use your palm (preferably the back) to stroke your arms, legs, and back. Alternate stroking with your fingers and grasping strokes with the whole brush.
  2. Rub the skin in a circular manner. Lay the baby on his tummy, rub with your fingers using stroke movements in the direction from bottom to top. Do the same with the limbs, first turning the baby onto his back.
  3. Take the child by the hand and shake it slightly. In this case, be sure to hold your hand in the forearm area. Repeat the same with your legs.
  4. Take the handles just above the wrist and rhythmically swing them in different directions.
  5. Grab your legs by the shins and rock them.
  6. Gently stroke your arms and legs.

Parents mastering the art of such massage should keep in mind that in case of hypertonicity, deep kneading, patting, and chopping techniques are contraindicated. The movements should be rhythmic, but at the same time smooth and relaxing.

Particular attention should be paid to foot massage, which, if hypertonicity is detected in a timely manner, will help the baby quickly learn to walk with the correct gait - not on tiptoe, but with support on the entire foot.


Water has a relaxing effect on muscles, and together with herbs it becomes an excellent remedy for hypertension. Therefore, doctors often prescribe medicinal baths with medicinal plants for children with this diagnosis:

  • lingonberries;
  • valerian;
  • sage;
  • motherwort;
  • lavender;
  • eucalyptus;
  • oregano.

Pine baths have also proven effective in treating hypertension in children. The course of therapy is selected by the attending physician. This can be a daily alternation of herbs with a break of 1 day and a total of 10 baths, or only one can be prescribed medicinal plant. Everything will depend on the age of the baby and his individual characteristics.

Appropriate care

Sometimes it is not enough to give a massage for hypertension or take the baby to medicinal baths. Often, competent care plays an equally important role in recovery and the success of therapy. But parents need to know the basics:

  1. If the child has hypertonicity in his legs, walkers and jumpers are contraindicated, as they increase tension on the muscles of the pelvis and legs.
  2. Creating and maintaining a favorable psychological climate.
  3. Calm, friendly communication not only with the child, but also with adults.
  4. The baby's room should have soft lighting, no irritants (loud noises, too bright toys), comfortable temperature, normal humidity, clean air.

IN Lately For some reason, it is considered normal if a child begins to crawl and walk too late. To reassure themselves, parents blame everything on individual development baby. The result is advanced hypertension, which had to be eliminated after six months. Lack of timely measures leads to serious complications and dangerous consequences.

This is interesting. Paraffin applications for hypertonic legs are called “paraffin boots”.


Many parents mistakenly believe that hypertonicity is not dangerous, as it is caused by the embryonic position of the fetus in the womb. This is the command of Mother Nature herself. However, this is not quite true.

There is physiological hypertonicity, which disappears without a trace after 3 months. It does not entail any consequences or complications. But the causes of pathological hypertonicity are serious internal deviations, which over time can affect the development of the baby as follows:

  • impaired coordination of movements;
  • if the hypertonicity of the legs is not removed in time, an abnormal gait will develop;
  • poor posture;
  • problems with fine motor skills: awkwardness, inability to make precise movements;
  • rachiocampsis;
  • delay in the development of motor skills;
  • If you do not relieve hypertonicity in the legs of a child under one year old, he will begin to crawl and walk much later than his peers.

The full development of a child in the first year of his life is one of the most important stages. Hypertonicity can seriously disrupt it, which will lead to negative consequences in the future.

The sooner parents notice the symptoms of pathology and take the baby to a neurologist, the greater the chance of a quick recovery without consequences. Posture, gait, learning success, and even speech skills can all be affected by increased muscle tone. Don't let this happen.

04.04.2016 3497 3

Hypertonicity in infants is quite common. Having heard such a diagnosis from a doctor, you should not worry, because increased muscle tone is not necessary big problems with health. The disease can be easily managed if treatment is started on time.

The first months of a baby’s life are the most difficult; during this period, his parents will have to be extremely attentive in order to notice in time their child’s signs of developing diseases. Hypertonicity in a baby is detected just in the first six months after birth. What symptoms are characterized by increased muscle tone? In what cases can this disease be considered normal, and when is it a pathology requiring drug treatment?

Symptoms of severe hypertension

In order for the physical and psychological development the child did not differ from the norm, he should have normal muscle tone. This means that even in a completely relaxed state of the body, the baby’s muscles must maintain some tension.

Many mothers notice that a newborn baby often tucks in his arms and legs and clenches his fists. In the first weeks of life, this is normal, since the child simply recreates the position in which he was in his mother’s tummy for nine months.

At 3-4 months The natural position for a baby is to have the legs and arms slightly bent and pressed to the body, as well as the head slightly tilted back. Muscle hypertonicity is also considered normal at this age. A characteristic posture for this condition is spread and half-bent legs, clenched fists, and arms bent at the elbow joint. When trying to straighten the limbs, the baby’s muscles resist.

In the event that hypertension the child is 2 years old is still observed, the disease develops into a more severe stage, comparable to increased muscle tone in an adult. In this case, drug treatment is required.

It is better not to diagnose hypertension on your own, but if you notice the following symptoms, try to see a doctor as soon as possible:

  1. The baby is restless and capricious, often cries.
  2. The baby's chin is trembling.
  3. His head is thrown back violently.
  4. The baby tilts his head to one side.
  5. The mobility of the child's joints is impaired.
  6. The baby arches his back.
  7. His thumbs are pressed tightly to his palms, his fists are always clenched, his arms are bent.
  8. The child reacts to an attempt to unclench his fists or straighten his limbs by crying.
  9. When the baby stands on his feet, he always curls his toes.
  10. The baby flinches from any noise, cries from harsh light.

Hypertonicity of the hands

With hypertonicity of the upper extremities, the child cannot extend his arms or does it with difficulty, experiencing discomfort. To cope with the disease and bring muscle tone back to normal, the child needs to have a massage.

  • Lay the baby on his back, take his palm and place it on yours.
  • Make light stroking movements, first on the inside of your palm, then on the outside.
  • This procedure should be repeated seven times with each handle.

Hypertonicity of the legs

Hypertonicity of the leg muscles in children is most common and easier to diagnose. This disease affects the child's motor activity. Children with hypertonicity of the legs later than others they begin to crawl, sit and walk.

In order to independently diagnose increased tone in the leg muscles, you need to take the baby’s armpits and place him on his legs, slightly tilting him forward. In this position, the baby begins to make movements that resemble steps. In the absence of hypertonicity, the baby will try to fully step on the leg, otherwise will begin to curl his toes or stand on tiptoes.

Another way to diagnose hypertonicity of the legs is to try to spread the child’s lower limbs 90 degrees. A healthy baby will react normally to this procedure, but a baby with pathology will resist and cry.

For hypertonicity of the legs, massage is prescribed. It is done as follows:

  1. The baby is placed on his back.
  2. You need to place one leg on your palm.
  3. Make stroking movements.
  4. The massage begins with the foot and ends with the thigh.
  5. During the procedure, try not to touch your knees. The massage is repeated 7 times for each leg.

Methods for treating increased muscle tone

If doctors have diagnosed hypertonicity in a child, massage is considered the main treatment, especially for hypertonicity of the arms. However, besides it, there are other effective methods in the fight against pathology.

  1. Gymnastics. The procedure enhances the effect obtained from the massage and relieves muscle tension. Gymnastics classes are carried out as follows: the baby’s legs are lifted up and swung to the sides, while the back and shoulder blades remain pressed to the surface. You can also play pat-to-toe with your child.
  2. Paraffin. Sometimes, in combination with massage and gymnastics, doctors may recommend that parents give their child wax boots a warm paraffin wrap. This procedure relaxes the muscles.
  3. Bathing. To relieve tension from your child’s muscles, you can bathe him in water with lingonberry leaves, motherwort or valerian. This procedure is done 4 times with a break of one day, then everything is repeated. In addition, it will be useful for your baby to swim or do water gymnastics.
  4. Osteopathy. This procedure is performed by a qualified specialist and is prescribed exclusively for neurological disorders from injuries received during childbirth. Osteopathy helps relieve muscle spasms and eliminates hypertonicity reflexes.
  5. Medicines. If hypertension in a 7-month-old child does not go away with massage, gymnastics and other types of treatment, the doctor may prescribe the following medications:
    • Muscle relaxant. Relaxes muscle spasms.
    • Neuroprotector. Helps improve blood circulation and improve brain function.
    • Diuretics. Reduce fluid levels and normalize brain functions.

Hypertonicity in infants is most often caused by physiological nature and does not require treatment with medications. Usually, massage, gymnastics and water treatments are enough to ease muscle tension and cope with the disease. The main thing to remember is that the process of restoring connections in the brain takes time, so increased muscle tone often lasts up to 7 months.

In this article we will look at what hypertonicity is, what manifestations of hypertonicity in a child, at what age to pay attention to these manifestations, how to diagnose and how to correct hypertonicity.

What is hypertension in a child?

In order to understand what hypertonicity or increased tone is, you must first understand what muscle tone is in principle. And then we can talk about “increase”, “normal” and so on.

Simply put, tone is tension in the muscles. The kind of tension that persists even in a state where there is no movement. This tension (tone) changes its severity depending on the age of the child.

A normal indicator is considered to be a more pronounced tone, and a gradual decrease in the severity of the tone in such a way that by 1.5-2 years the baby’s tone becomes approximately as pronounced as the tone of an adult healthy person.

Muscle tone itself is necessary, since it is thanks to normal tone that all movements (both of a newborn and an adult) are realized. Even seemingly static poses still require a certain muscle tone (just to keep the body in one position in space).

When does hypertension go away?

Let us consider in more detail the process of “gradual weakening of the severity of tone.”

When the baby is still in the mother’s tummy, he lies there very compactly, all his limbs are pressed together (at advanced stages of pregnancy) and the baby does not fully straighten his arms and legs. The baby also moves little with his body (not enough space). All the muscles of the child's body are tense. This explains the state of hypertonicity at birth. The tone remains elevated for approximately 3-4 months of the child’s life, and then begins to decrease in severity. This manifestation is usually called “physiological hypertonicity”, in other words, a normal phenomenon. Physiological hypertonicity is observed, as already mentioned, in all newborns, and persists until approximately 3-4 months. Manifestations of physiological hypertonicity:

  • Baby's hands clenched in fists;
  • Bent legs;
  • Head thrown back;
  • The child’s legs move apart by 45 degrees each; when moving apart, muscle resistance is clearly felt.
  • If desired, with some effort, you can unclench your fists and straighten your legs.

I repeat, the listed signs in a child aged 0-4 months are normal, and only after 3-4 months does the physiological tone begin to subside (if there are no pathologies).

As a rule, the flexor muscles are more tense (than the extensors). It is in this group of muscles that the tone begins to decrease first of all; this occurs in the period from 4-6 months.

If the manifestations of physiological hypertonicity do not decrease by 3.5-4 months (during this period the child begins to move much more actively), then the doctor has reason to talk about the child’s hypertonicity. This is not a disease, but rather a signal that not everything is normal with the child’s nervous system. Further in the article we will analyze everything regarding the child’s hypertonicity.

Note. It is necessary to distinguish whether the state of hypertonicity in a particular child is “situational” or permanent. Let me remind you that we are talking about a baby over 3 months old. Perhaps, at the moment of examination, the child is hungry, or he is cold, or his tummy hurts, or he has gas. All these factors affect the overall muscle tone, and it becomes increased - hypertonicity.Thus, if a child demonstrates symptoms of hypertonicity in a particular situation, this does not mean that the child has this condition in principle.

Causes of hypertension in a child

The main reason, as a rule, is a constant lack of oxygen in the fetus during pregnancy. Lack of oxygen is called hypoxia. It can be caused by various reasons, we will consider them below.

  • Stably elevated during pregnancy;
  • Strong early (at this time all the main systems of the fetus are formed);
  • Lack of iron in the mother's body (anemia);
  • Frequent illnesses during pregnancy (acute respiratory infections, flu);
  • Sedentary lifestyle during pregnancy;
  • Placental insufficiency.

The manifestation of hypertension can also be influenced by:

  • Rhesus conflict.
  • Birth injuries.

Hypertonicity in infants symptoms

As already written, many of the symptoms that “frighten” parents are completely normal, and are indicators of physiological (normal) hypertonicity (from 0 to 4 months). Below we will list the symptoms and conditions by which parents may suspect hypertonicity. But the final diagnosis will still be made by the doctor.

  • The child constantly behaves restlessly and often bursts into tears.
  • When crying a lot, your chin may tremble.
  • The baby may often arch back or throw his head back;
  • The child sleeps poorly and little.
  • All the time when feeding;
  • Reacts by crying to changes in sounds (even quiet ones), and to changes in the brightness of light;
  • He sleeps in a characteristic position: his head is thrown back, his arms and legs are pressed. When trying to change the position of the arms and legs, the child cries (and strong tension is felt in the muscles).
  • The arms and legs do not move evenly (one is tightened, the other moves more).
  • The head turns only in one direction (on the hands).
  • The head is tilted to one side more than the other
  • Walking test. The child is taken under the arms and placed (holding) with his legs on a flat, hard surface. If the tone is normal, then the baby steps with his entire foot on the surface. If the tone is increased, then the baby “walks on tiptoes.”
  • The same test, only standing (without walking), the baby standing does not rest on the entire foot, but only on the toes.
  • Hand-sitting test. When performing it, it is impossible to take the baby’s arms away from the chest.
  • Preservation of symmetrical and asymmetrical at the age of more than 3 months. If the baby's head is tilted towards the chest (while lying on his back), then the baby's arms bend and his legs unbend. It is this manifestation that should disappear by 3 months. And an asymmetrical reflex. If the baby's head is turned to the left (lying on his back), the left arm will stretch forward. The left leg extends, the right leg bends. It is this manifestation that should disappear by 3 months.

If you notice something from the list above in a child (aged 0-3 months), be sure to tell the doctor about it. Most likely, your fears are unfounded, but it’s better to check and calm down.

If after 3-4 months the symptoms listed above do not go away, then this is a reason to inform your doctor about it. Most likely, you will need to consult a pediatric neurologist.

As a rule, a neurologist can diagnose hypertension simply by examining the child. But sometimes (in rare cases) an ultrasound of the brain may be needed.

Treatment of hypertension in a child

The main requirement is not to ignore the manifestations and symptoms of hypertonicity (described above). If the doctor has diagnosed hypertonicity in your baby, then it is the doctor who will prescribe the procedures necessary for correction. These are generally the methods listed below.

  • Relaxing massage. The massage course should be 10-15 sessions. You need to repeat it once a month until complete recovery. If the massage “works”, then you will notice that the child’s motor skills are added and motor activity improves.
  • Physiotherapy.
  • Soothing baths. Like all corrective procedures, it is prescribed by a doctor. These can be baths with valerian, motherwort, sage, and pine needles. As a rule, they are carried out for 4 days, and then repeated after 10 days.
  • Aromatherapy (sedative).
  • Physical therapy, such as exercises on a large ball. During these exercises, the baby (with the help of mom and dad) rolls on a ball (on his tummy), alternately touching the floor with his head and legs.
  • Electrophoresis.
  • Paraffin baths (thermal).
  • . An excellent relaxant. And it is absolutely not necessary to look for a special pool and swim there. For babies aged 0 to 3 months, a regular adult bath is perfect. You can swim on your tummy or on your back, with parental support. You can use a special one for swimming. You just need to make sure that the circle doesn’t cause negative emotions and that the baby isn’t tense. Any excess stress is contraindicated; it is better to swim less (in the arms of mom or dad), but with benefit.
  • Drug treatment (relaxants, sometimes diuretics, to reduce the amount of fluid in the brain, sometimes B vitamins);

Important points in the presence of hypertension

  • If the tone of the legs is impaired (hypertonicity), walkers and jumpers are contraindicated, which are, in principle, harmful for all children.
  • For general hypertonicity: It is not recommended to dive while swimming, as this, on the contrary, increases tone.
  • Dynamic gymnastics is not recommended as it increases tone.
  • When performing all the above procedures, it is very important to monitor the child’s condition. Under no circumstances should the child become stressed from procedures (whether massage or baths). What is important is the relaxing, calming effect. If you undergo 10 sessions with the best massage therapist, and the child cries every time, then believe me, much more benefit will come from the same procedures performed by mom or dad.

Therefore, a good prevention of hypertension would be daily parental massage of the baby (from birth).

What is the danger of hypertonicity (without correction)

Hypertonicity occurs when areas of the brain that are responsible for the motor functions of muscles lag behind in their development. If after 3-4 months the child’s hypertonicity persists and is not corrected, this can lead to negative consequences.

  • Impaired coordination of future movements;
  • Improper formation of posture and gait (scoliosis, clubfoot);
  • Delays in motor skills and motor activity;
  • Delayed motor development;
  • Speech disorders;
  • Already in adulthood, pain in the head, lower back, back, and neck may occur.

How to prevent hypertension

Unfortunately, there are no guaranteed measures. There are recommendations.

  • Get your health in order not during pregnancy, but before conception. This will make it possible not to take unnecessary medications during pregnancy.
  • A healthy lifestyle during pregnancy itself. Definitely, definitely Fresh air. Definitely good. These three factors (air, physical activity and nutrition) lead to the prevention of hypoxia, and therefore to the prevention of hypertension.
  • After the birth of the child, what to do for him and what to do with him.
  • (after the umbilical wound has healed) in a large bathtub, “swim” it.
  • Don't miss doctor visits.
  • Closely monitor the child’s development, do not miss or ignore symptoms and manifestations that alert you.

In conclusion, I would like to urge future and accomplished parents: do not panic if there are manifestations of hypertonicity. With timely correction, in almost all cases they completely disappear by a year (approximately). Health to you and your baby!

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Almost 90% of newborn babies experience an increase in muscle tone. This is due to increased activity in certain parts of the brain. The causes of hypertension are both physiological factors and serious disturbances in the functioning of the nervous system.

What parents should know about hypertension

A constant excited state of muscles is called hypertonicity. The baby's legs and arms are always bent, and his fists are tightly clenched. Usually by 3 months the situation improves, and the baby’s muscle tone returns to normal. . If this does not happen, parents need to inform the attending doctor.

In addition to the fact that the baby tries to assume the fetal position while sleeping, hypertonicity also has other symptoms...

  1. Sleep problems . The child has difficulty falling asleep, is capricious for a long time and, despite being awake for a long time, quickly wakes up.
  2. While crying The baby's chin begins to tremble.
  3. Baby is acting restless , reacts even to quiet sounds and dim lights.
  4. If, supporting the baby by the armpits , put on his feet, a baby with hypertonicity will only step on his toes, and not on the entire leg. This sign is considered a clear symptom of increased muscle tone.

Cause of increased muscle tone in newborns

After the baby is born, his brain and nerve endings continue to function, and therefore do not fully perform their intended functions. U healthy baby by six months everything returns to normal.

What are the causes of pathological deviation of muscle tone from the norm?

  • A disease of the expectant mother, which was accompanied by chronic intoxication.
  • Increased tone of the uterus during pregnancy.
  • Severe toxicosis in the first or last stage of pregnancy.
  • Hypoxia of the baby's brain during childbirth or in the prenatal period.
  • Smoking and alcohol consumption expectant mother during pregnancy.
  • Presence of chronic pathologies in a pregnant woman.
  • The pregnancy period coincided with the treatment of acute infectious diseases such as herpes, toxoplasmosis and others.
  • Rapid or too prolonged labor.
  • Conflict between the Rh factor of mother and child.

Why is hypertension dangerous for babies?

If the diagnosis of the disease is confirmed, hypertonicity must be treated immediately, otherwise it will cause irreparable harm to the child’s health.

Deviation of muscle tone from the norm may indicate perinatal encephalopathy, leading to impaired coordination of movement and delay speech development. The child's ability to learn decreases. He may experience frequent headaches. Over time, your baby may begin to react to sudden changes in the weather, becoming more agitated.

How to treat hypertension

He makes a conclusion not only on the basis of a visual examination, but also based on the results of an ultrasound of the baby’s brain (neurosonography), with the help of which he makes a conclusion about the baby’s intracranial pressure. It is its increase that causes hypertension.

Depending on the degree of hypertension and the age of the baby, the doctor prescribes one of the types of treatment

Massage and physiotherapy begin with procedures that relax the child’s muscles.

After this, the baby is massaged in the following sequence:

  • Pens
  • Legs
  • Feet
  • Tummy
  • chest
  • backrest

During the procedure, stroking and rubbing movements are used.

Gymnastic exercises should evoke intuitive movements in the baby. Under the influence of his mother's hands, he should arch his back, clench his toes and try to crawl.

Relaxing baths and swimming

The relaxing properties of water, combined with soothing infusions, help relieve hypertension in newborns. From the age of one month, you can bathe your baby in a large bath, adding soothing and relaxing infusions to the water.

To relieve muscle tension use:

  • Lavender
  • Motherwort
  • Pine extract
  • Eucalyptus
  • Mint or oregano
  • Lingonberry leaves
  • Sage

While plunging into the spacious bathtub, kids enjoy performing swimming movements. Special classes in the pool, if necessary for the baby, are prescribed by a therapist or neurologist.

Electrophoresis Electrophoresis is a procedure in which, under the influence of different types current drugs are introduced into the body . The procedure is absolutely harmless for infants and is successfully used for hypertension. The procedure has a relaxing effect on the baby's muscles and improves blood circulation. For hypertonicity, electrophoresis with dibazole is prescribed.

Nootropic and vascular drugs


Medicines are prescribed to infants with severe hypertension and increased intracranial pressure in the baby . As a rule, the doctor prescribes vitamin-containing drugs, nootropic, vascular and diuretic drugs. Nootropic drugs improve blood circulation in the brain, diuretics reduce the amount of fluid in it.

Using medications on the advice of familiar mothers is strictly prohibited. Only the attending physician can prescribe this or that drug, the time of administration and dosage of the drug.

At the first manifestations of hypertension in your baby, consult a doctor. Timely treatment is the key to victory over any disease.

Video with Dr. Komarovsky on how to treat hypertension in newborns

Violations of tone occur in almost every baby in the first year of life. It is very important to identify the problem in time and help the child cope with it.

Tone is the minimum muscle tension required to maintain the body position at rest. A baby who has lived in the fetal position for 9 months tends to have increased muscle tone after birth. However, the norm is considered to be such muscle tension when an adult can easily straighten the baby’s legs or unclench his fists. An important criterion is the symmetry of the tone and its predominance in the flexor muscles. With age, the tone gradually decreases.

To monitor muscle tone, it is necessary to regularly show the child to the doctor. The pediatrician checks the baby's reflexes and evaluates the condition of the baby's muscles.

Self-control: normal muscle tone

Up to 1 month
Lying on his back, the child assumes the “fetal position”: arms are bent and pressed to the chest, fingers clenched into a fist, legs apart at the knees, skin folds are symmetrical.
Lying on his stomach, the baby turns his head to the side, placing his arms under his chest. At the same time, he bends his legs and imitates crawling movements.

From 1 to 3 months
The baby can stretch his arms forward and bring them to his eyes or mouth. Closer to three months of age, he begins to reach for a toy - for play and development. If you put a rattle in his open palm, he holds it tightly. He lifts and holds his head well while lying on his stomach, turns his head in different directions.

From 3 to 6 months
In the supine position, the baby's arms and legs are half bent, palms open. The child purposefully reaches out to the toy and takes it. Closer to 4 months, the baby learns to roll over from his stomach to his back, and closer to 6 months - to sit up and crawl. By six months, the child rests on open palms, rising with outstretched arms.

6 to 9 months
The child moves actively, turns over from his stomach to his back and back. Sits down, crawls and makes the first attempts to stand up.

From 9 to 12 months
The baby crawls, stands up and tries to walk, first with support, and then on his own.

Muscle tone disorders

Many babies in the first year of life experience various tone disorders: hypertonicity, hypotonicity and dystonia. There are “alarm bells” that can alert a mother. If such symptoms are detected, you should visit a neurologist.


Increased muscle tone develops as a result of damage to the nervous system and brain. Causes: hypoxia during childbirth, birth injuries, cerebral hemorrhages, meningitis.

Hypertonicity is characterized by stiffness and tightness in the baby. The child does not relax even in his sleep, his legs are pressed to his body, and his hands are clenched into fists. Newborns may experience head retention that is not typical for this age. It occurs due to increased tone of the neck muscles. There are attacks of intestinal colic, anxiety and sleep disturbances; frequent regurgitation, trembling of the arms and chin may be characteristic.

Why is it dangerous?
Reduces the speed of psychomotor development of the baby. Children with hypertonicity begin to sit up, crawl and walk later than their peers.


Decreased muscle tone is less common than hypertonicity. The condition is typical for premature infants, children with endocrine and infectious diseases. Severe pronounced hypotonicity may indicate an intracranial hematoma or serious birth injuries.

Children with hypotension have prolonged sleep, a sedentary lifestyle, rare crying and whims. During sleep, the baby's arms and legs are extended along the body, and the stomach has a “spread out”, frog-like appearance. Such babies suck poorly and gain weight; they begin to hold their heads up late.

Why is it dangerous?
With hypotonicity, the processes of sucking and swallowing may change. Possible breathing problems pose a serious threat to life.


Represents asymmetrical muscle tone. Some muscle groups are in hyper-tonicity, while others are hypotonic.

With dystonia, the child lies unevenly, arched, in an unnatural position. Characterized by asymmetry of skin folds and rotation of the head and pelvis towards pronounced muscle tension.

Why is it dangerous?
Muscular dystonia is fraught with delayed psychomotor development and impaired posture.

Treatment of tone disorders

Complex therapy for tone disorders is prescribed by a pediatric neurologist. Typically, doctor's orders include:

  • kinesitherapy (movement treatment, includes a course of massage and special gymnastics - active and passive);
  • physiotherapy (magnetic therapy, electrophoresis, mud, water and heat treatment, etc. - prescribed in courses, usually alternating);
  • drug treatment (in some cases, vitamins, drugs to reduce intracranial pressure, and drugs that improve metabolic processes are prescribed).

Timely diagnosed tone disorders respond well to complex treatment. After therapy, they disappear without a trace and no longer bother either the child or his parents.

Children with tone disorders need a massage from a competent specialist.
Children's massage therapists determine the tone of each muscle and carry out the appropriate
correction: relieve spasm or help increase tone. Unprofessional massage,
performed by a mother or grandmother can lead to a deterioration in the child’s condition.

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