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Concerns every worker: what parts does a pension in Russia consist of? Old age labor pension and under what conditions can one receive it?

What parts does the Russian pension consist of?

Let's take a closer look at how the old-age pension is formed and what parts it consists of. The insurance share of the pension is formed from part of the contribution that employers transfer for their workers according to the established tariff.

A larger percentage of the pension fee is spent on financing in the solidarity system than on the savings fund. There is a legally approved pension fee - 22% of the salary before tax deductions.

The contribution is divided into parts depending on age. If his year of birth was before 1967, then 16% is collected by a personal account in the Pension Fund insurance system. The balance of 6% goes to the solidarity part of the tariff.

For all other workers who were born after 1967, the contribution is broken down into accounts as follows:

  • 6% on joint account
  • 10% - on an individual account
  • 6% – for the formation of the personal accumulative part of the tariff

Accordingly, for those born in 1966 and earlier, the amount of benefits is calculated depending on the amount of contributions made for them.

The funded part is mandatory for all citizens who were born since 1967. A share of the contribution goes to the pension fund of your choice.

The assets of this fund are formed from such shares. They are invested in investment projects. The management company, which signed the PRF cooperation agreement, manages the finances.

To increase the size of the funded part of the pension, you can, at your discretion, contribute not only the mandatory 6%, but also additional amounts.

To form an accumulative pension capital, you need to submit a corresponding application to the Pension Fund. In case of refusal from further participation in the savings system, funds already transferred to an individual account can be withdrawn as a single payment immediately or as an urgent savings payment.

You can also accumulate funds while earning work experience in a non-state pension fund, which a citizen can choose independently.

Insurance experience

After the collapse of the USSR on the territory of the Russian Federation, changes in the calculation of time worked by a citizen changed repeatedly. Until 1998, Russia used the inherited calculation of years worked in calculating pension provision.

The amount of payments was calculated according to two parameters:

  • total working time
  • average salary, which was determined either for the two previous years of work, or other continuous five with the highest amount of labor income

When selecting the fourth item, the total number of years worked includes the following periods:

  • specialty training at a vocational school or technical school
  • acquiring professional skills at training courses
  • obtaining higher education or an academic degree
  • care for a citizen with disability group I according to the conclusion of a medical commission
  • maternity leave
  • maternal care for an infant up to 1.5 years (in total no more than 6 years)
  • residence of the wife with her husband in his service area, where he is absent in her specialty (without duration limitation)
  • the period of stay of the spouse with the diplomat in the country where he was sent in the absence of the opportunity to work for her (maximum 10 years)
  • all days of unjustified arrest, imprisonment or exile of a person during periods of wrongful criminal prosecution

There are still some periods before 2002 that are included in the number of days of service worked and are converted into capital, taking into account the increasing coefficient. These include the following.

A coefficient of 1.5 is applied for the following circumstances:

  • involvement in the liquidation of the exclusion zone after the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant
  • performing work duties in the climate of the Far North

Coefficient 2 is used when taking into account the following years:

  • work at enterprises, imprisonment in a concentration camp, residence in besieged Leningrad during the Second World War
  • performing military duties in connection with conscription

Coefficient 3 is taken into account if there are the following:

  • army or partisan service during hostilities
  • time of treatment in hospital due to injury while performing military duties
  • serving in the army on the territory of the exclusion zone of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant
  • fulfilling production duties in besieged Leningrad
  • period of imprisonment or serving a sentence due to wrongful criminal prosecution

In those cases when, according to the method of paragraph 3 of Art. 30 FZ-173 establishes a large amount of the total amount of capital for assignment; all of the above non-insurance periods are included in the total number of years of work experience either on a calendar basis or are not taken into account at all.

Before the beginning of 2015, the approved minimum years of work experience was 5 years. New rules have now come into force. This parameter will gradually increase annually by 1 year, starting from 6 years in 2015, until it reaches 15 years in 2024.

If a Russian does not have the required number of insurance years to assign a benefit, then he will be paid the minimum social pension. It has a fixed value, which is slightly lower than the insurance amount.

You can increase the size if you do not register it after reaching the age specified in the law and later leave the workplace. Each subsequent year of work will bring an increase to the amount of this benefit.

Note! Official length of service is confirmed only by work records entered on the pages of the work book. This number of working years may not be sufficient to determine the amount of pension payments. If an employee works unofficially under current conditions, then such length of service will not give him the right to a labor pension in old age.

The amount of earnings has a special influence on the size. At an enterprise, it is now possible to earn a minimum length of service with a large salary and receive a higher benefit than a low-paid worker who has officially worked honestly and conscientiously for 35 years of his life.

How does salary affect

Since 2015, workers have been given the opportunity to independently choose which benefit they want to receive from two completely separate types of labor pensions:

  • insurance
  • cumulative

These funds are formed in completely different ways. The insurance pension fund is created in a solidarity system from contributions from workers, which are used for current payments to the generation of pensioners. The funded type of pension budget is also formed from contributions, but does not participate in the current payment of benefits to pensioners, but is directed to investment in financial markets. The insurance type of pension increases due to indexation, but the funded type does not

The share component of the insurance pension, which often exceeds the fixed basic amount of this type of benefit, in the future depends on the amount of the contribution paid to the solidarity fund. Moreover, for Russians officially employed in production, fees are also paid by their employer.

As for the self-employed part of the population (notaries, lawyers, individual entrepreneurs, etc.), they pay all contributions for themselves.

Note! All fees paid for the worker are reflected in his personal account in the PRF. Subsequently, for calculating the amount of the insurance type of pension, these data are the main ones.

You should know that the annual amount paid to the insurance Pension Fund for each worker is affected by his age. For example, in 2010, a certain tariff was established on the levy for workers born in 1966 and earlier, in the amount of 20% of their earned income.

At the same time, workers born in 1967 and younger had to deduct 14% of the amount of accrued earnings. Every year the tariff is revised by the Russian authorities.

From the transferred funds, the share of the insurance part of the labor pension is separated, which is used to create an estimated pension capital. The size of the fund is annually indexed by a coefficient approved by the Government of the Russian Federation. These financial resources are used to pay three types of labor pensions:

  • dependents upon loss of their breadwinner
  • senior citizens upon reaching a specified age
  • people with disabilities

In the process of determining a pension for a Russian citizen, when he reaches the age approved by law, the entire base capital from the contributions paid is distributed over the months in the expected period for the payment of insurance benefits. To do this, divide the total number of all fees paid by 228 - the number of months in the expected period for paying pensions.

Differences in calculating insurance and funded pensions

With the onset of 2015, changes regarding the calculation of the insurance and funded parts of pensions came into effect.

Now the insurance share should be calculated not in ruble banknotes, but in points (coefficients).

In the future, when calculating the pension amount, it must be recalculated into ruble currency.

The cost of points will be approved annually by the Russian authorities and will increase according to the percentage of inflation.

When you retire, all points earned will be totaled and then multiplied by the set price.

To the final value you must also add the guaranteed amount, which is assigned by the state in a fixed amount (basic pension).

The result is the final amount of insurance benefits for an elderly citizen who has become a pensioner. There are special points that are assigned to a pensioner for uninsured periods of service:

  • military conscription
  • in connection with providing care for up to 1.5 years
  • service for a child with a disability or a citizen who has lived over 80 years

So, the right to an old-age pension is given to persons who have the required age, number of years of work and minimum scores established annually by law.

Components of a labor disability pension

Let's move on to consider the answer to the question of what parts the disability pension consists of.

Similar to the same methodology as in calculating the age benefit, the amount of the insurance part of the pension in connection with loss of health is calculated. The formula looks like this:

P = Const+ $/(V x K), where

  • Const – fixed value of the basic value of the labor pension for the disabled category;
  • $ - the total amount of financial capital, summed up by the contributions reflected in the disabled person’s account on the day the benefit was assigned;
  • V – the amount of expected time during which old-age pension payments will be made (for 2016, 228 months are accepted);
  • K-factor obtained by dividing the standard duration insurance period(the value is selected from the number of months depending on the age of the disabled person) for 180 months.

Legal acts reflect the following amount of time, representing the standard duration of insurance months by age:

  • up to 19 years old -12
  • from 19 to 20 years -16
  • from 20 years to 21 years – 20
  • and so on, increasing by 4 months for each year lived to a maximum of 180

As for the funded part, in contrast to the described method for determining the amount of insurance benefits for a disabled person, the adjustment coefficient K is excluded from the formula.

Pension legislation changes quite often due to the demographic and economic crisis. Persons interested in this topic should pay attention to the amendments coming into force. Information for readers is provided on the basis of the current legislation of the Russian Federation as of 2016.

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Future pension is formed through contributions employers to the Pension Fund - 22% of wages and transfers.

Since 2002, part of this amount, namely 6%, can be contributed to a funded pension, it accounted for in a separate account future pensioner.

16% is the insurance part. They differ in that the pensioner himself belongs only to the accumulative part, which he can then receive either in shares for each month, or lump sum cash payment.

If after his death there is something left on the savings account, these the money will be inherited to the closest relatives.

Upon reaching old age pensioner has the right:

  1. withdraw from the Pension Fund the money that has accumulated from the employer’s 6 percent contributions and receive only an insurance pension;
  2. receive an insurance pension and a funded pension: the amount of 6 percent contributions divided by 234 months (this average age survival rate established by the Pension Fund).

Attention! An insurance pension is the compensation that is paid to citizens at retirement age to replace their earnings during their working life.

It is assigned if a certain number of pension points and insurance experience (in 2017 – 8 years, from 2024 – 15) and includes all past employee contributions.

What does the insurance part consist of?

Insurance pension amount directly depends on the earnings from which contributions to the Pension Fund were paid. Every year a person pension points are assigned(IPC) depending on the amounts received by the Pension Fund.

Since in 2016 and 2017 the state established moratorium on savings contributions 6%, all 22% goes to the insurance part. One point is awarded for approximately 7,300 rubles of monthly salary.

However, depending on the number of IPCs only part of the pension depends, the second part is a fixed payment. At the moment it is 4805 rubles 11 kopecks.

Amount of future payments for old age is calculated using the formula: FV + IPKxSIPC, where FV is the established fixed payment, IPK is the cost of the 1st IPC, IPK is the sum of pension points. At the moment it is 78 rubles 58 kopecks.

The state establishes maximum number of IPCs, which can be accrued over 12 months. In 2017 – 8.26.

How is it calculated?

Let's intentionally simplify the calculation, accepting that neither the salary nor the amount with which receive 1 IPC, has not changed for several years.

The man worked for 15 years and received 20,000 rubles every month from the employer.

Thus, he accumulated 15x(20,000/7300)=41 IPC.

His pension will be 4805.11 (fixed payment) + 41 (number of pension points) X 78.58 = 8026.89, that is, a little more than eight thousand rubles.

Minimum payments in 2017

Individual pension coefficient cannot be lower than the value determined by the state when calculating payments.

Important! The legislation establishes requirements for the minimum amount of IPC required to receive an insurance pension.

Now it is 11.4. Thus, smallest possible size 4805.11+11.4x78.58= 5700 rubles 92 kopecks.

How do periods when a person did not work affect its size?

There are periods in a person's life when for one reason or another he does not work. Respectively, insurance contributions to the Pension Fund are not transferred, IPCs are not accumulated. However, for some of these periods it is possible get pension points:

  • 1.8 per year - during conscription in the army; caring for the first child until he is one and a half years old, a disabled person of group 1, an elderly person over 80 years old, or a disabled child; residence of spouses of soldiers and officers in areas where they cannot find employment (no more than 5 years); residence abroad of spouses of diplomatic workers and consular employees (no more than 5 years).
  • 3.6 – during the period of caring for the 2nd child until he is one and a half years old.
  • 5.4 – when caring for the third and subsequent children who are less than 1.5 years old.

All other periods insurance period and pension are not included.

Thus, all citizens of the Russian Federation who have worked not less than the period established by law and accumulated IPC from employer contributions to the Pension Fund. It consists of a fixed part and a part depending on the amount of earnings. Minimum pension amount in 2017, 5,700 rubles, average – about 12 thousand.

Every citizen whose age is approaching the age at which it is difficult to fulfill his duties as an employee applies for an old-age pension. During this period, people begin to worry about what pensions consist of, how they are calculated and under what conditions accruals are made. And these are not all the questions that interest future retirees.

Who is entitled to an old-age pension?

To retire, two conditions must be met:

  • The length of service at which the pension will be awarded.
  • The age after which a person can qualify for accrual of payments.

Despite these conditions, there are a number of exceptions to the rules. They concern not only the gender of the future pensioner, but also the working conditions in which the person worked for the time necessary to retire. Moreover, some areas of activity allow people ahead of schedule go on a well-deserved rest. In other cases, the pension is calculated according to the general rules.

Types of pension

These payments were divided. Now it is more difficult for citizens to understand what pensions should be assigned to them, as well as what pensions the old-age pension consists of. There are three types of old-age benefits:

  • social;
  • labor;
  • insurance.

A pensioner has the right to receive any of these. Moreover, according to the government’s plan, the work type will gradually be replaced by the insurance type so that there is no confusion.

Amount of charges

The labor pension consists of parts. There was a time when accruals were carried out according to general schemes. Now, benefits are calculated individually for each person. Therefore, it is important for future retirees to know what pensions consist of.

According to the new standards, this type of payment consists of the following parts:

  • Experience. It must be at least seven years in 2017, and one year will be added every year. So, by 2025, the experience should be 15 years.
  • Individual calculation coefficient.
  • Length of work during which contributions were made to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation.
  • The total amount of contributions made by the employer.

According to the new calculations, pensioners are assigned a payment that is proportional to their length of service and the amount of contributions to the Pension Fund.

Individual coefficient

Knowing what parts a pension consists of, people wonder about the coefficient. Since 2015, when calculating the pension, the number of points accrued according to the amount of salary and period of work, which is included in the length of service, is taken into account. For mothers, periods of caring for children under the age of one and a half years will be included in their work experience. The total amount of pension points will be calculated monthly. Twice a year, points will be converted into monetary units. This year, 1 point is equal to 78 rubles.

By 2025, the government plans to increase the number of points to 30. Moreover, this figure will be minimal. In 2025, a pension will be accrued if a citizen has at least 15 years of experience and 30 points. If the points or length of service are not enough to reach the minimum level, then a social pension will be assigned for old age. This year it amounts to almost 5,000 rubles. Since the pension cannot be lower than the subsistence level, accruals will be made to it, which will allow the pensioner to receive benefits in the amount of the minimum subsistence level in his region.

Old age pension

For those who meet the standards for calculating an old-age pension, an appropriate calculation will be made. What parts does the old-age pension consist of? According to the new legislation, this type of benefit consists of insurance and savings parts.

The insurance is a guaranteed amount of payment that is assigned to each pensioner. To be appointed, it is enough to have a minimum of experience, meet the age limit and score the appropriate number of points. Also, the minimum amount threshold may be increased. This is influenced by the following factors:

  • age over 80 years;
  • receiving disability;
  • achievement retirement age and the presence of dependents.

According to the new legislation, women's insurance coverage includes the period of childcare, and men - the time they served in the army.

Benefits for certain categories of citizens

  • bonuses for length of service;
  • title payment;
  • payment for the position.

Knowing what military pensions consist of is not enough. It is necessary to follow all innovations regarding calculations. You should understand what pensions the old-age pension consists of. Today, military pensioners are paid the calculated portion of their salary, but from 2025 the government plans to increase pension payments for this category of citizens to 100% of the salary.

Working pensioners

Pensioners who are still working at the time of retirement are not advised by Pension Fund employees to rush into a well-deserved retirement. An incentive system has been developed for such citizens. If you voluntarily refuse early or timely retirement, the amount of future benefits increases. Moreover, not only contributions grow, but also points. For such people there is a special system for calculating them.

For those who decide to continue working, restrictions have been developed. Previously, upon reaching a certain age, benefits were assigned, but the citizen could continue labor activity without losing your salary. Now he will have to choose: he continues to work and receives his wages, or goes on a well-deserved rest. According to statistics, few people apply for benefits if they received a fairly high salary at their last job. Such people continue to work for a long time and retire only in cases of health problems.

If a citizen continues to work, he will be able to triple the size of his future pension. But to do this, you will have to postpone its registration for five years. In order to receive a decent benefit in old age, you must work for at least fifteen years and have at least thirty points. In this case, the amount of monthly payments will be more than fifteen thousand rubles, but only on the condition that a “transparent” salary was received, without envelopes or other unaccounted income.

The most common reason for retirement is reaching a certain age (in Russia - 60 years for men, for women - 55). What does the pension consist of? The labor pension consists of parts called insurance and funded. That is, the total volume of these payments depends on the amount of funds collected in the savings and insurance pension accounts.

Insurance part

Let's take a closer look at the formation of both parts of payments. Let's start with insurance, since the main share of pension contributions goes in this direction. Insurance premiums carried out by employers of citizens. Today this tariff is 22% of wages before taxes. This money is distributed between retirement accounts in different ways. It all depends on the age of the employee.

So, for future retirees who were born before 1967, 16% of this 22% is put into an individual insurance pension account. The remaining 6% goes to the solidarity part of the tariff. The same 6% goes to the joint account of persons born after 67 of the last century and later. Another 10% is deposited into the individual account. The remaining share - 6% - forms the individual accumulative part of the tariff. Accordingly, what parts the pension consists of depends on age: persons born in 1966 and earlier receive a pension according to the volume of their insurance deposits.

The insurance part consists of the amount of the estimated pension capital (PC), divided by 216 (the expected number of months of pension payment), and the base, the value of which was set at ~3100 rubles in 2012. PC is formed from contributions to an individual insurance account. Thus, the variable part of insurance payments does not depend on contributions to the solidarity account. This account is used to provide basic pay and for other purposes.

Cumulative part

Contributions to the accumulative pension fund, as follows from the previous explanations, are mandatory for all working Russians born in 1967. and younger. The funded part goes to the disposal of the pension fund that the citizen has chosen and becomes part of the assets of this fund. This part is used for investments made by a management company collaborating with the pension fund.

As mentioned, the amount of mandatory payments for persons born in 1967 and younger to a savings pension account is 6% of annual income. However, each person can deposit additional funds into this account. This is done either through a bank or through an employer, who can, at the employee’s request, withhold the specified amount in favor of a savings pension account. All contributions to the savings account are individual (that is, there is no joint part for the savings account).

The pension fund servicing the funded part can be either the Pension Fund of Russia (PRF) or one of the non-state pension funds. The insurance account is generated only through the PRF.

The old-age pension consists of funds accumulated in insurance and savings pension accounts. Transferring contributions to a savings account is mandatory only for persons born in 1967 and later. The management of the insurance account is carried out only by the PRF; management of the savings account can be entrusted to a non-governmental organization.

Welcome to website. In this article we will tell you how pensions for old age, disability and loss of a breadwinner are calculated. We will touch on all issues related to the calculation of pensions. Pension legislation often includes a large number of amendments, as a result, many citizens who are entitled to benefits do not know how pensions are calculated in Russia.

Calculation of benefits occurs on an individual basis, and in order to know the procedure for accrual, you need to navigate pension documents, and also understand what the insurance pension part is, and how the final amount is obtained when taking into account points and pension coefficients.

Previously, calculating pensions was easy and simple, and knowing the amount of length of service and average earnings was enough, a citizen could easily independently calculate the amount of his future pension. But the introduction of a new pension reform, has created multi-level provision for citizens of various categories who are entitled to receive pension payments.

A pension is a monthly payment that a citizen of retirement age receives to maintain their standard of living.

As a rule, pensioners do not have additional sources of income, so they belong to an unprotected category of citizens. They are hit hard by the economic crisis, inflation, rising prices and other factors.

Pension payments are assigned to citizens of retirement age, as well as to those categories of citizens who continue to work. The age pension is calculated when a certain threshold is reached, for women 55 years old, for men 60 years old.

To calculate the pension payment, you need to have work experience; for women it is 20 years, and for men 25 years. Payment is made monthly by state social funds, and issues are regulated in accordance with laws.

Pension payments are divided into three main types - old-age pension, disability pension and survivor's pension. In addition, there are special coefficients that are calculated additionally.

What are the benefits?

After the creation of a system of insurance contributions, which are paid to the payroll for each employee, a complex system of pension payments began to be created, which not all pensioners know about. As a result, based on the new reform, the funded and insurance parts of the pension were divided into separate types of benefits.

To date, the following pension payments are paid:

  1. For mandatory insurance payments. The pension is divided into two main parts - the insurance part and the funded part, which is formed at the expense of the citizen himself. But in 2014, the funded part was frozen and all contributions made to the payroll are accrued only to the insurance part. The insurance part of the pension is paid upon reaching a certain age, upon receiving the status of a disabled person and upon the loss of a breadwinner.
  2. Government payments. Those categories of citizens who have the status required by law and do not fall under the terms of payment of the insurance portion are entitled to them. It is prescribed to citizens subject to the required conditions - these are pilots, military pensioners, cosmonauts, officials, participants in the Second World War, the blockade and defense of Moscow, and victims of the Chernobyl accident. But if a citizen cannot qualify for this type of payment, then he is assigned a social supplement upon reaching a certain age, upon the loss of a breadwinner or due to disability.
  3. Non-state subsidies. If the payer wishes, a fund is created that is not associated with the state, into which regular deductions of a certain percentage of earnings are made to companies. Who have licenses to provide such services. Such funds have different programs and rules for calculating pensions.

What payments make up the total pension amount?

To find out the procedure for calculating a pension, you need to know the types of payments that are included in it. When taking into account two main components - the insurance and savings part, the formation of the final amount depends on their size. The insurance part is basic, and its size depends entirely on the contributions that the employer makes to the pension fund, and they amount to 22% of the employee’s total earnings. For citizens born before 1967 and including this year, 16% is spent on insurance.

Those citizens who were born after 1967 can independently choose where the 16% data will go. That is, funds can be credited only to the insurance part, or divided between the insurance and savings part, with a ratio of 10% to 6%.

But in 2014, contributions to the funded part were frozen and all 16% began to accrue only to the insurance part of the pension.

What does the old-age pension consist of and to whom is it awarded?

For an old-age pension to accrue, a person must reach a certain age. This type of pension consists of three main components - the basic, funded and insurance parts.

When a person reaches age 80 and has no dependents and is not disabled, the basis increases. The calculation of the pension amount begins to be divided over the rest of your life. In 2013, this figure stopped at 19 years.

The formation of pension rights occurs at the expense of individual pension coefficients, or in other words, pension points. All pension rights that were generated earlier were also converted into points without any loss and are taken into account when calculating the insurance pension.

The right to receive an old-age insurance pension begins when a number of mandatory conditions are met:

  • Reaching retirement age, women are 55 years old, and men are 60 years old, some categories of citizens have the right to early retirement.
  • Citizens who work in government positions have an increased retirement age, which will increase by 6 months every year and stop at 63 years for women and 65 years for men.
  • Availability of insurance experience, it is 15 years.
  • Availability of the required amount of pension points.

The number of these points depends entirely on the amount of insurance premiums that have been accrued and paid into the system, as well as on the length of work experience.

For each year that a person worked, provided that the employer made transfers to the pension fund, pension points and the right to receive an old-age insurance pension are formed.

How is the old-age insurance pension calculated in 2019?

The law stipulates how the old age pension is calculated. To do this, not only the age of the pensioner is taken into account, but also contributions to the pension fund, pension capital and many other important factors.

To calculate the insurance part, the length of service up to 2002, the average salary and a special coefficient are taken into account. It is calculated by dividing the average wage throughout the country for that period.

The calculation of the funded part is carried out in the same way as the insurance part, but the amount of the basic part is fixed, it is established at the legislative level. The base part is subject to annual indexation depending on past inflation.

To calculate the insurance part of the pension, a special formula is used:

Insurance pension = sum of accumulated pension points * cost of one pension point at the time of payment assignment + fixed payment.

Or in another way: SP=IPK*SIPC+FV, where:

  • SP is insurance pension.
  • The IPC is the number of all pension points that have been accumulated during work.
  • SIPC is the cost of one pension point at the time the point is assigned; in 2019, one point costs 87.24 rubles.
  • PV is a fixed payment, in 2019 it is 5334.19 rubles, this amount is subject to annual indexation.

As a result, the following formula is used to calculate the pension:


About the individual pension coefficient

The individual pension coefficient is the sum of points that were scored in one year of work. Many people believe that its calculation is a very complicated procedure. But in fact, it is very simple to calculate, since it directly depends on the monthly contributions made by the employer. That is, if the level of earnings from which 22% is deducted is not higher than the subsistence level in the region, then 1 point is accumulated in one year. If the salary is equal to two subsistence minimums, then 2 points are accumulated in one year.

For calculation use the following formula: IPC=SV/MS*10, where:

  • SV is the amount of contributions that were made in one year.
  • MS is the maximum amount of salary from which deductions are made.
  • 10 is the maximum points you can earn.

The cost of a point is established at the legislative level, which is subject to annual indexation. The percentage increase in cost depends entirely on the level of consumer prices over the past year.

The cost of the IPC in 2019 increased from 81.50 rubles to 87.24. It is impossible to estimate future indexations, since this uses an annual calculation on a one-time basis.

You must also have a minimum length of service to receive a pension. In 2019, the minimum experience is 10 years. In accordance with the reform, this figure will increase every year until it reaches 15 years. Along with the increase in experience, the requirements for the minimum amount of points will increase. In 2019, the requirement is 16.2 points. The amount of points will also increase every year until it reaches 30 points.

About a fixed payment to the insurance part of the pension

At the legislative level, a fixed supplement to pension payments is established, which is an analogue of the basic part of the pension. It is formed at the expense of 6% contributions from the employer and state subsidies. The increase occurs when a citizen applies for a pension; it is added to the insurance and funded part.

After indexation took place in 2019, the amount of the fixed payment amounted to 5,334 rubles. This amount is accrued not only to citizens who applied for a pension for the first time, but also to those pensioners who are already receiving this payment and do not continue to work. Some categories of citizens have the right to receive early pension payments, as well as increased additional payments, which are calculated individually.

The procedure for calculating the old-age pension includes a standard increase, which represents the minimum state guarantee of pension payments. The following categories of pensioners are entitled to receive an increased amount of fixed payments:

  • Citizens who worked and lived in the Far North, or in areas with a similar climate. In this case, the work experience for men is 25 years, and for women 20 years.
  • Citizens who have disabilities of groups 1, 2, or 3, when confirmed by relevant documentation.
  • Citizens who have reached the age of 80 years.
  • Citizens who care for minors or incapacitated dependents.
  • Citizens who retired later than the period established by law, the prize coefficients that are due to the person are taken into account.

What documents are needed to apply for an insurance pension?

When a citizen knows how an old-age pension is calculated, he needs to find out what documents are needed to register it. Scroll necessary documents is established at the legislative level.

First, a person needs to write a corresponding application to the Pension Fund and attach a package of the following documents to the application:

  1. Passport. The place of residence, age and citizenship of the applicant must be indicated.
  2. Personalized accounting card.
  3. Certificate of income for 2000-2001, or for the last five years until 2002.
  4. Birth certificates for all children are provided only by women.
  5. Military ID provided by men.
  6. Documents that confirm the presence of work experience are a work book.

Instead of a work book, the applicant can bring another document, for example, a rental agreement. If such documents are not available, then two witnesses who worked with the applicant during the same period will need to be provided.

How is the disability pension calculated and accrued?

Now let's figure out how the disability pension is calculated. Its size depends entirely on the disability group. For the first group, the accrual is 100% of the rate, for the second group 90% of the rate, and for the third group 50% of the rate. Disabled people of the second group have the right to apply for an old-age pension, but taking into account their length of service. Here, an important role is played by the moment at which the first disability was assigned.

Citizens who do not work and have group 2 disability, which was received upon reaching retirement age. And also citizens who have a third disability group and who have work experience have the right to receive an old-age pension.

Disabled people have the right to choose one of three pension programs. Accrual and calculation depends on the choice of pension. There are currently three types of disability pensions:

  1. Labor subsidy - awarded to citizens who have made contributions to the pension fund and have work experience.
  2. Social subsidy - awarded to citizens who do not have the required amount of length of service and pension points.
  3. State subsidy - awarded to citizens who fall into certain categories of disabled people.

In addition to pension subsidies, a disabled person has the right to benefits. If he refuses them, then they are monetized, and the disabled person receives a fixed additional payment of EDV, the amount of which depends entirely on the disability group. The amount of EDV includes the number of persons under guardianship, and it increases by 30% of the initial amount, according to the number of dependents.

At the moment (indexation took place in February 2018), the maximum amounts of EDV have been established:

  • Group 3 – 2023 rubles.
  • Group 2 – 2508 rubles.
  • 1st group – 3539 rubles.
  • Minors – 2528 rubles.
  • Military pensioners and combatants - 2,781 rubles.
  • Veterans of the Great Patriotic War – 5054 rubles.

To calculate the disability pension, the following formula is used:

RP=IPK*TsK+FD, where:

  • RP is the amount of benefit.
  • IPC is an individual coefficient.
  • FD is a fixed additional payment.

Disability pensions are subject to indexation; in 2019, it is planned to increase the disability pension by 3.5 - 4%. The amount of EDV and labor benefits will also increase. The average pension amount in 2018 was from 9,100 rubles to 10,600 rubles. Accordingly, you can calculate the projected pension size by multiplying average pension by indexation percentage.

About accruals for working pensioners

It is spelled out at the legislative level how pensions are now calculated for pensioners who continue to work. The base rate is calculated in the same way as for non-working pensioners. But contributions to the pension fund must be transferred without fail.

This category of citizens is subject to compulsory insurance, and contributions are made before the 15th of each month. If the transfer occurs late, penalties will be charged, and if payment is not made, a fine of 20% of the amount of all unpaid contributions will be issued.

The employer is obliged to provide the Pension Fund with a complete statement of contributions made at the request of the pensioner. Based on these data, benefits are recalculated for pensioners who continue to work.

Survivor's pension

The procedure for calculating a survivor's pension includes two types of pension provision - labor or social pension.

The assignment of social subsidies is made by the state if the deceased person does not have the required number of points and experience, and amounts to 5,034 rubles if one parent has died and 10,068 rubles if both parents have died. In April 2018, this pension increased by 4.1%.

In 2019, it is planned to increase this pension in February and April. Depending on the region of residence, the size of the survivor's pension will be increased from 200 to 500 rubles.

The calculation of a labor pension for the loss of a breadwinner is based on length of service and contributions to the pension fund. Also, an additional payment up to the subsistence level is added to the amount received.

Who can apply for early pension payments?

There are categories of citizens who may have less experience than required by general law. In this case, the pension is calculated using a general formula taking into account all indicators. Early pension is granted to the following categories of citizens:

  • Citizens who worked in harmful, difficult and dangerous working conditions, the minimum length of service for calculating a pension is 25 years for men and 20 years for women.
  • With 15 years of experience in the Far North and equivalent areas.
  • Mothers of many children who have raised more than 5 children or care for disabled children.
  • Medical workers with 25 years of experience in rural areas and 30 years in the city.
  • Teachers with more than 25 years of experience.
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