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What is the name of a 7 year old wedding? What to give for a copper anniversary (7 years of wedding). Copper wedding: congratulations

Each anniversary date has its own symbol, but some dates, such as a wedding anniversary, even have several. We are talking about the seventh wedding anniversary, which has two symbols, which you will learn about later. And this is only according to Slavic traditions. In fact, for the 7th wedding anniversary, there may be even more symbols.

Seventh wedding anniversary - copper wedding

The seventh anniversary of marriage is called the copper wedding. The second symbol is wool. Of course, the copper wedding has become more widespread compared to the name - woolen wedding. However, no matter how different these materials are in structure, each of them has its own meaning for a married couple. After all, in many ways, marital relationships resemble these materials.
On the one hand, relationships are time-tested, they are soft and flexible, they can take any shape - just like copper. On the other hand, they are the same as wool - warm, pleasant, cozy, but can also be prickly for sensitive areas.
So, the relationship between the spouses is no longer so fiery, and there is nothing wrong with that, they continue to burn without burning out, and they have enough fuse to spare. At the stage of seven years, the spouses have already achieved a lot, but mutual reproaches still remain and sometimes attacks of jealousy slip through, which can “poison” married life.
The name itself—copper wedding—has a hidden meaning. Essentially, copper is a valuable and durable material, although, of course, copper is far from being a noble metal. And this wedding is like a hint that the couple still has everything to come.

Crisis of 7 years for a copper wedding (wedding anniversary)

In married life there are so-called crisis periods. And the seventh wedding anniversary is right on that date. The number 7 is very arbitrary; the crisis, or rather its manifestations, may begin earlier or a little later. This date is a crisis in a mature marriage. Additional crises can aggravate the situation, for example, the “3 years” crisis, as an example, or the “midlife” crisis of spouses.
The seven-year anniversary is a new breath against monotony and routine. By this age, the family already has a large farm and a well-equipped mechanism.
It is worth remembering that a crisis can unfold in different ways; there is no one universal scenario. Its essence is to distance the spouses from each other. The alienation can be so strong that it seems that the spouses no longer have anything in common, and the relationship may no longer be of any value.
It is during this period that one of the spouses often starts an affair on the side. Or one of the spouses, in search of a way out of this routine, may go to work and continue to act according to the same principle. On the one hand, the spouses try for the family, earn money, strive to equip their family, and on the other hand, the spouses move away from each other.
So how to get out of this situation? How to save a family? A universal piece of advice would be to visit a family psychologist who will help you sort out the problems. The most important thing is to understand and clearly define each other’s needs. After the work has been completed on identifying each other's needs. Now comes the time to work on recreating emotional intimacy. A crisis in itself is not scary, what is scary is complete inaction and letting the situation take its course.
Well, what are we talking about sad? After all, a crisis of 7 years is not the norm at all, but only one of the possible development options. We hope that it will bypass you, and if not, then try to survive it using the recommendations that we gave above.

Traditions of celebrating the 7th wedding anniversary (copper wedding)

Seven is a sacred number for almost any person. For these reasons, it is customary to celebrate the seventh anniversary on a grand scale and with family and friends. Even though the date is not round. The symbol of the wedding obliges to celebrate so widely; copper is a symbol of prosperity and material well-being in the family.
According to traditions, spouses exchanged copper coins with each other on this day. This is where the tradition of giving copper rings on the seventh wedding anniversary came from, and these gifts must be stored for a long time.
There was also a tradition of “ringing clothes”. It was believed that on this day, the wife should wear as many ringing jewelry and various jewelry as possible. The more such decorations, the happier and more fun the life of the spouses will be. The ringing sound that is heard when the wife walks scares away negativity and the evil eye.

It was on this date that it was customary to hang a copper horseshoe over the front door. In this case, the horseshoe should hang with its sides up, and not, as happens, down. Thus, it forms a kind of cup in which prosperity, happiness and family wealth will be collected.
You can celebrate the wedding itself in different styles. If weather conditions permit, then it is quite possible to go into nature, or arrange a holiday in an oriental or antique style. It was these cultures that often used copper jewelry.

What to give and congratulations on the seventh (7) wedding anniversary (copper wedding)

The most traditional gift is, of course, a copper horseshoe. Appropriate gifts could be copper decorations for the home - copper vases, candlesticks for 7 candles (symbolically), various bowls. In the old days, copper dishes and samovars were also given as gifts. Of course, today these gifts do not have much practical value, but will appeal to lovers of tradition.
It is not necessary to give spouses copper or any other metal. When choosing gifts, do not forget about the second symbol of the wedding – wool. This could be wool products, for example, some decorative items for the home, or for spouses personally, for example, a woolen blanket and so on.
As for intra-family gifts, the husband must give his wife copper jewelry - monists, beads, earrings or hair jewelry. In response, the spouse must present her husband with a gift that is made with her own hands. Thus, needlewomen knit wool sweaters, socks, and mittens. Don’t forget about children, who are also given gifts made from wool, made with their own hands, as a symbol of care and warmth.
There will be no competition for an original gift, namely a copper basin! You can make jam for the whole family in a copper basin. Such a basin is not only funny gift, and at the same time practical. At the same time, a copper basin is a symbol of prosperity in the family.
You can give copper as a gift to a Turk if the “young” people like to make coffee, figurines, writing instruments, and who knows what else...
For centuries in Rus', all significant events were accompanied by the ringing of bells. Why not continue this tradition, especially since the occasion is suitable. Copper alloyed with tin produces bronze. It is the bronze bells that are the most sonorous. For your wedding anniversary, you can give seven decorative bells, which with their ringing will protect the family from adversity and evil spirits.
It is also worth remembering about stones that are called “copper”, since they contain copper. One of the most sought after and famous is malachite. For their anniversary, you can give a malachite box, vase, bowls and other souvenirs. Or any jewelry, because malachite is a semi-precious stone.

Don't forget about congratulations on the 7th anniversary - "Congratulations on the 7th wedding anniversary - copper wedding."

Having successfully overcome the seven-year crisis, if there was one, and celebrating the holiday of marriage and family, we must continue to work not only for the benefit of the family as a whole, as such, but also for the benefit of the spouses individually. Of course, don't forget about the children.
Only in this case family holidays will not end with an eight-year anniversary - a tin wedding, which we will talk about in our next article.

The seventh wedding anniversary is called " copper" or " woolen" 7 years is a serious period for any relationship, when people have learned to overcome all difficulties together and have gotten used to each other’s characters and habits.

Copper symbolizes strength and strength such relationships. Copper is a precious metal, which means that marriage already has value, which has yet to develop into bronze, silver and gold. The spouses have everything ahead - copper is a strong but malleable metal, it melts well into something else, more beautiful, renewed.

Wool is associated with the warmth that a wife and husband give to each other, warming and supporting them in cold times. But wool is also prickly - this symbolizes jealousy and quarrels regarding spouses.

According to tradition, on the seventh anniversary life together spouses give each other copper coins, and also hang a copper horseshoe over the door of the house. This symbolizes prosperity and goodwill in the family.

Seven years of marriage should be celebrated widely. You can even make a second wedding out of your seven-year anniversary - this is exactly the period when the relationship gets a second wind, you discover new facets of your soulmate and look at him/her from a new side.

This is a good reason to go on a trip together and take a second honeymoon.

Who should you invite?

Invite to your holiday as many guests as possible: friends, relatives, colleagues, witnesses. Try as much as possible to invite everyone who was at your wedding. Special attention give to guests who do not have a significant other: there is a belief that it is on this day that single people will be able to meet their happiness.

What to cook?

For such an anniversary something exotic will do, non-traditional - Chinese, Mexican or other cuisines. Try to break away from tradition and come up with something of your own. For example, instead of a cake or biscuit for dessert, a fountain of chocolate cake or fruit salad.


Astrologically, the number seven is under the auspices of the planet Uranus, which is responsible for surprises in human life and pleasant nonsense.

Surprise or an unexpected gift for your other half: escape from the guests to a rock concert or arrange a themed evening, wear your wedding suits and dresses, recreate the atmosphere of the holiday seven years ago. Allow at least a little madness into your family life.


According to tradition, on the wedding anniversary of 7 years, it is customary to give gifts made of copper or wool. Such gifts are useful in everyday life and are a symbol of a successful family life, as well as a kind of wish for goodness and prosperity.

From parents

As the people closest to a married couple, relatives can give something that will certainly useful in everyday life: original tea services for seven people, household appliances, camping pots, samovars, copper dishes, seven cutlery or copper jewelry.

From guests

Colleagues, friends and relatives can give warm, pleasant gifts: pairs of woolen mittens, hats, slippers and other accessories with individual embroidery, boxes made of wood or stone, blankets, ancient copper coins, candlesticks for seven candles and other items that are multiples of seven.

From witnesses

Witnesses are special people at a wedding. They become the guardians of the love of the spouses. They can give the couple copper horseshoe as a family amulet happiness and prosperity. Witnesses also present wool blankets, clothing, furniture upholstery, decorative items, and vases.

From spouses to each other

On this day, spouses also give each other symbolic gifts. Traditionally, the husband gives his wife a wallet with copper coins, copper jewelry and jewelry, hair jewelry, a beautiful handbag, a fur coat, clothes or shoes.

The wife should give her husband something personal that he will definitely like: for example, a spinning rod if the husband is a fisherman, or a hunting suit if the husband is fond of hunting. The wife can also make a gift with her own hands - knit a sweater or scarf, embroider or engrave initials on some item dear to him.

  • Symbolism. The gift should represent marital fidelity and home.
  • Practicality. Since 7 years is a serious period for living together, spouses value gifts that can be useful more than those that just look beautiful.
  • Originality. It is not at all necessary that a gift should be associated with copper, wool and the number seven. If you have come up with a good and unusual gift, feel free to give it.
  • Money. If you can’t think of what to give, or doubt the appropriateness of the gift, then give money - this is the gift that the spouses will definitely not be disappointed with.

Congratulations on your wedding day

To my husband


The crazy and charming years of married life are passing very quickly. As if yesterday the chords of the famous Mendelssohn waltz sounded, the train flowed white dress and worried about the look of his beloved. And now a solid marital experience has been acquired. People use a calendar to commemorate the years they have lived together. Proven wisdom over the years suggests that a certain milestone on the path of the spouses symbolizes a certain stage and its overcoming. And 7 years of marriage, what kind of wedding? They call it a “copper wedding”, or a woolen one.

Copper is not the hardest metal, but it is unique in its properties and vital for the normal function of the human body. Wool both warms and tingles with its fibers. Family marriage I haven’t fully grown yet, 7 years of grinding in and “tingling” are behind me. And yet your union is unique, like a rare deposit of copper, and is warmed by a woolen shawl of mutual love, hope for an even greater strengthening of feelings and mutual understanding.

Copper wedding means a transition from fragile soft bonds of marriage to a long and strong union.

Living together for 7 years means the constant development of further marital relations. Seven is generally a special number in Rus'; many beliefs are associated with it. So you need to celebrate this wedding in a special way - bright and fun. You are already winners, hardened at such a difficult stage of building your personal happiness; try to lay the foundations of your own family traditions on this date. This could be an original dish of your own creation, or room decoration, or a special gift - anything that will pass from anniversary to anniversary.

What do you give for a copper wedding?

How to congratulate each other on your seventh wedding anniversary

Gifts within the family of the celebrants are also very important. The very meaning of the name of the wedding hints that this is not a rare and expensive metal, that the spouses have something to strive for, improve relationships and life, and accumulate wealth. You can take this both seriously and with a grain of skepticism: it doesn’t matter how many years or months you’ve been married - the main thing is that you are happy and love each other. Exchange copper rings and store them for future dates.

7 wedding anniversary: ​​what kind of wedding, what to give to your husband. Of course, traditionally the husband presents his beloved wife with copper jewelry: beads, earrings, hair clips and, of course,! And the beloved gives some woolen items made with her own hands (knits a pullover sweater, vest, hat). You can knit a souvenir bag and put some item in it (cigarette case, bracelet). Such a gift will be especially pleasant, because it is unique, made by the skillful hands of his wife. Your friends will be jealous!

The closest relatives (fathers, mothers, grandfathers and grandmothers) will be able to please the children with a beautiful blanket, woolen throws for the sofa and armchairs. A gift from them in the form of a money tree could be very original and symbolic. The tree is alive, beautiful, powerful. But you need to decorate it with copper coins on beautiful woolen ribbons. According to legend, the tree will bring wealth, success and prosperity to the newlyweds’ home, and copper coins will increase wealth.

So, 7 years have passed since the wedding - what kind of wedding is being celebrated, what gifts to give - we want to talk about this today. Seven years for a family is a date worthy of attention, an anniversary to be proud of. This is already quite a lot, the spouses have come a long way, learned to cope with difficulties together, and got used to each other. According to ancient tradition, the seventh anniversary of family life is called a copper or wool wedding - this name was given for a reason.

7 years copper or wool wedding?

In Russia and Germany, the symbol of the seventh anniversary is soft, but still metal - brass or copper. It is already significantly different from the symbols of previous years of marriage, that is, it is believed that family relationships have acquired greater strength. Of course, copper (or its more noble derivative, brass) is not yet a precious metal, but it is malleable enough to be melted and molded into any shape. This name speaks to the main task of the spouses for the coming years: to strengthen their relationship in order to eventually transfer it to a higher level worthy of silver and gold.

The second symbol is wool, a name common among the Anglo-Saxons for the seventh birthday of a family. Why? It's simple: the relationship between spouses is now like wool yarn, they are pleasant, warm, soft, but sometimes still prickly. In addition, in England wool is valued quite highly, and family life With seven years of experience, she is already worthy of high praise! Although the fire of love no longer burns as brightly as in the first years of marriage, it radiates constant warmth, giving hope and burning doubts. The relationship between the spouses is quite harmonious, everyone draws support from the family, but the family is still on the path to perfection. Attacks of jealousy, quarrels, and mutual reproaches are already very rare, but they still happen, upsetting a married couple and their growing children. Seven is a significant number for a person, so 7 wedding years should definitely be celebrated!

You can celebrate this date widely by inviting all your friends to the holiday, including those who have not yet found their soul mate. Let your love serve as an example and hope for them that their family happiness is also somewhere nearby. You can celebrate this holiday at home – in close company. Since the seven is ruled by Uranus - the planet of surprises - you need to celebrate this day in such a way that it differs from the course of your ordinary life. What is unusual for you, decide for yourself:

  • for example, avid homebodies should go on an exciting trip;
  • serious people arrange for themselves children's party– visiting the zoo and eating ice cream on the street;
  • and those who love noisy celebrations can celebrate the event at home in private.

The scenario for celebrating 7 wedding years may be different, but on this day the spouses must exchange copper coins, since copper is also a symbol of material well-being. And if you are invited to a 7th wedding anniversary, prepare gifts in a timely manner “in keeping with the theme.”

What gifts are given for a copper wedding?

Presents for the 7th wedding anniversary are usually chosen by the most traditional ones - the unusual nature of the celebration can be balanced with very practical gifts.

Guests can give:

  • copper dishes or cutlery, decorative elements made of brass, even health bracelets or medallions (copper is a healing metal, remember this too);
  • as well as pleasant and symbolic souvenirs - like copper or bronze bells (preferably 7 pieces), which will delight the spouses’ ears and scare away evil forces. Remember that in the past all important events were accompanied by the ringing of bells, so let the gift continue this wonderful tradition;
  • The most popular gift for a copper wedding is a horseshoe “for good luck.” It is in this year that it is traditionally hung over the threshold of the house. You can give a real horseshoe, or a decorative one - made of copper or wood, the main thing is to hang it correctly (with the arms up) so that it forms a bowl in which wealth and goods are collected.

When choosing a gift, remember the second symbol of this anniversary - wool. Popular gifts are woolen blankets, scarves, shawls and the like. An excellent option is a hand-made woolen product. You can also give a symbolic gift, for example, a large skein of multi-colored wool (it can be easily purchased at a yarn store). The couple must tear off a piece of thread of the same color with each subsequent wedding anniversary until the skein ceases to exist. This will indicate that as the years pass, the difficulties in marital relationships become less and less until family problems disappear completely.

Even if you were unable to find something symbolic of the event, simply wrap the item you like in Scottish wool or decorate the chosen gift with multi-colored threads. And also don’t forget to prepare original toasts and a great mood, then the holiday will go off with a bang!

Living together for seven years is a long time. Living together for seven years allowed the spouses to get to know each other very well, during which time they learned to forgive each other’s small weaknesses, as well as to build a dialogue correctly, avoiding conflicts. Seven years of marriage is called a copper or wool wedding. Copper is a very valuable metal, but it is very soft and easy to process. And the scratchy wool wears in over time and also becomes soft, warm and cozy.

This means that the established relationship between spouses can still be improved, provided that the husband and wife are interested in this.

Seven is a number that is considered a magical number among many nationalities. This means that it is imperative to celebrate a copper wedding.

Who to invite and where to celebrate should be decided by the spouses themselves. But there is one immutable law for celebrating this anniversary: ​​you need to prepare special gifts that can emphasize the symbolism of this event.

These should be products made of copper or wool. There are a great many such gifts, but let's look at them in order.

What to give your wife for her seventh wedding anniversary?

The husband needs to think in advance what he will give his beloved wife for her seventh wedding anniversary. Seven years of marriage allowed the spouses to perfectly study each other’s tastes, habits and hobbies, so the choice of a gift for the wife should be based on the husband’s knowledge of his beloved.

In the old days, on the morning of the copper wedding anniversary, spouses performed a ritual of exchanging a handful of copper coins with each other so that there would always be prosperity in the family.

And on the anniversary of seven years of marriage, the spouses exchange copper rings.

Seven year anniversary gifts for wife:

  • from copper:
  • copper utensils;
  • copper coffee turk;
  • cutlery made of cupronickel, this composition contains copper;
  • a beautiful pair of candlesticks, a beautiful dish or tray;
  • box self made with a copper key.
  • from wool:

If the spouse is engaged in needlework, she will be delighted with good wool yarn. Such a gift can be beautifully packaged in a wicker basket or box.

On your copper anniversary, you can safely give malachite jewelry to your wife. Ring, earrings, beads or necklace, feel free to choose what you like, because malachite is a traditional stone for this celebration.

You can give an unusual bracelet made of copper, or a beautiful pendant. Copper jewelry is considered medicinal.

They help strengthen the immune system, as well as normalize metabolic processes in the body and increase stress resistance.

Beautiful and, perhaps, the most an original gift my wife will receive a bouquet of forged roses for her copper wedding anniversary.

Such products are made so carefully by craftsmen that it is difficult to distinguish them from the real thing.

But if you haven’t found the right option among woolen or copper items, you can give it to your wife beautiful bouquet flowers, a small piece of jewelry, some household appliances, or some clothing for your beloved wife.

Whatever you choose, you should definitely pay attention to the packaging. The packaging should be bright and colorful so that your gift looks mysterious and respectable.

What to give your husband for his seventh wedding anniversary?

The wife also needs to take care of a gift for her beloved husband.
You can choose a gift for your husband in a store, or you can make it yourself. If your wife has crocheting or knitting skills, you need to make a gift yourself from wool yarn.

If your husband is a fisherman, hunter, or just spends a lot of time outside in cold weather, you can knit warm socks or mittens for him.

A stylish scarf knitted by caring female hands will be a wonderful gift.

The pinnacle of craftsmanship will be a sweater made with your own hands for your beloved husband. He will certainly appreciate such care and attention from his wife.

You can give your husband a woolen blanket for seven years of marriage. Such a warm accessory will keep him warm on winter evenings and protect him from illness.

Gifts for a husband for his seventh wedding anniversary made of copper can be:

A gift to your beloved spouse should be presented solemnly with wishes for long and happy years of marriage.

What to give to guests for a married couple's seventh wedding anniversary?

If you are invited to celebrate your seven-year wedding anniversary with your friends or family, you should seriously think about choosing a gift. It is necessary to take into account the desires, interests and hobbies of a married couple.

A horseshoe is considered a traditional gift for the seventh wedding anniversary. A horseshoe is a symbol of happiness. Such an item has a double meaning: if you hang it with its legs up, there will always be prosperity in the house; if it is hung down, it means protection from the evil eye and evil spirits.

It doesn’t have to be made of copper; you can choose a tin, wooden, or ceramic horseshoe; it is important to present it with wishes of strong love, happiness and prosperity for many years to come. A horseshoe magnet or a small souvenir with a woolen rope can be an addition to any gift.

You can consider the following gift options for spouses for their copper anniversary:

Parents can give their children a copper basin as a gift for a copper wedding - this is an irreplaceable thing when the busy time comes for preparing and making jam. Everyone knows that jam, which is prepared in a copper basin, is endowed with a special taste and aroma.

Woolen items would be appropriate gifts for a seven-year wedding anniversary. These could include a huge woolen blanket, chair covers, a woolen carpet for the married bedroom, unusual souvenirs and amulets made of wool, paired mittens for spouses.

But you can give other gifts to your friends. The most important thing is that they are useful and remind them of a beautiful date.

You can give your friends an unusual computer mouse pad with a joint photo of a married couple for their copper wedding; a couple of flash drives - for the husband and for the wife; table service; aquarium on the stand; picnic set; air purifier; small TV in the kitchen; table fountain.

A wonderful unusual gift for spouses on their copper anniversary would be a video greeting that contains the husband and wife’s favorite musical works, poems and the most interesting photographs of the family.

A memorable gift for spouses will be horseback riding, a boat, a hot air balloon, a limousine or a snowmobile.

A very original and unusual gift for a husband and wife for seven years of marriage will be a large skein of woolen thread.

You need to choose yellow or light brown yarn, like Ariadne's thread, which will tell you loving husband and wife Right way in the huge labyrinth of life's roads.

Before winding such a thread into a ball, you need to divide it into equal parts, which will correspond to the number of anniversaries coming in your future married life, and mark these parts on the thread. Each anniversary, the spouses will shorten this matka by one part.

The smaller the ball becomes, the fewer difficulties and troubles there will be on the path of loving spouses.

But just buying a gift for a holiday is very little. It also needs to be beautifully packaged and presented with dignity with warm and sincere words of congratulations.

The gift will be complemented by a bouquet of seven flowers for the wife, which corresponds to the number of years of marriage.

Children can prepare a seven-year wedding anniversary gift for their parents with the help of their grandparents. Make cards with your own hands, learn poems or even a song. Such a gift will not leave anyone indifferent.

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