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Francis Woodworth Diaries of Fates 2. Song of the Golden-haired Siren. Breath of wind

I watched my happy sister dance the wedding waltz with her husband, and emptiness crept into my heart. Today is the last day we are together. She will begin her own life, where I will no longer occupy the first place. Before, I couldn’t imagine my life without her. Her presence seemed eternal and unshakable. Raya replaced my mother and father, and was always there, ready to listen, help, support.

“Don’t be selfish!” I told myself. - “She deserves happiness like no one else.”

How changeable everything is. After a strange accident, Raya was replaced. Her amnesia deprived me of my sister and my normal life. Now I took care of her and helped her adapt to the world around her. I had to become the wall she could lean on. The clashes with doctors alone are worth it. These farriers almost sent her to a madhouse, convincing me that it was for her own good.

I winced at the unpleasant memories. It was very scary to lose my sister, because she is the only relative after my mother. And I had to become strong. Help Raya and take over all matters. But no matter how much I convinced myself that everything was fine now, a nasty inner voice told me the opposite. There is no former Paradise. There is a new girl who speaks, moves, laughs differently. Take her table manners, or even now... She dances the waltz, as if she had been dancing all her life. Posture, confident, polished movements. Where does all this come from?

After amnesia, I spent hours telling her about us, showing her photographs, remembering my childhood. Will she never remember this?

Shall we dance? - Reluctantly, I extended my hand to him and allowed myself to be drawn towards the dancers. Here is another confirmation that Raya has changed. If she were the same, she would never have invited her father to her wedding. For me, her decision was a shock. No matter how I tried to dissuade her that there was no point, she stubbornly insisted that he was the father and this was not discussed. For some reason, hearing these words, her eyes became very sad.

It means a lot to me that you contacted me and invited me.

“It was Raya’s decision,” I answered indifferently. For me, this handsome, well-groomed man was in no way associated with my father. He did not participate in our lives for many years.

You are very similar to me.

I looked at his features with a distant look. Indeed, I have the same strangely colored eyes. The pupil is light brown, and then the color is closer to marsh. I wonder if they also turn green when he’s angry? The lip pattern is similar, my nose is still more graceful, and his hair is dark brown, while mine is a chocolate shade, with a slight reddish tint, which is noticeable in the sun.

It's a pity that I only found out many years later. - I said and immediately got angry with myself. Why this conversation? We will not become close people, and I have no complaints against him.

Are you still angry? - He looked at me carefully.

No, I answered sincerely.

Then would you mind showing the city to the son of my business partner?

I almost tripped in surprise at this proposal. Why else is this?! Wants to set me up? Well, yes, in his second marriage he has a son who disappointed his father and decided to become an artist instead of studying business. A creative guy, although I don’t know him, I respect him for one decision. So he remembered his daughters now? One has already been ringed and there is hope for me? Thoughts raced through my head.

I don't think this is a good idea. Raya flies away, Artyom and the work are left to me. Why shouldn't he use the services of a guide?

I heard that Artyom is staying with his grandmother, and you will only help her. I think he won’t refuse to go to the zoo or the park. Do me this favor.

“We’ll see,” I answered vaguely, not wanting to agree and internally glad that the dance was over and I could step away.

Bird Man. Only I don't see him. “I feel like he’s there,” she said, frowning slightly, as if listening to herself.

And how will I recognize him then?

Fate will bring you together once you get there.

I collapsed on the bed, staring at the ceiling. Interesting. Have you dreamed of love? Receive and sign. Looking sideways at Vesta, she asked:

Did you play tricks with the bouquet? - Waving her hand, she smiled mischievously.

Song of the golden-haired siren. The mystery of water

I couldn’t even imagine that studying at the Academy would be so difficult.

It turns out that passing exams as an external student is not enough: I still need to take part in the Battle Magician Games. Do I need to tell you that the best of the best meet there?

Every free minute I have to train and... try to avoid enemy traps and numerous assassination attempts.

It would be nice to save the prince and expose the insidious plans of the priest Moros.

Song of the golden-haired siren. Earth Power

I always thought that I knew everything about my own past and my family...
But my whole calm and serene life collapsed overnight: I was betrayed by the closest, dearest person.

Now I am forced to go into hiding to avoid a fate worse than death itself. And then, in me, a simple orphan girl, magic awoke: strong, powerful, unusual...

You need to deal with your past in order to build a happy future.

And may fate continue to throw me difficult trials!

Song of the golden-haired siren. Breath of wind

I didn’t think that my fate had prepared for me to meet the prince and study at the best academy in the empire.

But I’m forced to pretend to be a guy, hide from werewolves and learn to control magic, which becomes stronger than myself...

But I can handle it! I can handle everything! I will never be the toy of dark magicians!

Fifty Shades of Magic

The scent of innocence. Breath of Life

In an imposed marriage, you must submit to circumstances. Accepting life according to new rules is difficult, but possible.

Mila will have to face all her fears, feel betrayal and trust, love and hatred with her skin again... The masks are dropped and everything turned out to be different from what it was in the beginning.

There remains hope that the heart will make the right choice on the path to happiness.

The scent of innocence. Gift

To everyone around her, she is an ordinary student, the daughter of wealthy parents, living for her own pleasure. And she…

She hides her past and decorates dishes for alien aesthetes in order to earn money and finally go in search of a friend.

The girl - always careful, always prudent - suddenly becomes a gift of life for the high-born Deigass. And now fate forces you to reconsider all your principles and beliefs. The confrontation begins and its outcome is not predetermined.

How to Tame a Centaur, or My Dream Diary

Cleaning the house turned out to be an incredible adventure for Raya. She fell, accidentally hit her head and... woke up in another world. Moreover, not in the own body of a thirty-year-old woman, but in the body of a young girl, who is also the wife of a centaur.

But the husband turned out to be incredibly handsome, and he liked his wife’s renewed character. Raya, without thinking for a long time, dispersed the entire harem and introduced the handsome man to the character of a simple Russian woman, breaking a couple of vases on his head. Now you can live and be happy.

But daddy's intrigue is in full swing, and the Irlings have their own plans. But where did ours not disappear? The modern woman can handle anything!

Bride of the Lord of the Irlings. My Dream Diary

After winning the war, you just want to live and love, enjoying quiet family happiness. But... How could I live without this notorious “but” in my story?

I am drawn into a whirlpool of intrigue, walking on the edge of a knife and dreaming of one thing: to preserve the love of my husband.

I hope I have enough strength...

Love and Magic

Attention! The Magician Husband, or Where Dreams May Come

Everyone dreams of using the abilities of Victoria’s Nayarits: kings, magicians, and even ordinary people. Incredible passion!

To keep the woman whom you deceived as yours, you need to make every effort and call on magic to help.

But after Victoria’s betrayal and intrigue, it’s hard to believe in love. She is, first of all, a mother and is ready to fight only for the right to be with her son.

The snow leopard starts the game...

Carefully! The husband is a magician, or Love without rules

Beloved husband and son remained in another world...

The accident instantly ruined her happiness and now Victoria is in the position of a slave - powerless, speechless, in a completely alien world.

You need to find your family and at the same time not make the slightest mistake, because here you are only a valuable prize and any miscalculation of yours could cost your life...

Extraterrestrial Love (AST)

Pair dance

Even dancing at a charity event can lead to marriage...

But how could Elya know about this? Of course not!

But now her photo is flashing on all TV channels, printed in all newspapers, because the prince is looking for his Cinderella! We need to explain to this handsome alien that her hearts belonged to someone else a long time ago and he was too hasty with his feelings...

A girl with no room for error. Humorous fantasy stars

The only one for the werewolf and mother-in-law in the load

Even the lord of werewolves can have surprises... But the only thing he wanted was to find his true love!

And now he has almost a child as his bride, who is looked after by a mother with a very quarrelsome and unpleasant character. It seems like I didn’t have time to get married, but my mother-in-law is driving me to white heat and mercilessly exhausting all my nerves...

I should have listened to the witch's advice after all!

I watched my happy sister dance the wedding waltz with her husband, and emptiness crept into my heart. Today is the last day we are together. She will begin her own life, where I will no longer occupy the first place. Before, I couldn’t imagine my life without her. Her presence seemed eternal and unshakable. Raya replaced my mother and father, and was always there, ready to listen, help, support.

“Don’t be selfish!” I told myself. - “She deserves happiness like no one else.”

How changeable everything is. After a strange accident, Raya was replaced. Her amnesia deprived me of my sister and my normal life. Now I took care of her and helped her adapt to the world around her. I had to become the wall she could lean on. The clashes with doctors alone are worth it. These farriers almost sent her to a madhouse, convincing me that it was for her own good.

I winced at the unpleasant memories. It was very scary to lose my sister, because she is the only relative after my mother. And I had to become strong. Help Raya and take over all matters. But no matter how much I convinced myself that everything was fine now, a nasty inner voice told me the opposite. There is no former Paradise. There is a new girl who speaks, moves, laughs differently. Take her table manners, or even now... She dances the waltz, as if she had been dancing all her life. Posture, confident, polished movements. Where does all this come from?

After amnesia, I spent hours telling her about us, showing her photographs, remembering my childhood. Will she never remember this?

Shall we dance? - Reluctantly, I extended my hand to him and allowed myself to be drawn towards the dancers. Here is another confirmation that Raya has changed. If she were the same, she would never have invited her father to her wedding. For me, her decision was a shock. No matter how I tried to dissuade her that there was no point, she stubbornly insisted that he was the father and this was not discussed. For some reason, hearing these words, her eyes became very sad.

It means a lot to me that you contacted me and invited me.

“It was Raya’s decision,” I answered in an indifferent tone. For me, this handsome, well-groomed man was in no way associated with my father. He abandoned us and was not involved in our lives for many years.

You are very similar to me.

I looked at his features with a distant look. Indeed, I have the same strangely colored eyes. The pupil is light brown, and then the color is closer to marsh. I wonder if they also turn green when he’s angry? The lip pattern is similar, my nose is still more graceful, and his hair is dark brown, while mine is a chocolate shade, with a slight reddish tint, which is noticeable in the sun.

It's a pity that I only found out many years later. - I said and immediately got angry with myself. Why this conversation? We will not become close people, and I have no complaints against him.

Are you still angry? - He looked at me carefully.

No, I answered sincerely.

Then would you mind showing the city to the son of my business partner?

I almost tripped in surprise at this proposal. Why else is this?! Wants to set me up? Well, yes, in his second marriage he has a son who disappointed his father and decided to become an artist instead of studying business. A creative guy, although I don’t know him, I respect him for one decision. So he remembered his daughters now? One has already been ringed and there is hope for me? Thoughts raced through my head.

I don't think this is a good idea. Raya flies away, Artyom and the work are left to me. Why shouldn't he use the services of a guide?

I heard that Artyom is staying with his grandmother, and you will only help her. I think he won’t refuse to go to the zoo or the park. Do me this favor.

“We’ll see,” I answered vaguely, not wanting to agree and internally glad that the dance was over and I could step away.

I'll give him your phone number.

His persistence was annoying. I had to squeeze my teeth tighter to avoid saying something nasty. The only thing that calmed me down was the thought that even if he called, you could always politely refer to being busy and refuse. So I nodded and hurried away before he came up with something else.

Tasya, who is the witness? - Zinaida Ivanovna, our distant relative, approached me sideways. Without taking her envious eyes off the girl’s figure, she hurried to satisfy her curiosity.

Vesta, friend,” I answered briefly.

Another oddity for Rai's collection. She appeared immediately after amnesia, and began to visit us often. I didn’t know her, which was strange, but based on the little things she told me about her sister’s life, she convinced me that they had been friends for a long time. We met while crossing paths at work. When asked why Raya didn’t mention her before, she just shrugged. Somehow, unnoticed, she entered our circle of friends, but she was more of a friend of her sister. In the first time after amnesia, she was very supportive of me. She often called precisely at those moments when it was difficult and offered help. It was she who advised me to go to the clinic where Anton worked. You could say it was thanks to her that they met.

“She has a boyfriend,” I nodded at the handsome, broad-shouldered guy.

The guy is not a husband,” she waved it off, “but everyone wants to get married.” Such a viper will fit into the family...

Why are you alone today? No groom? - she asked unexpectedly.

We broke up. - Smiling, I slipped away from her, avoiding unnecessary questions. I didn’t want to remember Vadim. We dated for about six months, but then an accident happened to my sister, and too often I found myself busy. I wasn’t even surprised when I accidentally saw him in the city with another girl. After that, he called several times, offering to meet, but I referred to being busy and the relationship quietly faded away.

I looked at the eyes with which Anton looked at Raya and my soul warmed. Still, she was lucky to have him. And the point is not that today is a wedding. From the first meeting, when his gaze settled on her, it was as if a small sun had lit up in his eyes. Or rather, she became the sun for him. His features soften, and a smile appears on his lips as soon as she is nearby.

“I want that too!” - a treacherous thought slipped through. I dreamed of love. Or rather about LOVE. The same one when, for your sake, through fire and water. When a man protects and protects you, when in his arms you feel protected and just a weak woman... Ugh! Clearly the absence of a father in life takes its toll.

Raya always laughed good-naturedly and called me a dreamer, saying that such men became extinct like dinosaurs and I should have been born two hundred years ago. Who would have known that she would be the first to meet such love.

Tasya, you're not married, come over! Now they will throw the bouquet,” Vesta called me, gathering the girls.

I reluctantly approached everyone. There was no desire to receive the coveted bouquet. Why do I need it? I did not suffer from the hope of getting married as soon as possible. I'm 25, and this is not yet the most critical age to worry about this. Moreover, this is just a tradition that does not guarantee marriage or a happy family life. The same cannot be said about Zinaida Ivanovna. She had her own opinion on this matter, and like a leader, she pushed all the girls aside and stood in front, with the expression “the enemy will not pass” on her face. Well, she's not married either. The girls were a little depressed from such a neighborhood. I felt so funny that I quietly moved away from everyone and sat down on a chair.

The presenter played out the situation beautifully and made jokes. The X moment has arrived, the drum roll and the bouquet flies. I watched all this from the side with a half-smile. Imagine my surprise when he slipped out of Zinaida Ivanovna’s hands as if alive, flying between them, and slightly changing the trajectory of his movement, fell onto my lap. In a frozen state, I noticed how Vesta turned to me and winked. She? But how?!

The presenter approached me. Automatically, I took the bouquet and waved it, putting a smile on my face, and I myself was impressed by the fact that the flight of the bouquet violated all the laws of physics.

That night I had a strange dream. Vesta sat down on my bed and looked at me thoughtfully. I woke up from her gaze, and looked at her in surprise for some time. When she noticed this, she said:

You understand that Raya is not your sister?

This phrase sounded more like a statement and I froze, not knowing what to answer. The cheerful and charming Vesta, with whom I have been communicating for several days, has turned into a distant stranger with a mysterious look.

What do you know about this? “I was proud of the way I formulated the question.” It seems that I am not denying anything, but I am not confirming anything either.

All. - There was a short answer.

Will you tell me?

If you answer me a few questions.

A slight smile crossed Vesta’s lips, and she relaxed and stretched out on the bed. Then she turned on her side and put her hand under her head, standing up slightly and looking down at me.

Would you like to be in a world where there are dragons, vampires, centaurs... bird people? Where you are familiar with magic firsthand.

I let out a laugh and also stood up, putting my hand under my head, and our faces were on the same level. In the gloom of the room we resembled two girlfriends keeping secrets.

That would be interesting. Just what is waiting for me there?

There you will meet the man destined for you.

Do you want to say that he doesn’t sleep there at night and waits for me? - I burst out laughing.

I want to say that he is there.” Vesta did not support my fun.

And who is he? - I asked, trying to hold back my laughter. - A vampire? Mage?

He's Irish.

Bird Man. Only I don't see him. “I feel like he’s there,” she said, frowning slightly, as if listening to herself.

And how will I recognize him then?

Fate will bring you together once you get there.

I collapsed on the bed, staring at the ceiling. Interesting. Have you dreamed of love? Receive and sign. Looking sideways at Vesta, she asked:

Did you play tricks with the bouquet? - Waving her hand, she smiled mischievously.

Well, so how?

Thinking for a moment, I answered:

You see, I once dreamed of a vampire. A sort of dark-haired, brutal brunette, with the body of a warrior. Or a muscular barbarian like Conan. And the birds... Not my type. I am calm towards birds.

I am not kidding! - She looked at me sternly. I made a face, expressing my attitude towards her proposal.

What if I say that your sister is there?

I will never believe this! I was reading fantasy, and if you had offered this to Raya, she would have twisted it at her temple and sent you off into the forest.

“I didn’t offer it to her,” she chuckled, and I nodded my head, as if to confirm the correctness of my words. You won’t get into heaven with these offers. Of the two of us, I'm the dreamer. Was. Over the years, I began to look at life more realistically. Sometimes I like to read a good novel, immersing myself in a magical world, but without my past passion.

Vesta’s next words stuck with me: “I moved it without asking. It was necessary". I sat up abruptly in bed and looked down at her, glaring at her.

What have you done?!

She is married. Happy. So there’s no point in killing me with your eyes,” Vesta winced, also sitting down.

Of course she's married. “She married Anton today,” I reminded.

Aueria married Anton, and Raya married Sherridan. He is the ruler of the centaurs.

And who is Aueria? - I asked, trying to remain calm. It seemed like I was like Alice talking to the Mad Hatter.

The princess was Sherridan's wife. I transferred her to Raya’s body.

And why did she leave her husband?! “I wanted to ask how it got into my sister’s body, but for some reason it came out.”

I didn't ask her consent.

Why do you need mine then?

I like you, and Riya and I became friends.

That’s what Raya calls herself now,” she waved it off. - Don't get distracted! Agree?

To my sister - yes! - without hesitation, I answered.

Then sleep.

I wanted to say that I was already asleep, but the last thing I remember was Vesta’s smile and wise look, which did not at all fit with her young face.

That’s it,” was the short answer.

Will you tell me?

If you answer me a few questions.

A slight smile crossed Vesta’s lips, and she relaxed and stretched out on the bed. Then she turned on her side and put her hand under her head, standing up slightly and looking down at me.

Would you like to be in a world where there are dragons, vampires, centaurs... bird people? Where you are familiar with magic firsthand.

I let out a laugh and also stood up, putting my hand under my head, and our faces were on the same level. In the gloom of the room we resembled two secretive girlfriends.

That would be interesting. Just what is waiting for me there?

There you will meet the man destined for you.

Do you want to say that he doesn’t sleep there at night and waits for me? - I burst out laughing.

“I want to say that he is there,” Vesta did not support my joy.

And who is he? - I asked, trying to hold back my laughter. - A vampire? Mage?

He's Irish.

Bird Man. Only I don't see him. “I feel like he’s there,” she said, frowning slightly, as if listening to herself.

And how will I recognize him then?

Fate will bring you together once you get there.

I collapsed on the bed, staring at the ceiling. Interesting. Have you dreamed of love? Receive and sign. Looking sideways at Vesta, she asked:

Did you play tricks with the bouquet? - Waving her hand, she smiled mischievously.

Well, so how?

Thinking for a moment, I answered:

You see, I once dreamed of a vampire. A sort of dark-haired, brutal brunette, with the body of a warrior. Or a muscular barbarian like Conan. And birds... Not my type. I'm indifferent to birds.

I am not kidding! - She looked at me sternly. I made a face, expressing my attitude towards her proposal.

What if I say that your sister is there?

I will never believe this! I was reading fantasy, and if you had offered this to Raya, she would have twisted it at her temple and sent you off into the forest.

“I didn’t offer it to her,” she chuckled, and I nodded my head, as if to confirm the correctness of my words. You won't get into heaven with these offers. Of the two of us, I'm the dreamer. Was. Over the years, I began to look at life more realistically. Sometimes I like to read a good novel, immersing myself in a magical world, but without my past passion.

Vesta’s next words stuck with me: “I moved it without asking. It was necessary". I sat up abruptly in bed and looked down at her, glaring at her.

What have you done?!

She is married. Happy. So there’s no point in killing me with your eyes,” Vesta winced, also sitting down.

Of course, married. “She married Anton today,” I reminded.

Aueria married Anton, and Raya married Sherridan. He is the ruler of the centaurs.

And who is Aueria? - I asked, trying to remain calm. It seemed that I, like Alice, was talking to the Mad Hatter.

The princess was Sherridan's wife. I transferred her to Raya’s body.

And why did she leave her husband?! - I wanted to ask how it got into my sister’s body, but for some reason it came out.

I didn't ask her consent.

Why do you need mine then?

I like you, and Riya and I became friends.

That’s what Raya calls herself now,” she waved it off. - Don't get distracted! Agree?

To my sister - yes! - without hesitation, I answered.

Then sleep.

I wanted to say that I was already asleep, but the last thing I remember was Vesta’s smile and wise look, which did not at all fit with her young face.

Two months before


I've never been so worried before going to bed. After our decision to try to transfer the connection with Kron to my sister, I did not immediately decide to talk with him. First, it was necessary to check the effect of the amulet. Will it protect my sleep from Crohn's interference? As it turned out, that night and the next I slept without dreams. Only on the third night did I decide to talk with Kron. It was a slim chance, and we understood that not everything was so easy. There were too many ifs. Even besides Kron's consent, who had to be convinced, there is also my sister. Would she want to be involved with this man, and even get wings to boot?

I missed Tasha and was very worried. Having been accustomed to taking care of her all my life, it was not easy to find myself so far away from her and understand that you could not help her in any way in difficult times. This little one has firmly entered my heart since childhood. And although her name is Tasya, I have always called her Tasha, ever since she was little and funny distorted her name.

Imagining that we might meet her soon, I became worried. How will she take it? The older sister suddenly turned into a younger sister, because outwardly I am eighteen. I could only hope that this would not be a hindrance and would not push her away from me.

Are you afraid? “Family hands lay on my shoulders, pulling me towards them. Sherridan. What else could he think when I stand and hypnotize the bed with my gaze. He enveloped me in his warmth, warming me and giving me confidence. I just melt in his arms. If it were possible, I would wrap myself around him like a vine so that I would never be separated.

“It’s alarming,” I reluctantly admitted.

Riya, even if he refuses, there is nothing wrong with that. The amulet will protect you from his intrusion into your dreams. And to fly... The two of us will go out to secluded places, and you will hone your skills in reality.

I nodded, but I doubted it in my heart. Cron is not one to allow himself to be ignored. Something told me that it was better not to anger this cunning, resourceful Irling. We must try to settle everything peacefully and not quarrel with him.

Throwing aside uncertainty and doubts, she lay down in bed. With regret, I looked at the amulet that remained lying on the bedside table. For a moment I wanted to put it on and never see Kron again, to hide my head like an ostrich avoiding danger. It's a pity that this is not in my nature. And even if I avoided meeting with him without clarifying the relationship... Something told me that he would then find a way to meet with me. He had the audacity to show up in my boudoir in the morning, under Sherridan’s nose.

Shera felt much more confident in the ring of hands. For our sake, I must reach out to Kron, find the words and convince him that this will be better for everyone. Let him at least meet my sister. But what if? She is wonderful and much better than me. Thinking like this, I prepared myself for a conversation with Kron and allowed Cher's gentle stroking to lull me to sleep. He didn’t say anything, he just shared his warmth and confidence with me, showing with all his appearance that he would protect me from the whole world.

“How much I love him!” - a smile appeared on my lips, and with this thought I fell into sleep.

Just a second ago I was awake and in bed, and now I found myself in a huge cave. In the center there was a lake with dark water. It was surrounded by columns that supported the domed vault of the cave. The walls were decorated with bas-reliefs depicting various scenes from the history of the Irish. The lighting came from magical lamps that gave diffused light. It seemed like I was somewhere deep underground or in a rock. And even though the cave was huge, I experienced an unpleasant feeling of claustrophobia. Yes, somehow I didn’t imagine meeting Kron in such a place. Shivering, she looked around.

I stood on the steps, facing the lake. When I turned around, my gaze was buried in the steps leading up. Slowly raising her head, she saw that they ended at the majestic throne, carved from stone, on which Kron was sitting. He looked at me silently, and even at such a distance it was clear that darkness was swirling in his eyes.

His heavy gaze sent a shiver through my body. It won't be easy, it won't be easy at all. The cold of the cave penetrated me, and I was only in a thin shirt and barefoot. Closing my eyes for a moment, I imagined a scarlet velvet dress and... to hell with it, fur-lined boots. After some thought, she added a cloak with an ermine collar to the dress. I won’t say that it became warmer, but it gave me more confidence. With difficulty restraining herself from a heavy sigh, she proudly raised her head and, gracefully lifting her dress, began to climb the steps to Kron. He himself sat motionless and was in no hurry to come down to me.

Inwardly fearful of the upcoming conversation, she rose slowly. Various thoughts came into my head. Where I am? The cave itself resembled a secret temple. Why secret? So the space was closed. The entrance was not visible, and my intuition told me that the only way to get here was through the portal.

The throne itself was worthy of special attention. It protruded from the rock and was decorated with bas-reliefs. Six or seven meters high, it ended with a dome, like in churches, only instead of a cross it was crowned with an image of a deity with the head of a bird.

"Tsirbis!" - I decided gloomily. The last thing I wanted was to end up in this freak’s temple. Why did Kron choose this place for the meeting?

No matter how much I delayed this moment, the steps ended and I found myself in front of the Irling. He was silent, but I didn’t know how to start a conversation. I noticed that his hands lay on the armrests of the throne, which ended in black glossy hemispheres. Kron's palms rested right on them. Not only was the irling tall, but the throne was on a dais, and he looked down at me. The face seemed carved from marble, and there was no more life in it than in stone. The silence dragged on.

His heavy gaze sent a shiver through my body. It won't be easy, it won't be easy at all. The cold of the cave penetrated me, and I was only in a thin shirt and barefoot. Closing my eyes for a moment, I imagined a scarlet velvet dress and, to hell with it, fur-lined boots. After some thought, she added a cloak with an ermine collar to the dress. I won’t say that it became warmer, but it gave me more confidence. With difficulty restraining herself from a heavy sigh, she raised her head proudly, and gracefully lifting her dress, began to climb the steps to Kron. He himself sat motionless and was in no hurry to come down to me.

Inwardly fearful of the upcoming conversation, she rose slowly. Various thoughts came into my head. Where I am? The cave itself resembled a secret temple. Why secret? So the space was closed. The entrance was not visible, and my intuition told me that the only way to get here was through the portal.

The throne itself was worthy of special attention. It protruded from the rock and was decorated with bas-reliefs. It was 6–7 meters high and ended with a dome, like in churches, but instead of a cross it was crowned with an image of a deity with the head of a bird.

“Tsirbis!” I decided gloomily. The last thing I wanted was to end up in this freak’s temple. Why did Kron choose this place for the meeting?

No matter how I delayed this moment, the steps ended and I found myself in front of the Irling. He was silent, but I didn’t know how to start a conversation. I noticed that his hands lay on the armrests of the throne, which ended in black glossy hemispheres. Kron's palms rested right on them. Not only was the irling tall, but the throne was on a dais and he looked down at me. The face seemed to be carved from marble, and there was no more life in it than in stone. The silence dragged on.

Probably, the program of the evening included not only contemplation of my person, since he was the first to break it.

Has the princess deigned to visit me? Despite the impassive face, the words were saturated with poison.

You don't have to be a genius to guess that he's angry as hell. Of course, it was not worth starting the meeting with a quarrel, but I did not intend to tolerate such treatment.

Why do you have such a tone as if we agreed to meet with you and I didn’t show up?

I don't like it when I don't understand what's going on.

“Actually, many people don’t like this,” I noted. Being in this temple had a depressing effect on me.

Explain yourself.

Why couldn't I reach you? Even using the resources of this place, I ran into a wall.

Yeah, that's what I said. Hallelujah! The amulet really works! The grip of tension that was squeezing me was weakened by this news, and my soul felt lighter. Now I can really protect myself from his visits in my sleep. It took me great effort to hide my glee.

I don't even understand how we meet in a dream. Why are you expecting an answer to this question from me? I feigned slight surprise and immediately asked: “What kind of place is this, actually?”

Sacred Temple. The secret place of power of my people.

And why did you choose him for our meeting?

Maybe because I had to transport myself here to immerse myself in meditation and try to reach my Kyari? he noted wearily.

How long have you been here?

Second day.

He meditated for two days, trying to reach me?! It is not surprising that at the time of our meeting he was in a somewhat brutal state.

Have you tried writing a magic letter? seeing the confusion in his eyes, she explained: “If you wanted to see me urgently, and it wasn’t possible to meet me in a dream, then you could write me a letter and tell me why you needed me so urgently.” Indeed, there was an agreement to meet in a dream once a week for flights. We saw him two nights ago. So why the hell did he impudently try to get into my dreams ahead of time? In my heart, I was once again glad that I had the amulet.

Kron's face trembled, and his features softened, no longer resembling a stone mask; the shadow of a smile touched his lips. Apparently such a simple solution never even occurred to him. Taking advantage of this, I decided to consolidate my success:

Kron, let’s leave this place,” I shrugged my shoulders chillily.

I'm afraid I can't. Now I am not in a dream and tied to this place.

Somehow, the circumstances of our meeting were not very favorable. He is in a trance, the atmosphere in the temple is oppressive. It’s somehow difficult to start a serious conversation. I was even a little confused, not knowing what to do now.

Are you also attached to the throne? I asked ironically. I'm tired of feeling like a schoolgirl on the principal's carpet.

The darkness began to leave his eyes, making his face more human. The fingers on the spheres moved slightly. Leaning on them, he stood up heavily. I wonder how long he sat without moving? If it’s two days, then the whole body is numb. He should move. Without thinking that this was just a projection of his body, as soon as he descended from the throne and approached me, I blurted out:

Let's race to see who's first down! Without giving him the opportunity to answer and seeing the expression of extreme amazement on his face, I turned around sharply and, picking up my skirts, rushed downstairs. Communication with Asya definitely had an impact!

When I was about halfway through, a black shadow flashed over me, and Kron was waiting for me at the foot of the stairs. I picked up a fair amount of speed, and the inertia of the movement did not allow me to slow down. Without even understanding how it happened, I flew full speed into Kron’s open arms.

Kyari! He exhaled happily, squeezing me in his arms.

“Damn!” I thought, burying my face in his shirt.

You cheated! I was indignant, raising my head. Just as a drowning man grabs a life preserver, so I decided to be indignant. Anything is better than the feeling of embarrassment that flooded me. Seeing his gaze, I immediately returned to my original position and buried my face in my shirt. It's safer this way. I understand that he probably hadn’t eaten for two days, but in his eyes it was not the desire to eat a steak that prevailed.

A couple of seconds was enough for me to catch my breath, and I leaned into his chest, wanting to pull away. But that was not the case. He only pressed me tighter to himself, and even hugged me with his wings so that I would definitely not escape. Listening to the frantic beating of his heart, I realized that all my plans were falling into the abyss.

Let me go! I demanded without raising my head, but he didn’t hear me.

Kyari, only you could have thought of running a race in this place! I didn’t know where to go from the tenderness in his voice.

What surprises you so much? “You came up with the idea to fly,” I grumbled.

The oppressive silence of this place was broken by Kron's laughter. Looking up cautiously, I saw his head thrown back. As soon as he laughed it off and looked at me, I immediately returned my gaze to the shirt.

Let go! I said firmly.

Don't ask me for this. Kyari, I went crazy for two days, unable to contact you!

And why did you search for me with such persistence? I asked, trying to distract him from this fact.

Your last visit raised many questions.

Having recalled in detail the circumstances of this very visit, and everything that I had said, I groaned dully. Take me away from here! What a shame.

Regret! I found the strength to squeeze it out of myself and felt how his muscles turned to stone.

Do you regret your words? he asked carefully.

Did I have any regrets? No. It is true what they say: “What is on a sober man’s mind is on the tongue of a drunken man.” So I gave him everything that was in my heart.

No. Only about the form in which she said it. It’s also a shame that you saw me in this form. He was silent, and I felt uncomfortable being in his arms, and I rested my hands on him, trying to increase the distance between us. Let go! We need to talk.

This time he heard me and pulled away. Having found the long-awaited freedom, I took a relieved breath. With an unreadable expression on his face, Kron looked at me.

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