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Dinosaur scenery. Little dinosaurs. Children's menu for a dinosaur-themed party

We offer to arrange a fun and unusual holiday in honor of the birthday of a boy aged 8-10 years. To hold the celebration, you will need certain props and decorations, as well as the participation of the parents of the birthday boy, a guest presenter and an adult who wants to “try on” the “Snake of Gorynych” costume for the holiday.

Decorating the room

In order to create the desired atmosphere in the room, it is enough to hang posters and drawings depicting dinosaurs on the walls, and also make a “cave” with your own hands in which “primitive people” will live. A “cave” can be made from chairs, blankets Brown or a children's tent, and soft toys can become “primitive people”.


  1. Costume “Snake of Gorynych”.
  2. Costumes of dinosaurs and primitive people (for guests and organizers).
  3. Green inflatable balloons (10-15 pieces).
  4. 10 “kinder surprises”.
  5. A large plastic egg with a dinosaur on it.
  6. Soft toy dinosaur.
  7. 2 ribbons.
  8. Wooden sticks, for example Chinese (two sticks per participant in the game).
  9. Twigs from which the organizers will build a “bonfire”.
  10. Pacifiers (one for each participant in the game).
  11. Sheets of cardboard or paper of brown, marble or gray color (one sheet per player in the game).
  12. Crayons or pencils.
  13. 4th box of matches.
  14. Small gifts for all guests (sweets, stationery, toys, etc.).

Event scenario

The host greets the guests and says:

On this day without fuss
Everyone's dreams come true.
I wanted a phone -
Here it is among the gifts.
In a word, whatever you want,
On this day you receive.
So, that's right, it's Birthday -
The best holiday, without a doubt!
To prove it,
We begin to congratulate.

And then the parents congratulate the birthday boy with the words:

Dear son!
You've walked for nine years
And he grew up and became older.
A year later on the anniversary
You will be even more mature.
And today at this hour
Make you happy (Name), us.
Everyone should know you
Only from the best side.
You are our gift
Rate it according to your taste
And if you're happy,
Then give us a wink! (handing a gift to the birthday boy).

Let each gift surprise you,

And congratulations on this wonderful holiday!

After these words, all the guests give the gifts they brought to the birthday boy and the parents invite everyone to the table. And then festive feast The host turns on the music and invites everyone to dance.

After about 20-30 minutes, an adult volunteer in a “Snake of Gorynych” costume enters the room and says (the presenter turns off the music): “Hello, friends! I am the Serpent Gorynych! I’m very glad to see everyone, and there are so many of you here! (Sniffing) Yeah! I felt a mile away that it smelled like a holiday here, so I came. Maybe you can treat me to something tasty? (Children: “Yes!”). Oh, if only they knew... (sadly) Things are really bad for me now... The thing is that I'm not just hungry! My heads want not only to eat, but also to have fun. One head wants “frightening” food, the second one wants “fun” food, and the third one demands “guessing” food! I'm sure there are always a lot of different foods at holidays, including this one. After all, I’m so bored sitting alone, and besides, there’s nothing to eat at home... (He was happy) Yes, but maybe I can help with something here too! I’ll definitely come in handy, you’ll see!”

Leading: “Oh, I know how to cheer up our friend! I know how to feed him and save him from loneliness! Let's go to those prehistoric times, when on our Earth there were many, many “mountain snakes,” that is, dinosaurs!”

After these words, the presenter plays the song “Dinosaurs” by M. Boyarsky, and the guests and organizers of the celebration change into pre-prepared costumes of dinosaurs and primitive people. The presenter puts on a primitive man’s costume and says:

“A long time ago, several million years ago, ... who appeared on earth? That's right, the first people.
What were their names?
Who called
He knew
And we call them primitive.
How old were they?
How many winters
So many years.
I have an answer to this,
Unfortunately no.
What did they look like?
In skins, shaggy,
With a beard and mustache...
However, now you will see for yourself!

Parents discreetly turn on the music and lead the children one by one into the next room of the apartment or into the next room, in which one half is occupied by chairs for the “auditorium” (the chairs should be in a semicircle), and the second half - by a carpet and pillows (or ottomans, on which they can sit children). The children, the presenter and the Serpent Gorynych sit on the cushions, and the rest of the guests (including the parents of the birthday boy) take their seats in the “auditorium”.

When everyone takes their places, Serpent Gorynych addresses the children:

“And who is leading them?
Of course I am.
After all, he was chosen by the tribe
I am a leader for a reason.
I introduce my fellow tribesmen (addresses the “spectators” and points to the children sitting next to them in turn).
- Oh!
- Ay!
- Ouch!
- Ouch!
- Hey!
- To her!
- Oy!

The presenter warns the children in advance that they should nod their heads when Gorynych calls their “names” and points to them with his hand.

Having completed this unusual “acquaintance” between the children and the audience, Gorynych becomes silent and the “right to vote” passes to the presenter.

Leading: “Once upon a time, people believed that formidable gods ruled everything in the world... They asked them for help, presented them with gifts and made sacrifices, so that rain would fall on the crops, so that the game would run to the hunters on its own, so that the fish would swim to the fishermen in the net. ... And today, so that our house is not struck by lightning or a meteorite falls on it, so that an earthquake or tsunami does not start, we must please the gods who patronize our tribe with a ritual dance. I will now show you the movements of this dance. Repeat after me! (turns on moving music).”

Examples of movements (they can be accompanied by inarticulate screams of “primitive” children):

  1. Two jumps up.
  2. Three squats.
  3. Two taps of the left foot.
  4. Two taps of the right foot.
  5. Raise your arms up twice.
  6. Three jumps back.
  7. Turn your head to the left three times.
  8. Turn your head to the right three times.

The presenter turns off the music and addresses the children after the “ritual dance”: “Guys, I think everyone present is aware, but I’ll still tell you about it. So, in order for a person to survive, only the most necessary things are needed: food, water and shelter. Water, as we know, is found in abundance in natural reservoirs; caves (also of natural origin) served as shelter for most primitive people, but food has always been the most difficult to obtain. Now we will practice looking for bird eggs and, if we can do this without difficulty, then our tribe will definitely survive in any conditions. So, let's go! Try finding eggs in our cave!”

Children search and eventually find (possibly with a hint from the presenter) 10 Kinder Surprise boxes and one large plastic egg with a dragon on it.

Leading(looking at the found eggs): “Oh, look, but some strange egg was found! Let’s ask Zmey Gorynych what to do with him, because here is a representative of his family.”

Dragon(takes the egg in his hands): “This is a dinosaur egg! In order for the baby to hatch, we need to keep it warm!”

Leading: “Snake Gorynych, you can just hold him in your paws! After all, you breathe fire and your body temperature is many times higher than ours!”

Dragon: "Yes it good idea, but do you really want this dinosaur to hatch... What if it’s not a herbivore?”

Leading: “Well, what are you talking about, we will constantly keep an eye on him, and he will be born very young. And he definitely won’t want to eat us! But now we’ll put the bird’s eggs in the fire and wait until they’re cooked (puts packages of Kinder Surprises into an improvised “fire” of branches).”

Dragon: “Do not underestimate a dinosaur, even a small one... He will grow up and become a giant, and then begin to reclaim his territory from those who even lived on it before him! I am the scientist, and he will be wild! Tell, or better yet, show the children (addresses the presenter) how my prehistoric ancestors fought for territory and food.”

Leading: “Okay, now the children themselves will try, like wild dinosaurs in prehistoric times, to drive a stranger out of their territory by tearing off his long tail.”

The presenter selects two volunteers, who have ribbons tied to the back of their pants (or belts), which are then tied in the shape of “bows”. The participants' task is to untie each other's bows. The first one to do this wins.

Leading: “I think that we should glorify this wonderful battle in our legends, but legends, as you know, are passed on from mouth to mouth, therefore they undergo significant changes and, in the end, there is no truth left in these stories at all. Therefore, it will be better if we capture our battle on the walls of the cave. I think we can draw a dragon, which will henceforth become our animal totem.”

Dragon: “But other tribes will definitely be offended and try to erase our drawings, because their totems are completely different animals, namely: a saber-toothed dog, a horned turtle, a fanged hedgehog, a shaggy pig and a tailless cat.”

Leading: “Okay, then let’s draw their totem animals. Guys, now I’ll give away everything you need to apply ritual drawings.”

The presenter gives the children sheets of paper of brown, gray or marble colors, as well as crayons or even regular pencils and asks them to draw the above totem animals.

Dragon: “You know, it’s not for nothing that the drawings were deified by primitive people! People didn’t just draw animals, they “get used to” their roles, tried to copy their habits in order to gain their strength and endurance.”

Leading: “Yes, and members of our tribe also know how to imitate animals. And now I will prove it! So, everyone stand up and do as I say. Just try to portray it.”

Teams for children:

  • Picture a cat about to jump.
  • Draw a butterfly perched on a flower.
  • Show how the turtle hides its head in its shell.
  • What does an anaconda do when it wants to eat someone?

At the end of this game, the presenter can award prizes to the children who portrayed the animals most artistically.

Dragon(looking at the “bonfire”): “Oh, the eggs are ready! Tribe! It's time to eat!

Leading: “Stop! The fire is hot, and so are the eggs! Guys, I have chopsticks that you can use to get eggs out of the fire (he gives the children two chopsticks, for example, Chinese ones for eating). Now I'll time it and see which of you can pull the most eggs out of the fire using only two sticks. Go".

After the competition is over, the presenter can reward the winner (or all children) with a small gift.

Dragon(joyfully): “Look, the dinosaur has hatched! Hooray! (Takes it out and shows it to the children soft toy dinosaur). I'm so happy! I'm practically a father now! Oh, what should I feed him?”

Leading: “Firstly, he is still very small, and secondly, I know that some dinosaurs eat meat, while others eat grass.”

Dragon: “Yes, it’s true, he’s still a baby. Let's give him a pacifier for now (he tries to insert a pacifier into the soft toy's mouth, but it naturally falls out of the dragon's mouth). Oh, but he doesn’t want to take it.”

Leading: “Yes, apparently this dinosaur won’t be small for very long. I propose to organize a fun competition to find out whether all members of our tribe will remain small for a long time, or, on the contrary, one of us will grow up very quickly (each child is given a pacifier). Children, stand in a row and put pacifiers in your mouth. On my signal, everyone should spit their pacifiers out of their mouths. And the one whose pacifier flies the farthest wins.”

The host can reward the winner (or all participants) with a small gift.

Dragon: “Listen, we still haven’t named our baby! Let's all come up with a name for him together. I just ask that the first two letters of his name be “di,” because he’s a dinosaur.”

Leading: "Fine! Children, what name do you think would suit our dinosaur? Maybe "Dino"?

Children offer their own options.

Leading: “That’s good! Beautiful name! Now let's think about how we will teach him to speak human language so that he becomes as smart as our Serpent Gorynych! So, I think the easiest words to teach him are words that start with “di,” because probably one of the first words he will learn is the word “dinosaur” and its name.”

Children list words that begin with these two letters. For example: dingo, porcupine, savage, etc. The participant who lists the most words receives a prize from the presenter.

Dragon: “Eh, you know, but a real dinosaur won’t learn anything if it wants to eat... First it must eat.”

Leading: “Yeah, I agree! Let’s try, together with the baby, to fill our bellies with grass... Oh, wait, first we will determine which of us is able to digest grass and who has a lot of food in their bellies.”

Parents bring into the room as many inflated green balloons as possible. After this, the presenter asks the children to try to put as many balls under their jacket or sweater as possible. The one who manages to put the most balls under his jacket receives the title of “Chief Herbivore” and a small gift.

Dragon: “Oh, while the tribe was practicing, our baby was jumping so high with joy that I even thought that he was not a dinosaur, but a jumping dinosaur!”

Leading: “Guys, let’s become jumping saurs ourselves! I need 4 volunteers and 2 balloons (selects guys, forms two pairs of them and gives each pair one balloon). So, Dear friends, now the guys from each pair must hold the balls between their foreheads and jump, without dropping them, from this wall to that one (shows with his hand where to jump from and to). The pair that doesn’t drop the ball and gets to the wall first wins.”

The game ends with the winners being awarded small gifts.

Dragon: “And I remember that once on Earth there lived not only jumping dinosaurs, but also begosaurs, each of which had 6 legs.”

Leading: "Wow! As many as 6! Tribe members! I propose to draw begosaurs to find out how they could move with so many legs. To do this, we will need matches and two volunteers who are ready to take part in the competition. I think the volunteers will quickly understand that the secret of the begosaurs was to keep their balance.”

The presenter selects volunteers and gives each of them two matchboxes. The players' task: to run from wall to wall of the room, holding on their shoulders matchbox, which should not fall under any circumstances. The winner is the player who runs to the wall faster than his opponent, without his boxes falling down.

Dragon: “Look (shows a soft toy to the children), but our dinosaur seems to be quite happy! I fed him, and it’s time to put him to bed, because all children sleep a lot. I also wanted to say thank you for such a nice welcome! I was full, and had fun, and was scared, and learned a lot of new things! Thanks friends!".

Leading(look at wrist watch): “Oh, you know, Gorynych, it’s time for us to return! It's time to return from primitive times to the present! And, of course, we will leave the dinosaur here, because this is his home. Can you imagine how smart he will grow up? We started teaching him to speak humanly! Let's all say "bye" to the dinosaur."

Children: "Bye!".

Dragon: “Guys, wait...I’m not going back anywhere. After all, this baby is still very small, and we have only just begun to teach him everything. And he doesn't have a mother here. In short, I’m staying!”

Leading: “Okay, Serpent Gorynych! Good luck! Tell your baby about us and raise him properly! So that he becomes smart when he grows up! Guys, it's time for us to go back! Let's go: one, two, three... (Parents turn on the music). It's time to change clothes!

Guests and organizers of the holiday change into their usual clothes.

Leading: “Well, here we are at home! I enjoyed the journey into the world of primitive people and dinosaurs! Let's now celebrate the birthday properly! Let's sing the song “Loaf”!”

Children sing the song “Loaf” (“Loaf-loaf, choose whoever you want!”). Parents call everyone to the table and have a tea party with cake. The event can end with a disco.

In a recent article there was a script for games about dinosaurs from Nastya Kondratovets. Continuation today - how did it go? birthday in the style of "Dinosaurs" .

A word from the main dinosaur-conductor - trodon - Nastya.

Charming trodon - Nastya

We decided to celebrate our daughter’s birthday with children and adults at the same time. The difficulty was that the children were 5-7-10 years old. Will the adventure be fun for everyone? The theme chosen was “Dinosaurs”. We spent the holiday at the dacha. On the playground planted with grass (3x5 m) with a sandbox and a small mulberry tree. We drove to the “stations”, running around the dacha.

Prehistory of a birthday in the style of "Dinosaur".

To prevent the figures from getting wrinkled, I printed them on whatman paper ( large templates and look for the full holiday script in the article “”).

But the paper was very thick, and the printer did not print everywhere. I had to point it with a pen. In addition, I noticed that during the cutting process, the paint “flew” from the sheets.

The eldest Katya (10 years old), when I announced the start of the game, did not want to participate. The rest began to choose their own dinosaurs with interest.

Katya is an Argentinosaurus, Karina is a Pteranodon, Eric (7 years old) is a Tyrannosaurus.

Game 1 "Dinosaur tracks along the paths."


The children enjoyed tearing up the grass, jumping in the tracks and feeding the plateosaurus several times. I even had to moderate their ardor so that at least a little green would be left)))

And in gratitude, I gave them a picnic: cut fruits and cookies were laid out on plates. And my godfather and I had time to eat.

Game 2 “Building a house”

It seemed to me that building a tower eyes closed difficult. But everyone except Eric quickly completed this task.

At this competition, the adult Katya also became interested in what interesting things we do. And I was also surprised by the house that the children built together. I specially prepared 21 glasses for a 6-story pyramid. But they began to build in a circle, alternating inverted and non-inverted glasses. The only thing you had to do was take paper ones. The plastic ones crumbled in a light wind.

Game 3 “Search for Dinosaur Eggs”

There was perhaps not enough room for this competition. Within 12 hours, the iodine spots became barely visible, and the green color also became lighter. And it was difficult to distinguish in the green grass. It is advisable to color them 2-3 hours before the competition.

Game 4 “Seven-flowered flower”

Making a flower: using a saucer, cut out a circle (center) from yellow paper. I cut out petals from colored paper, pointed at the tip. On the back side, next to the tip, I wrote the number. On a sheet of white paper, I outlined where the middle would be by circling a yellow circle. I spread the petals evenly along the contour, having previously smeared the very tip with glue. I applied a drop of glue in the center and attached a yellow circle. Since the flower turned out to be large, I decided not to weigh it down with the stem, and added only 2 spreading leaves of green paper.

The competition turned out to be very fun.

It so happened that Eric had the task of running around the birthday girl and Katya congratulating herself. And the adult Katya regretted that she did not start playing first, because it was she who got to portray her dinosaur. At first they wanted to give the task to someone else, but then they decided to take pity - she showed the diplodocus they were visiting.

Game 5 “Dynaball in a new way”

I expected the children to jump around to their heart's content. But either because there were sharp twigs in the grass, or because the balls failed, it was all over in 30 seconds.

Game 6 “Hadrosaurus Gifts”

Eric was drawing a Tyrannosaurus, but the balloon burst, they gave him a new one, and it also burst. Could not withstand the pressure of the predator. But the others didn’t live long either. So apparently the balls were of poor quality.

When we “arrived home,” I quietly put Kinder eggs in the hat. And I say.

Look, the magic is over, but the dinosaurs gave us a parting gift.

Dinosaur themed birthday prizes

After the competitions, I gave out small prizes to the children. These were:

  • dinosaur stickers,
  • printing,
  • whistle,
  • beads woven from beads - minerals,
  • shells for decorating aquariums - ammonites.
  • rock crystal splices (sew on transparent flowers - I saw them in a fabric store).

Holiday - " Birthday in the style of "Dinosaurs" “- it was a great success, the children went home happy. Separate Thank you mine parents, who made the conductor's hat and our godfather - Ole Malygina , for her help in holding the holiday, I couldn’t have done it without her. By the way, the adult Katya, inspired, the next day organized a holiday for the children in the yard with competitions and prizes.

By the age of eight, a child already has a circle of friends, school friends, and may even have his own group of interests: sports, scientific, artistic or other. As a rule, mostly same-sex companies are invited to birthday parties, but mixed ones are also possible. In any case, so that those gathered don’t get bored, in a good way the celebration is a thematic scenario.

Such an event allows children to develop their creative, physical and intellectual abilities, learn to act in a team, take initiative, become more relaxed, learn to communicate and interact with other people, and express emotions.

The thematic focus of the script may be different. In this case, the scenario is related to archeology and history. Dinosaurs, mysterious monsters that lived millions of years ago, are of great interest to both adults and children.

Inventory and other necessary accessories for the scenario:

  • Images of various types of dinosaurs, as well as other prehistoric animals and primitive people (as well as their household items).
  • Wooden (or plastic) sticks - several dozen pieces.
  • A toy bow with arrows on suction cups and a target.
  • Cards made of paper: a berry should be drawn on one side, and the reverse side should hide the design, like a playing card. The number of cards is 20 with berries, and 20 without berries.
  • Tennis balls, basket (or bucket).
  • Berries (strawberries, raspberries, grapes or others).
  • Scissors (several pieces), large paper and plastic bags.
  • Toy weapons: bow, hammer, club, spear, dart.
  • A basket and ten Kinder Surprises (chocolate eggs).
  • Cards with color names where the color and the word do not match. For example, the word “red” is written with a black marker, etc.
  • Presenter's costume: an authentic costume for him can be fur vest(fur outside, or a fur coat), long-haired wig, club (baseball bat) in hand.

1) Start of the script.

The host comes out to the assembled guests, shakes his club in greeting and says:


You came here for a holiday,

I salute you all!

There is an interesting story,

I'll tell you now...

We will talk about our ancestors,

Primitive times,

Dinosaurs, old skins,

Spears, bows and fires.

The presenter shows the children photo reproductions of ancient animals ( different kinds dinosaurs, saber-toothed tigers, bears, etc.) and asks if anyone knows the names of these creatures? If no one knows, then the presenter explains what they were called, where they lived and what kind of life they led.

Then the presenter shows images of primitive people, their clothes, weapons, tools, rock paintings and other things.

After this, the presenter addresses the audience:What do you think, children, did our ancestors fight dinosaurs? Now, some people think that they fought, while others think that this did not happen. How to be? Let's try to figure it out...

2) Primitive fashion designers.

The presenter says:Our ancestors, who lived in cold areas of the planet, wore clothes made from animal skins, something like this(points to his vest). Do you think it’s easy to make such clothes yourself? We don't have skins, but we can use other materials. Let's try!

The presenter gives the children scissors, paper and plastic bags and shows how they can make some kind of clothing out of this: cut out holes for arms, heads, etc. Then they will be able to try on these “clothes” on themselves.

3) Game “Hunting Instinct”.

The presenter says:Who can say what activity was the main source of food for primitive people? That's right, it's a hunt! People hunted various animals: bison, deer, goats, wild boars, and even mammoths. The most accurate hunter hit the target with a spear or bow. Come on, who wants to prove their accuracy and hit the target better than anyone else?

The competition consists of two stages. First, players shoot with a bow, trying to hit the target. The results are recorded and recorded by the presenter. Then you need to throw a tennis ball into a basket from a certain distance, and the winner is determined based on the number of accurate throws.

At the end of the game, each participant receives a toy weapon: a spear, hammer, dart, bow or club.

4) Competition “Picking berries”.

The presenter says:Who can tell: what was the second most important source of food for primitive people, besides hunting? That's right, this is gathering: berries, mushrooms, nuts, fruits, vegetables, healthy herbs. Who wants to try this interesting business?

The presenter lays out paper “cards” on the floor, back side up. He then gives a command to the players, and each of them is given the opportunity to collect as many “cards” as possible. When all the “cards” are collected, the players hand them over to the presenter, who looks at how many tags with prizes they contained, and for each tag the player receives a certain amount of berries (strawberries, grapes, etc.).

5) Competition “From a spark - a flame.”

The presenter says:Do you know how important it was for primitive man to be able to light a fire? Life and health directly depended on this: fire scared away predatory animals, helped to keep warm, cook food, and illuminate the darkness of the night. In order for the wood to burn well in the fire, you need to lay it in a special way. There are several ways to stack firewood...

The presenter, using wooden sticks, demonstrates options for laying firewood for a fire: “hut”, “star”, “well”, “fence”, “taiga”, etc.

After this, the participants of the competition are divided into two teams, receive materials for creating fires, and at the command of the leader they must manage to put together as many as possible in the allotted time. different types bonfires The team that copes with the task better receives a prize.

6) Game “Dancing by the fire”.

The presenter says:For primitive people, fire was not only a source of warmth and protection, but was even considered a deity. They worshiped fire, staged ritual dances around it, and sang songs. Let's remember how fun it was!

The presenter places a chair in the center of the room, on which he places candles and lights them. Then he turns on music with a lively dance rhythm. All the children, together with the host and the birthday boy, join hands and begin to dance around the fire in a circle. At the same time, everyone takes turns saying congratulations, with wishes from themselves to the birthday boy.

7) Game “In the footsteps of dinosaurs.”

The presenter says:Well, now you have clothes, weapons, you know how to light a fire, collect fruits and vegetables, perform a dance ritual before the hunt, then it’s time to go hunt down dinosaurs! Show us what they should look like so we can recognize them right away!

The essence of the game is this: Each participant is given a few minutes to demonstrate the behavior of a dinosaur using gestures and sounds. It will be especially funny if you film it on camera and then let each of the players watch it from the side.

8) Competition “Dinosaur Nest”.

The presenter places a chair in the center of the room, places a basket with Kinder surprises on it, and says:Look what's here - it looks like a nest of dinosaur eggs! We were lucky to find him. But how do you divide the eggs among each other? Each of us would like to take all the eggs for ourselves... Let's have a competition!

The presenter shows cards one by one, on each of which the name of a color is written: red, blue, green, yellow, cyan, orange, purple, pink, black. The players' task is to name what color the word is. The trick is that the name of the color and the color of the word are not the same! For example, the word “red” is written with a black marker, and the word “green” is written with a blue marker. Whoever names the color of the word correctly the fastest gets a chocolate egg from the nest as a gift.

9) Final.

The presenter asks the children to eat chocolate eggs and see what is inside. There are no dinosaurs inside. The presenter says:So you have guessed the main secret: the first people appeared on our planet when dinosaurs had all died out a long time ago, so people never met dinosaurs! But you have the opportunity to get everyone together at this birthday, and you need to say thank you to the birthday boy for this!

Our boys, Kolya and Fedya, turned 4 years old in January. This year my boys have become very interested in dinosaurs; Kolya even falls asleep with an encyclopedia about dinosaurs under his pillow. I decided to try to organize a dinosaur-themed party this time, and this is what we came up with.

Dasha, of course, prepared her own gift for her brothers in advance. When we were discussing what we could come up with for the boys, Dasha suggested making Vremyaskok (this is from the audio encyclopedia about Chevostik and Uncle Kuzya) - Uncle Kuzya’s invention, with the help of which he and Chevostik travel through time. Since it was originally Dasha’s idea, I completely entrusted her with its implementation.

Here's how Dasha did it: she painted a roll of paper towels acrylic paint, decorated with applique, drew and cut out buttons with numbers, added chenille wire (dad already helped her attach this). That's all! The device is ready for use.
How it works? Dasha explained to me: button 3 takes you to ancient times to dinosaurs and you can also get to primitive people, button 2 allows you to go into space with Yu. Gagarin, button 1 returns you home. This is what my eldest daughter came up with.

Of course, early in the morning Dashulka gave her gift to her brothers, and in the morning they began traveling at our sports complex))
In the evening, when the guests arrived, we had a small quest on this topic. Time skip just came in handy.

How did our quest go? I didn’t want to overload the children with scientific facts, so we periodically hear in games: “Mesozoic era”, “compsognathus”, “liopleurodon”, etc. I think this is not the main thing. At the birthday party, I saw it this way: so that everyone would have fun, be excited, and be physically active. This is what we got, maybe my script will be useful to someone.

First, I gathered all the children and told them that, while Dasha and the boys were traveling with a time jump, some dinosaurs made their way to us through the time jump and hid DINOSAURS TREASURES in our house, which the children and I would need to find using clues from the dinosaurs . At this stage, just in case, I clarified whether all the children knew who dinosaurs were and when they lived.
Then I said that you can’t just approach these huge monsters, first you need to go along the DINOSAUR TRAIL. The path was our obstacle course in the corridor. First there was a green Ikea pipe that you had to crawl through. Then there were swamp hummocks - I spread a blue blanket on the floor and laid out our orthopedic mats, you had to jump on them. And at the end - walk in the footsteps of dinosaurs (cut it out of green paper in advance, pasted it on the floor with tape).

Walking along this path, children get to DINOSAURS. Dinosaurs have settled down at our sports complex. I simply printed out 6 pictures with the most recognizable and beloved dinosaurs by my children. Each dinosaur had a piece of paper attached to it with a task. Each child in turn, starting with the youngest, approached the dinosaur, tore off the piece of paper, we read, completed the task, received a hint, then again the dinosaur trail to warm up, and a new dinosaur with a task. So 6 times.

What tasks did dinosaurs give children?
1. Riddles about dinosaurs (I specifically searched the Internet, prepared them for the holiday, but as it turned out at the right moment, I forgot to print them out, so I had to improvise on the fly, but nothing came of it).
2. Growl like predators (task from Tyrannosaurus).
3. Save the dinosaur brothers frozen in the ice (I froze dinosaur figurines in water in advance, the children warmed them up using hot water in the bathroom).
4. Complete the dinosaur puzzle.
5. Color pictures with dinosaurs.
6. Put clothespin plates on the stegosaurus (I cut out cardboard stegosaurus for all the children in advance and put clothespins on their backs).

For each completed task, the children received a clue piece from the dinosaur, from which at the end they formed the word VOLCANO.

My husband and I prepared the volcano the night before, we liked it ourselves)) Lisa Arie has a detailed master class on her blog on how to make a stunning volcano with an eruption. That’s exactly what we used, but we doubled the size of the volcano itself, I wanted scale)) I poured semolina into the base, like sand, planted dinosaurs, made a clutch of eggs, a couple of trees, this is what happened:

So the kids run to the volcano. I show them how to start a volcanic eruption (we drop water into the middle of the volcano). And, HURRAY, our volcano begins to erupt (and continued to erupt for the rest of the evening).

I tell the children that TREASURES must be hidden somewhere nearby. After rummaging through the semolina, the guys find gems(bought at FIX PRICE, they look like real treasures!). But that's not all! We raise the base with a foil volcano, and underneath it are hidden wonderful painted gingerbread cookies! (I bought it at a church store).

At the end of the holiday, all participants were also awarded dinosaur MEDALS. My children became interested in medals this year after Dasha’s figure skating Before the New Year, everyone was awarded medals - there was so much happiness! That's why I decided to add medals for their birthday.

I made them from corrugated paper and stapled them together. Corrugated paper This time it really helped me out - it also makes excellent all sorts of vines with which I tried to decorate our sports complex.

Having completed such an important task, you can go to the sweet table! Moreover, dinosaurs were waiting for birthday people even there.))

I made the dinosaurs for the cake in advance from fondant, and they were perfectly stored in the refrigerator. The cake is also decorated with fondant and marzipan.
The children were so carried away by eating colored dinosaurs that they almost ate a candle in the form of 4.))))

Like this. There are not enough photos because we didn’t have time.

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