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Congratulations on the beginning of the school year in prose. Congratulations to teachers on the start of the school year Wishes on the start of the school year

Congratulations on the start school year follows both teachers and students. This year the educational process begins from today, i.e. from September 3, 2018. Of course, this is an exciting day, and, in principle, the whole year for first and final grade students. After all, next year graduates will no longer return to their home school, and for first-graders the whole process of acquiring knowledge is just beginning.

The Day of Knowledge has arrived!
I started my studies!
What I congratulate you on,
And, of course, I wish
More courage, patience,
Happiness, school fun.
Always keep the path forward!
It's time to win!

Today is a holiday - back to school,
The bows rustle joyfully,
They go in a cheerful group
Girls from our yard!

And the boys are ready for school,
They stand joyfully with flowers!
We hasten to congratulate you - back together,
All achievements and awards!

Bell, our dear friend,
He was on vacation all summer
And today with renewed vigor
He called us all to knowledge.

So let's not be lazy,
I'm happy to go to school,
Great to learn
Maintain a strong friendship!

We congratulate you today,
Everyone who appreciates the light of science.
Knowledge is not only power,
Relief from boredom.

We wish you good luck,
Endless patience
So that every day is full
Joy and inspiration!

Congratulations on the beginning of the school year for teachers in prose

Our dear teachers, please accept our congratulations on the beginning of the school year! We wish you a bright, eventful, fruitful and successful year. So that your students only delight you with the desire to gain new knowledge, respecting and appreciating your work!

Dear teachers, we sincerely congratulate you on the beginning of the school year! We wish you patience, creative ups and downs, an optimistic attitude and understanding among students. Good luck and inexhaustible energy to you.

Our dear teachers, please accept congratulations on the new school year! May your days pass with ease and hope for the best. May this year bring many discoveries, and may all moments be unforgettable and pleasant. Be a guide for your students to the world of knowledge, which makes it possible to move only forward.

Our wonderful teachers, congratulations on the beginning of the school year! Patience, strength, health and more bright positive work moments. Take your students on a journey into the world of knowledge with joy in every lesson. Fewer life barriers and more achievements of your goals.

Greeting cards on the theme of the beginning of the new year

Congratulations should be given to all the teachers who have already passed on their knowledge to their students.

Don’t forget about congratulations for the first teacher, who treated his students with trepidation throughout their studies in primary school.

In addition to teachers, you can also congratulate kindergarten teachers.

University teachers should also be congratulated on the beginning of the academic year.

Parents who are raising a child studying at school can also be congratulated on the start of the school year. After all, they accompany their child to gain knowledge throughout the year.

Congratulations written in your own words are always the most touching, sincere and memorable.

And to create a positive atmosphere of this important thing for schoolchildren, their parents and the entire school staff, beautiful congratulatory texts for September 1 will definitely be needed.

Choose the most inspiring words, the most best regards Happy Knowledge Day to the students from our selection.

You can take a ready-made text or compose your own version, using our selection as a basis for creativity.

Guys! Congratulations on the beginning of the new school year! Of course, over the summer you gained strength and rested, so we wish you to try hard in your lessons, be diligent, not give up in the face of any difficulties and always be on top! Go for it!

The first bell for class this season has rung, and the school has opened its doors to you! In a couple of minutes, the learning process will begin and life will find its usual rhythm! Happy Knowledge Day, guys! Congratulations on the start of an exciting journey into the world of science! Fill your spiritual vessels to the brim and don’t spill the contents in vain! Appreciate the investments and efforts of teachers and meet the expectations of parents! You have a unique opportunity to make your life successful! Thanks to the teacher’s diligence, each of you will find something important and interesting for yourself! School years are the foundation of your future, so invest everything you have learned into it and make the foundation of your life strong! Appreciate the experience you have gained and believe me, you will thank your teachers more than once! Their efforts are never in vain!

Congratulations on September 1st! Today is your holiday and that of thousands of other schoolchildren, and you all unanimously celebrate the beginning of a new school year! I wish you more excellent grades in your diary in the coming year and fewer difficult assignments. Let learning be easy, let lessons be interesting, let changes be fun. I wish that the new school year brings many amazing discoveries and true friends. Don’t be afraid of difficulties, believe in yourself, strive for knowledge - and, I believe, you will succeed!

Today you stand at the start of your path to knowledge! We wish you success in studying and remembering what you have learned! Take something important for yourself from each lesson, put aside your knowledge in reserve, you will definitely need it! Everything you learn in school will be useful to you in life! We wish you great patience, mutual understanding, a friendly class, reliable girlfriends and friends! May the school year leave a pleasant impression, a wonderful memory, and at the end of your studies bring an excellent result of your efforts! We wish that your soul strives for knowledge throughout your life! Do not stop there, because a person at any age always has something to strive for!

The Day of Knowledge symbolizes the successful start of a journey through the country of the unknown and interesting. So let this path be exciting, exciting and joyful. Good mentors and reliable travel companions!

Study, study and study again! There is no such thing as too much knowledge! Congratulations on the first day of the school year! Happy Knowledge Day, dear students! There is a whole academic year ahead of you, and for it to bring excellent results, we wish you attention, patience, perseverance and interest! Direct your determination towards knowledge and do not miss the opportunity to learn something new! We wish you educational events in the school world and interesting hobbies! Actively demonstrate your capabilities, share your knowledge, make your school life diverse! Don't hide your talents, reveal your potential and strive to conquer the peaks! Happy holiday to everyone who wants to study!

I am very happy to congratulate you on the main holiday of the year - September 1st! Today you went to school again, met with the guys from the class and teachers. Today is the best day of the school year, because today there are no usual lessons, today there are no grades and no assignments. The holiday lineup makes it possible to start the year with a feeling of positivity, and I wish you to keep this feeling until the last bell.

The first bell of this school year rang, and the school resumed its usual pace of life! Congratulations to all schoolchildren on the start of the school season! We wish you to start this year in good mood! Let your goal motivate you, let your dream lead you! We wish you not to be upset if you don’t achieve what you want the first time! This is how you harden, this is how you learn to overcome obstacles and act ahead! Do not spare your efforts for your training, grab the opportunity to show yourself, take risks, try, dare! Be sure of a good result long before you get it! The main thing is attitude! Let nothing stop you on the path to success! Learn to be first in everything and always! Don’t give up without a fight, don’t give up and don’t lose heart! You will succeed!

From September 1st! Another academic year awaits you, another milestone leading to the top of the mountain called “Education”. I wish you to pass it brilliantly, despite difficulties and obstacles. Good luck to you!

So the summer holidays have flown by... It would seem that 3 months is such a long time, but they flew by - you didn’t even have time to look back! And now school everyday life lies ahead: lessons, tasks, dictations, tests, homework... You may be a little sad, but your sadness is completely in vain! School is not only difficult tasks, school is also faithful friends, and favorite teachers, and fun breaks. There is plenty to do at school and you won't be bored. Congratulations to you!

Congratulations on September 1st. From this date another important stage in your life begins. It won't be easy, but if you try, it will help you a lot in the future. Therefore, I want to wish you to be hardworking, active, attentive, so that you will be successful in the future and find yourself in this life.

Snow-white bows, lush bouquets of flowers, a cheerful children's game and the music of the first bell are sure signs that today is September 1st. For all of us it is a special, wonderful and exciting date. Please accept our most sincere and warm congratulatory words! No matter how your life turns out, may there always be a place in it for knowledge and wisdom!

The holiday of knowledge is strewn with flowers and smiles... May the school year be as relaxed and bright as this day. Patience to you, interesting discoveries and inspiration for new achievements and school victories!

On this day, when the first golden leaves fall to the ground, you and I rejoice at the school bell, which did not ring for 3 whole months while you were gaining strength during the holidays. Today begins another exciting journey into the land of knowledge, and on this path we will need a lot of patience, strength and perseverance. It is possible to overcome all obstacles and reveal the secrets of the world only when you truly strive with passion to comprehend everything that surrounds you. I will do without wishing for high grades, because the only important thing is how well you will learn and receive what the teachers teach you. The exams that life will prepare will be much more difficult than school tests and tests. So, take the opportunity and try to enjoy your studies during these hectic times!

Knowledge is something that will shine throughout your life. Entering the school means dedicating yourself to acquiring this knowledge. So let their light be as bright as possible!

Today autumn has changed the summer season, and we have gathered here to celebrate a wonderful event - the Day of Knowledge. I would like to congratulate you on this event and wish that this day gives you fresh dreams, renewed hopes, endows you with a sharp, grasping mind and diverse talents. Let the ringing of little bells guide you towards knowledge and the new school year!

Today, the doors of educational institutions have once again kindly opened their doors to everyone! Happy Knowledge Day! The teachers have generously prepared a new program and are committed to taking your education seriously! Both students and teachers after summer holiday gained strength and are ready to immediately begin mastering new material! The desire to develop has not faded and that makes me happy! Knowledge Day opens up new opportunities and gives inspiration! We wish everyone festive mood, fresh thoughts, interesting hobbies, friendly conversations and a common desire to learn! Let your parents’ instructions help you make a decision in difficult times, and let your teacher’s advice be useful for the rest of your life! Learn, grow spiritually, develop your ideas, improve! Strive, achieve, don’t give up! The Day of Knowledge! From September 1st!

So autumn has come into its own, and with it comes the new school year. Don't be sad that summer is over and the holidays are over. Many interesting discoveries, new knowledge, skills, amazing stories and artistic masterpieces await you! Be sure to give it a try in the new school year! Happy holiday of knowledge to you!

The first day of autumn gives us inspiration to study. And just on this day there is a holiday - the Day of Knowledge! In the summer we relax, have fun, replenish our strength and miss experienced teachers, whose wisdom is irreplaceable. Today we have every chance to fill the emptiness of our souls and begin the exciting learning process! We congratulate everyone who wants to study on the holiday, and wish not to lose precious inspiration! Let school days not turn into an everyday routine, but become exciting and educational lessons! May you enjoy calls, breaks, additional assignments, communication with classmates and conversations with teachers! Golden school years! Then you will remember these days with pleasure! Appreciate your capabilities, acquire the necessary knowledge and implement your ideas! Your destiny is in your hands! Good luck!

There is nothing more beautiful in the world than learning new things, learning, reading and remembering wise lines for the rest of your life! Congratulations on the Day of Knowledge, the day of wisdom and diligence! May your life have the opportunity to learn and gain knowledge not only during your school years, but also in the future, throughout your life! Knowledge makes a person stronger, wiser, kinder, helps to discover new truths, make scientific discoveries and learn the secrets of nature. Let your mind never refuse new knowledge, but always strive for knowledge and wisdom!

From September 1st! I would like to wish you talented teachers, new loyal friends, exciting discoveries. So that joy and desire to learn go hand in hand with you. Good luck!

Today, September 1, and on the first day of the charming season, it’s time to return to your favorite school! Familiar faces, favorite classrooms and dear teachers await you there! The learning path continues, leading you to a successful life! The school beckons with the first bell, and the classrooms are filled with students. The process has begun! Every day you become more mature, more experienced, wiser. And the teachers do all this for you! They invest their knowledge, their life, their strength in you! We wish you to respect the invaluable work of teachers, listen to comments, understand each other and respond with mutual feelings! May the lessons learned bring you great benefit in the future! Let the advice of your mentors be useful and good memories of school years! We wish everyone bold decisions in difficult tasks! Learn and enjoy the moment!

Today, September 1, the early morning is especially beautiful: the sun is waking up, and it seems that even the trees are festively dressed up for the Day of Knowledge - they are pouring golden, red leaves on the heads of students rushing to school! I congratulate you on the beginning of another school year and wish you good luck and good mood!

Dear pupils and students, teachers and parents! Congratulations on the beginning of the new school year!

On this day, our first-graders will see their first teacher, new friends, with whom they will go a long way to the land of knowledge.

The responsibility for the comprehensive education and upbringing of our children lies with teachers. The authorities, the teaching community and the public of our region will have to continue to solve the problems of increasing the prestige of the teaching profession, improving the working conditions of teachers, and developing their creative and professional potential.

I would like to wish all teachers of the Amur region success in difficult and very responsible work, love and respect from their students. The school year is a special time for parents too. Support your children, control them, and the results will not take long to arrive.

I wish health and prosperity to your families, and to all schoolchildren - perseverance and success in their studies, excellent grades, loyal friends, an interesting and eventful school life. It is very important for everyone who studies and teaches to never lose interest in new things, to successfully overcome any difficulties and to remember that the main strength at all times has been and remains knowledge.

Governor of the Amur Region Alexander Kozlov

Dear young residents of the region! Dear teachers and parents!

Congratulations on Knowledge Day and the beginning of the new 2017 - 2018 academic year! Many exciting events, incredible discoveries and victories at various festivals, Olympiads and competitions await you ahead.

17 educational institutions begin the new academic year in the Tyndinsky district, of which: 14 general education institutions with 5 branches (total number of students 1665); 3 preschool educational institutions(236 children), 24 full-day groups at secondary schools (345 children), one group of short-term stays for children (8 people). The total number of pupils is 589 children. A significant part of the district budget expenditures goes to the development of the education system and upbringing of young residents of the district. We will continue to support this important area, because... There are still a lot of problems and tasks to be solved.

Thanks to the School Milk program, 227 students in grades 1-11 from low-income families will receive free milk in the new school year. 290 children from large families. 45 students with disabilities will be provided with free meals.

In preschool institutions, meals are provided at the expense of parental fees, which amount to 139.47 rubles per day for children under 3 years of age and 188.56 rubles per day for children aged 3 to 7 years.

Transportation for 122 children by school buses was organized in 4 settlements: Solovyovsk, s. Pervomaiskoe, village Urkan, village Mogot. In the summer, cosmetic repairs of the interiors of all institutions and landscaping of the territories were carried out.

All schools and kindergartens are ready to welcome children. May the sun, hopes and joy of the holiday warm you throughout the school year. We sincerely wish all teachers and their students a successful school year, self-confidence, new achievements, the implementation of bold plans and bright discoveries!

Tamara Lysakova, head of the Tyndinsky district

Lyudmila Kovalenko, acting chairman of the district council

Dear teachers, students and parents! We cordially congratulate you on a special holiday - Knowledge Day!

This day will be especially unforgettable for first-graders who will see their first teacher, their first friends. We wish all students curiosity, perseverance and a happy school life. Let your school memories warm you with their warmth for many, many years to come.

Congratulations on the beginning of the school year to all educators - thanks to your professionalism, responsibility, and patience, the younger generation of Tyndino residents not only acquires knowledge, but comprehends life, learns friendship and love. You and your parents share the concerns and concerns of schoolchildren and develop their talents and abilities. We wish you to always be proud of the successes of your students.
Happiness to you all, good health and prosperity! And good luck to the land of knowledge!

Mayor of Tynda Evgeny Cherenkov

Chairman of the Tyndinsk City Duma Lyubov Shestak

Official and beautiful congratulations with the start of the school year on September 1, school and gymnasium students in prose, original, comic and sincere wishes to all schoolchildren from teachers, parents, principal, school administration, a text on the Day of Knowledge in their own words on the solemn assembly.

Text to students with the beginning of the 2019 school year in prose

Dear students! We wish you success and joy in the new academic year. Persistence and perseverance in achieving goals! Let your wildest plans and dreams come true, and let your parents and teachers be proud of you! Be successful not only in science, but also in sports, music and dancing! Discover the world from all sides. Forward to new victories and knowledge!

Knowledge Day is one of the most important and enjoyable holidays for schoolchildren. Today is an incredibly exciting and interesting day! Some people are going to school for the first time and for them it is a sea of ​​emotions and new impressions, while others will come to the ceremonial assembly on this day not for the first time.

In any case, all of you are united today by the beginning of a new school year! Remember that there is no such thing as too much knowledge. Strive to learn new things, because there are so many interesting and unknown things in the world!

Dear schoolboy! May the new school year give you only joy and a sea of ​​new knowledge! Be diligent and diligent, don’t forget to get A’s and B’s. Make new, interesting friends. Be curious and don't be lazy! And let the world sparkle with new colors. Good luck to you in the new school year!

Dear student! Today, on the day of knowledge, you carry with you a blank diary and notebooks that are simply looking forward to good grades! Please don’t upset them, earn only “excellent” and “good”. May enthusiasm accompany you, dear friend, in the new school year, and send laziness to rest!

Congratulations on the beginning of the 2019 school year to students in prose

On this wonderful and such an important day for you, I would like to wish you a sea of ​​inspiration! Set new and important goals for yourself and achieve them! We wish you creative success in this difficult time, thorny path. Do not give up in the face of difficulties, because they are the “doors” to new opportunities! Set the bar of achievement high. Forward and only forward!

School time is the brightest and most beautiful! Make the most of it and go through life with optimism - conquer new heights of knowledge! Chat with old friends and find new ones! Remember, you are the future of our vast country! And let your achievements become the pride of your family and teachers. Congratulations on the new school year!

Dear friends! Happy new school year! Let it be so different from the previous ones and bring you unforgettable emotions and new knowledge and skills! You had a rest in the summer, gained new strength, and now you are confidently striding towards the fulfillment of your cherished goals! Patience, optimism and health to you, dear schoolchildren!

Summer time is passing,
And the holidays are gone.
Stop being lazy already
It's time for you to study.
Try with all your heart,
You won't get twos there.
May knowledge increase
And they will stick in your head.
In general, I congratulate you
And I’ll leave you with a parting message:
You learn, be a hammer,
So that everything is in a bundle!

The school year has arrived
Full of teacher worries.
I congratulate you on the Day of Knowledge,
I wish you all the best:
Good health, patience,
Overcoming any heights,
Iron nerves, even stronger,
To make your work easier.
Wonderful teacher
Notebooks, diaries goddess!
Look forward with a smile -
And the whole year will go great!

Happy holiday! Our dear student. Be smart, handsome, an excellent athlete and always, always (!) go towards your goal to the end! I wish you and your friends only good grades, because you deserve them. Good luck to you, our boy!

Today is your holiday -
You are a first-class mentor,
The best - no matter how you look at it.
Stay like this
And be cheerful, cheerful,
Don't be shy to be yourself
And don't forget seriousness.
I also wish you
Achieve everyone's goals
Let him accompany you
Fantastic success!

Knowledge is something that will shine throughout your life. Entering the school means dedicating yourself to acquiring this knowledge. So let their light be as bright as possible!

From September 1st!
Another academic year awaits you, another milestone leading to the top of the mountain called “Education”. I wish you to pass it brilliantly, despite difficulties and obstacles. Good luck to you!

Congratulations on September 1st. From this date another important stage in your life begins. It won't be easy, but if you try, it will help you a lot in the future. Therefore, I want to wish you to be hardworking, active, attentive, so that you will be successful in the future and find yourself in this life.

Mom is on edge, grandmothers are in tears!
A girl with a new backpack, all in bows!
And even grandfather and father are not harsh!
Back to school today, first grade! Ready!

What do I want to say to you, dear ones:
I wish you a lot of patience!
It will be very useful to you!
After all, it’s not easy to study these days!

Teachers - good, fair!
Ups - cheerful, days - happy!
Don't forget that you can't scold children!
Happy Knowledge Day to you, my beloved friends!

I want to congratulate you
Today is the first of September.
You study well
Don't turn around,
Always do your homework
Answer the lesson perfectly,
Try not to get twos
And only get straight A's!

We are so glad to meet you,
Our favorite teacher!
We look forward to
Your first lesson of the year!
Congratulations on this holiday
We ask you to accept it from us!
Fighting mood
We want to wish you!
You also need to add:
We don't care about anything with you,
Because we are a friendly class
And we won't let you down!

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