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Don't know what to give to your family and friends? Let us help you choose a good gift! Gifts for those to whom you don’t know what to give You don’t know what to give for a holiday

Winter has come - the holidays are ahead! Joy and fun!

True... now all December you are preoccupied with finding gifts!

Bustle, running around, traffic jams... You haven’t yet managed to choose a gift for your loved ones, don’t know what to please your family and friends, what to give for the New Year and CHRISTMAS? Pleasant or useful?

AMD Laboratories will help you!

Give a certificate for medical procedures at the AMD Laboratory medical center in the amount of 1000 rubles and...

Investing in health is good gift person at any age!

A gift certificate for high-tech and high-quality services of the AMD Laboratory medical center will satisfy the most fastidious and demanding patients, regardless of age and gender. You simply give the opportunity to receive services at AMD Laboratory, and your close person, having arrived at the medical center, he can already choose the procedure that he needs: a course of hair treatment, procedures from a cosmetologist (photorejuvenation, photoepilation, radio wave lifting, mesotherapy, 3D mesothreads, contour plastic surgery, facial skin care procedures and décolleté) or a course of treatment procedures from a figure correction specialist (colon hydrotherapy, ultrasonic non-surgical liposuction, pressotherapy, cellulite treatment procedures).

New - fractional laser rejuvenation!

Age-related skin changes: facial wrinkles, creases, folds, brown dark spots- almost inevitable. And the scars left after acne can be quite difficult to remove. These problems can be solved using a modern method - fractional thermolysis. This is a quick, non-surgical skin rejuvenation using a CO2 laser.

How does a laser work?

During the fractional thermolysis procedure, a very thin laser beam (thick as a human hair) creates on average up to 2000 microscopic zones of old skin removal invisible to the eye. After which the body begins to produce new collagen and elastin fibers. And young skin is formed in the area affected by the laser. Due to nanoperforation of the skin and stimulation of the formation of new collagen, it contracts, and we get skin lifting.

The skin becomes denser, firmer, more elastic. Wrinkles and skin defects are significantly reduced.


Fractional thermolysis is a non-surgical method of rejuvenating delicate skin in the neck, décolleté, around the mouth and eyelids.

This modern method, which gives true skin rejuvenation, providing lifting.

Fractional thermolysis can be performed on almost any area of ​​the skin, including tissues with complex geometry.

You can individually select the degree of impact on the skin.

The protective layer of the skin is minimally affected, which is why the rehabilitation period is only 4–5 days.

Multifunctionality. Fractional thermolysis is used to rejuvenate aging and aging skin, reduce wrinkles, remove scars on the face and other parts of the body, remove scars and stretch marks, remove pigmentation, and also to tighten pores.

For many people, choose a good one, and most importantly the right gift- a real puzzle. How much precious time does the process of choosing and purchasing a gift take from us? Of course, you can avoid the hassle of choosing a gift by placing it on the shoulders of the person for whom it is intended. In this case, you can be sure that an unnecessary and useless gift will not gather dust on the mezzanine of your loved ones or friends. They know exactly what they need! But still, in this case, the gift will not be unexpected, and you will not get the surprise that is so pleasant to the soul and heart.

A good gift option could be gift Certificate . The one to whom you present it will be able to choose for himself what he wants or what he needs, and at the same time he will not have to worry about payment, because you have already paid for the provided expenses. Of course, the amount on a gift certificate has limits, but still, isn’t it nice to make purchases knowing that your own budget will remain the same?

The only thing you should work on in this case is choosing the gift certificate option. You can give a purchase in a store, a service, or even a trip. A gift certificate for a purchase can be, for example, jewelry shop, and for the service - dinner in a restaurant or a session in a spa salon, Tibetan massage, classes in the fitness center. An excellent present, for example, could be a gift certificate for a woman with payment for a photo shoot.

A man can be given a certificate when visiting the sauna. The most important thing is that when receiving a gift certificate as a present, the hero of the occasion will be 100% pleased, because he will choose the gift himself.

Buy a gift certificate available in bookstores and children's stores, in household appliances and lingerie stores, and in spa salons. Gift certificates or cards are actively used in the Russian market of goods and services, although they came to us from the West quite recently. Now this is one of the most popular and practical gifts. Don’t be afraid to give your money for a piece of paper with a stamp, which is a gift certificate, because such a gift is no longer a novelty in our country. More and more people are trying to please their loved ones in this way, without wasting a lot of time and nerves. Companies that provide services for selling their gift certificates are also interested in attracting customers. By purchasing such a gift, you provide an interest-free loan to the company for which you paid for the goods or services. After all, you pay money now, and use of the service or purchase of goods is planned for the future.

Each such certificate has a certain amount that can be spent using it. This is the so-called certificate value. When purchasing a gift certificate, we make an advance payment for the goods or services that we want to give as a gift. In addition, we use exactly the amount that we were willing to spend on purchasing the gift.

So, we draw a positive conclusion: a gift certificate is very convenient gift for the giver and pleasant for the recipient!

Wizl is an application that helps you choose a gift based on the age and gender of the recipient, as well as the amount of money allocated for this matter. Sounds good, let's see if it's really that great.

It’s immediately worth noting the interface design: no decorative frills, sheer joy of a minimalist. The process of searching for gifts is equally simple and straightforward. To begin with, you are asked to select the gender of the recipient. The application immediately gives several options for who this person might be.

More than half a thousand ideas are great, but let's refine the request to choose what you really like. Let's say you need to find a gift for your loved one. We indicate his age and determine the category in which we will continue the search.

Now we need to decide how much we are willing to spend. We make a note accordingly and get a list of ideas. Quite, I must say, worthy - this is not the traditional shirt and shaving foam.

To avoid losing your favorite options, save them. Later you can return to them, look again and make your final choice. If during your search you come across a little thing that you yourself wouldn’t refuse, click on the “I want it for myself” button.

As a result, you have several lists with gifts for loved ones, friends and colleagues, as well as your own wishlist. And it's incredibly convenient. You save the things you like in your wish list, and when they ask you what to give as a gift, you simply show the list. You are spared the need to painfully remember what exactly you want, and your loved ones don’t have to waste time looking for a good gift.

The gift has been chosen, all that remains is to buy it. Wizl provides us with a list of stores where you can do this. You choose the one where the price is better and the delivery is faster, and that’s where your part of the worries is over. The gift will arrive on time, you will hand it to the recipient, everyone will be happy.

By logging into the application using your Facebook or VKontakte account, you get access to your lists and friends’ wishlists from any device. Friends see what you want, and you always know what to give them. There is also an automatic reminder of a friend’s upcoming birthday. Wizl will notify you about this a week before the event itself - quite enough time to order a gift.

The result, I think, is quite clear - everyone needs this application. No, seriously, stop exchanging shower gels and other nonsense. There's Wizl, an easy and convenient way to find great gifts for everyone from parents to co-workers. I bet it will be much easier for you with it than without it.

We planned not to give gifts to anyone, but your mother-in-law suddenly invited you to a festive dinner, and a colleague gave you a souvenir in the smoking room and you need to respond with something? Situation help! Situation SOS! Catch 10 tips on how to quickly fix the situation by spending from 100 to 10k rubles.


Former Cosmo editor Yana Windsor has been making soap for a long time, but a year ago she increased the scale of production from “only for friends” to a personal online store. So now there are beautiful, delicious-smelling things self made easy to buy and gift.

Soap is suitable for a relatively affordable gift. For example, No. 7 touchingly smells of geraniums from the windowsill of his parents’ house, and No. 6 smells like a Soviet matinee in kindergarten. If your budget allows, immediately grab a gift set with a candle, bath bomb and scented soap.

Fabric masks, Pack Age

When people finally began to realize that fabric masks are not only skin care, but also a means of collecting likes on Instagram, manufacturers made a knight's move and involved designers in the work. For example, Pack Age mask packaging looks like mini posters, like those sold in hipster bookstores somewhere in Williamsburg.

The masks themselves are also okay: non-sticky, moisturize normally, and cost less than a good chocolate bar. What else is required of them?

Glitter Diamond Powder, Make Up For Ever

A cool and non-obvious gift idea for anyone: a bank employee, a creative agency manager, or a techno party promoter. Glitter does not have an expiration date, it will make any makeup look more elegant and will definitely be useful at least on New Year’s Eve (once a year and the stick shoots, yes).

Biodegradable glitter - an environmentally friendly alternative to regular glitter - cannot yet be found in Russia; you will have to order it on But if environmental friendliness is not a fundamental issue for you, go to the Make Up For Ever corner. Their glitter is safe to apply to the eyelids, which means you don’t have to worry about the health of the recipient.

SpaceNK Gift Card

SpaceNK is the favorite cosmetics chain of the London establishment, a British retailer of all the luxury that the industry has to offer:

  • Diptyque candles;
  • cult serums Drunk Elephant - favorites of beauty editors of American gloss;
  • luxurious bath line by Susanne Kaufmann;
  • Perricone MD creams with the still rare component DMAE;
  • Chantecaille eyeshadow palettes;
  • Herbivore's most Instagrammable facial oils

and a million more in total.

You can collect the gift yourself (although it will take two weeks for your order to arrive) or give an electronic one certificate in the amount of 15 to 500 pounds, so that the recipient chooses everything for himself.

Facial scrub with cinnamon, Pillingbean

Eau de parfum set, Byredo

It's not always possible to get it right with a perfume gift, even if you've known the person all your life. But if you at least know the direction, sets of miniature perfumes from niche brands will help you out; there is a large selection in Molekula boutiques. For example, the best-selling Byredo perifloral set can be tried all at once: musky Blanche, light neutral La Tulipe, spicy Rose of No Man’s Island.

Shea butter hand cream, L’occitane

A brand from Provence makes some of the... best creams for hands on the market - this is a fact. And hand creams tend to run out super quickly - that’s also a fact. So your mother or friend will definitely be happy with the huge (150 ml!) tube and nourishing formula with shea butter. What’s great is that it smells almost nothing, that is, it’s impossible to go wrong with the fragrance.

To be honest, I love giving gifts much more than receiving. Well, this is such a strange thing)))

I always rack my brain for a long time about what to give so that the person will like it, how to package it, what words to say when presenting... Very often I make gifts with my own hands, after spending hours searching for interesting and original options. Phew! It's a whole process! Sometimes tiring, but always enjoyable)

Sometimes I seem to fall into a stupor. No matter how much I rack my brain, I just can’t figure out what to give. This is especially true for people with whom I do not communicate closely and closely - distant relatives, for example. Colleagues: former and current. Or old acquaintances who remained in their homeland and with whom we keep in touch.

I’m far away, but I still want to do something nice)

In such cases, I order something from this list online, pay and... wait for their reaction) Just kidding - I don’t wait, of course! But it always happens anyway: words of gratitude from friends and relatives pleasantly color my post-holiday routine))

So, let's go through the list:

1. Scarf, also known as a stole

It is so warm and natural (100% wool), yet soft, thin and pleasant that I ordered it for my mother. Even though it's male)

2. Gift box with white and black tea

It seems to me that everyone here loves tea. Coffee too, but tea is still preferable. Everyone drinks it: nursing mothers, the elderly, and those with ulcers) And this tea has long established itself as one of the best. Plus this box... I want one for myself!

3. Set of wine accessories

Convenient format, high-quality materials - an excellent gift for all wine lovers and connoisseurs. I prepared it for friends, because for some reason not everyone has these miraculous devices.

4. Mug “Cat”

There are never too many cups and mugs. Do you agree? But there are favorites) This cup has every chance of becoming the most beloved, the very best. This cute gift is suitable for everyone and for any occasion, as it seems to me: be it the celebration of the first teething of a friend’s son, be it the 10th anniversary of a niece, or a housewarming party for friends (by the way, there is also the same black mug - what’s not a wonderful gift for a couple? )

5. Travel pillow

Cat again? Why am I drawn to cats? (I'll have to think about this in my free time). All in all cool gift for everyone who travels at least a little: in a car, on an airplane (only for those who are confident!), and in general, anywhere.

6. Mug “Tree of Life”

For all lovers of everything eco and naturel. A very stylish, soulful and overall pleasant cup.

7. Set of teaspoons

Very stylish and designer spoons. This is a gift from the series: you can’t buy this for yourself. But it’s so nice to use! And you remember the donor with great love and gratitude)

8. Hot stand

Well, the beauty is indescribable! Agree! And it will never be superfluous in the house. If you want, use it for its intended purpose as a stand for hot food, or if you want, use it as decoration.

9. Candle with “Winter Forest” scent

For pleasant evenings at home, especially long winter ones) Have you ever thought about how strongly aromas influence us, that even as adults and smelling a familiar aroma, we mentally instantly return to childhood or to the moment when we felt good? Imagine, perhaps now you can give someone future memories of warmth and comfort.

10. Plaid

Warm, natural (100% wool), and stylish – perfection! It seems to me that blankets are also from the category of “never too much.” You always need them at home, in the car, and in the country. So it’s a necessary thing))) and simply lovely. Do you agree?

11. Thermal mug

This designer thermal mug will primarily please all mothers, because we have to walk our precious babies for a long time. In any weather. Even in the cold. So this is a must-have!
And it’s a very convenient thing for a car: it fits well, holds the temperature for a long time, and doesn’t spill. The perfect gift!

12. Gift set “Sommelier”

This stylish and representative set is suitable for any man, because it is laconic, multifunctional and noble. It includes: a corkscrew, a thermometer, a knife for cutting foil and a ring for collecting drips, and most importantly: designer packaging.
A solid gift for a respectable person.

13. Honey soufflé

A healthy, tasty and very fashionable gift these days. Small jars of exquisite delicacy are an excellent option for an unobtrusive and small gift.

This is the list I came up with. But you probably have more ideas on what else could be added here. I look forward to it in the comments!

Happy holidays to you!

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